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Game Boy Color
Nintendo of America
Game Freak
UPC: 45496731212

Released: 10-01-00
Players: 1-2
Country Origin: USA

Game Genre:
Role-Playing (RPG)
Game Perspective:
Genre Non-Sport:

Price Guide (USD):
Loose:  $19.41
Complete:  $49.99
New:  $136.75
Rarity:  3/10

External Websites:
Ebay Listings
Amazon: $23.16
PriceCharting Info

Pokemon Gold (GBC) - Game Boy Color

Pokemon Gold is a Role-Playing (RPG) game developed by Game Freak, Inc. and published by Nintendo of America Inc. in 2000 for the Game Boy Color.

Pokemon Gold

Pokemon Gold Title ScreenPokemon Gold Screenshot 1
Pokemon Gold Box Art FrontPokemon Gold Box Art BackPokemon Gold Screenthot 2
Rating: 9.4 (1161 votes)

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Pokemon Gold Box Description

Enter a whole new world, with new Pokemon to train, capture, and battle! Meet Professor Elm and get the all-new Poke Gear, including map, radio, cell phone, and clock. Set the clock and then watch as day turns to night and events take place in real time - and be sure to keep an eye out for Pokemon that only come out at night!


Pokemon Gold (Game Boy Color) Screenshots

X Pokemon Gold
Pokemon Gold
by eTipper (5/5)
Menus character: Caught Suicune a minute after releasing them.
Pokemon Gold
by bloodyb (5/5)
Menus : 11 great balls later.
Pokemon Gold
by EliteSmileZ (4.76/5)
Menus Pokemon Team: WOOT! I DID THE GLITCH!
Pokemon Gold
by XxEzraxX (4.57/5)
Menus : I found Niki Minaj
Pokemon Gold
by darklivid (5/5)
shiny rattata
Pokemon Gold
by darklivid (5/5)
shiny raticate
Pokemon Gold
by erixg (4.79/5)
huh? oh
Pokemon Gold
by Ishtar87 (4.71/5)
Pokemon Gold
by Chatot (4.67/5)
Battle : Glitch Battle
Pokemon Gold
by XxEzraxX (4.58/5)
Battle : Found a wild Shuckle
Pokemon Gold
by Chatot (4.56/5)
Battle : Shiny Graveler!
Pokemon Gold
by XxEzraxX (4.5/5)
Battle : Why can't I have a Kanto starter? :(
Pokemon Gold
by shinyUmbreon121 (5/5)
Location Pokemon Center: does that mean you want me to die?
Pokemon Gold
by Pcgamer5 (4.63/5)
Location : Surfing on land???
Pokemon Gold
by Tjdagameplaya (4.1/5)
Location : Sup man?
Pokemon Gold
by Tjdagameplaya (4/5)
Location : WHAT THE!!!
Pokemon Gold
by XxEzraxX (4.6/5)
Misc : My newly evolved shiny Noctowl
Pokemon Gold
by darthyoda (4.17/5)
Misc Funny: It's a dollar sign!
Pokemon Gold
by XxEzraxX (4/5)
Misc : I would have never of guessed
Pokemon Gold
by marescanog (4/5)
Misc : Tv for scavengerhunt contest
Pokemon Gold
by squirt1 (5/5)
Level Question?: What does this do?
Pokemon Gold
by XxEzraxX (4/5)
Level : Why did he turn to stone?
Pokemon Gold
by XxEzraxX (4/5)
Level : Yay my first badge
Pokemon Gold
by XxEzraxX (3/5)
Level : That makes three badges
Pokemon Gold
by gydy d-d (4/5)
Character Profile : best team EEVEER!!!!
Pokemon Gold
by SkittlesFreak62 (4/5)
Character Profile Pokemon: Found him immediately after Masterball...
Pokemon Gold
by awzum (3.5/5)
Character Profile : ITS NOT A METAPOD!!! :D
Pokemon Gold
by SchnozzPlays (5/5)
Mini-Game : beating the system #swag
Pokemon Gold
by ICantThinkOfName (4.5/5)
Mini-Game : OH, COME ON.
Pokemon Gold
by ICantThinkOfName (4/5)
Pokemon Gold
by XxEzraxX (4/5)
Mini-Game : The Aerodactyl puzzle
Pokemon Gold
by XxEzraxX (4/5)
Cut-Scene : The legendary dogs have awaken
Pokemon Gold
by Lexatom (4/5)
Cut-Scene : Evolution #2
Pokemon Gold
by brooks132 (3.5/5)
Cut-Scene : Before getting pokeballs!
Pokemon Gold
by luigiflare (3/5)
Cut-Scene : Finally! :D
Pokemon Gold
by Chatot (4.67/5)
Introduction : Pink Lapras
Pokemon Gold
by Chatot (4.67/5)
Introduction : Blue Charizard
Pokemon Gold
by Chatot (4/5)
Introduction : Glitch dimension
Pokemon Gold
by tyranit (4/5)
Introduction : Prof. Oak

Videos of Pokemon Gold Gameplay

Pokemon Gold Featured Review

Pokemon Gold Review by: Redrunelord - 8/10

Pokemon Gold
The original Pokémon games for the Game Boy and Game Boy Color literally took the video game markets by storm, and have left a significant impression on he populace. As popular as the games were, and as much demand as there was for a continuation, a lot of the demand was to fix the plethora of issues that plagued the original game. Nintendo's answer to the various requests was the second generation: Pokémon Silver, and Pokémon Gold (later accompanied by Pokémon Crystal in the same way Pokémon Yellow did in the first generation).

Now Pokémon Silver and Gold are nearly identical, with the only differences being very minor wild Pokémon placements and a few minor text differences. Thus, if someone has played Pokémon Silver, then they also played this game, so they can judge accordingly. However, if looking for additional information on Silver, then the following information is also applicable. Pokémon Crystal is generally recommended for second generation Pokémon, but if between Silver or Gold, then the differences are minuet.

The first notable upgrade is on the visual level. Overall, they are more colorful than the original trilogy, and a lot of the textures are more detailed in general. Since it did come later, and the coding oriented around the Game Boy Color rather than the original Game Boy (though the coding is largely similar). It is very subjective whether or not the visuals are superior to the first generation, but they are more colorful, and more complete. One thing that has been lost from Pokémon Yellow was that all the towns got the same general hue now, whereas in yellow different areas had different lens colorization, which would have been an interesting option as now there is more of a sense of repetition than yellow. However, animations of attacks are more fluent (for good reason) and the sprites are more colorful, if a bit monotonous. That's this game's biggest problem visually: at times, the visuals are not unique enough for different areas, and as this is the second generation one would expect things to be less so. Otherwise, the visuals can actually rival many Game Boy Advance titles, including "The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past" as far as detail goes. 

On the Auditory level, the music is high calibre for the Game Boy Color. Most of the songs follow similar styles to the first generation, and for good reason. However, what has been improved off was the placement of audio, and how it transitions from area to area. For example, there are a few spots in the game it goes silent before an epic battle, and this more effective than a steady beat the whole time then slightly speeding it up. The audio chosen for each Pokémon, each action, and each area with care, and it shows. However, like all video game soundtracks, it is immensely subjective, and may be a bit too upbeat for some people (with the exception of a few scattered tracks).

The story line picks up approximately three years after the first generation in the Johto Region, which neighbors Kanto, with a new trainer in a small town similar to Pallet town. This is actually a fairly strong way to continue their adventures and keep the original spirit and charm as there could be continuations from kanto. In all Actuality...there are continuations from certain aspects of the Kanto story line, but it is still left relatively vague which means it retains the same advantages and disadvantages the original generation contained: you can build your own story how you want, but people looking for a pre-destined detailed story will be somewhat disappointed. What storyline aspects there are, however, are well put together and should satisfy the average fan.

The core game-play remains primarily the same as earlier games: gain a starter Pokémon, build a team and work your way through the gyms. The concept of capturing Pokémon in the wild, and building a team of Pokémon is still there, the movement between places are still the same, and the style is virtually identical. The single biggest difference between the game play is more to do with layout of the various text-based systems from the first generations and making them more user-friendly. For instance, TMs and HMs now has the number AND the name given on the spot, which is a huge advantage over the previous TM system. As well, the inventory has been improved to have separate "pockets" where different types of items can be stored. This not only helps resolve the clutter from the original inventory, but also immensely helps increase overall storage by several fold. Whereas one would have their home computer cluttered, it is possible to go the entire game without using it once as TMs and special "quest" items will no longer take up the entire inventory. The PC, speaking of which, had some minor improvements as well as there is now a limited visual feedback provided, yet one minor disappointing factor is that there isn't more space considering the influx of new Pokémon.

Yet in many ways that is simply visual enhancements, so what actually impacts the core game play? The first, noticeable difference is that there is now a day/night cycle based on the real world clocks, and actual seven-day weeks. This has a major impact on what Pokémon can be caught (certain ones can only come out at certain times of day as well as in certain areas) and what can be used. For instance, one form of transportation can only be used on two specific days and only once on those days.
The obvious inclusions of a plethora of new Pokémon and techniques are evident as soon as the game starts. The starter Pokémon follows the tradition that was to be set in the first generation and offer a grass, fire and water Pokémon. This is a good tradition because it offers a limited replay value in trying to beat the game with wildly different teams on different difficulty levels (the starter will determine the difficulty based on gym leaders, building the rest of a balanced team, etc). There is a lot more flexibility for building a late-game team, but early in the game is heavily limited (much like in its predecessors). Certain moves has been nerfed or boosted in power based on necessity, such as wrap (which given to a fast Pokémon was overpowered) which has been a welcome change. The biggest change in how the moves and Pokémon are presented is that there is now a way to delete HMs. Yes, a move deleter who will remove HMs free now exists, and immensely helps make the game less frustrating.
In some respects, the game is easier than the first generation counterparts, but it is also harder at the same time. It is easier in that the average levels of trainer’s Pokémon are lower and less base power is necessary. It is harder in the respect that the player much be prepared for a much wider range of potential attacks and strategies, especially on a first play through. Overall, though, it isn’t a hard game to pick up and play but a bit difficult to truly master every single minuet detail.

This game do contain two of the same flaws as it’s predecessors: trading and repetition. Like the previous titles, trading is an absolute necessity to acquire certain Pokémon whether because they are game specific or because they are some of those that requires a trade to reach their final form. This is exceptionally frustrating for people who do not have a friend willing to trade with them frequently or multiple systems and games from the generation. One major upgrade with the trade system, though, is the inclusion of a means to trade with the previous generation. That is right: it is now possible to trade with the older games in the series. How is this possible? Apparently, the developers decided to defenestrate the laws of physics, and create a time machine. The player can trade or battle their “elders” but the catch is no Pokémon or moves that are indigenous to the second generation can be brought into the room. Imagine a HO-OH at the elite four in Pokémon Yellow. Regardless, it is interesting how the developers took the time to make this addition but left the problem for solo gamers.

The other “problem” that still rings true is repetition. The game play stays largely the same throughout, and while there is a lot more to do it does not help quench the repetitive nature of training. The environments, especially early in the game, will blend a lot and it will give off a feeling of saying one is going on an adventure but in reality walks across their garden. This depends on the player’’s definition of an adventure, of course, and the game is legitimately large for what it is. Whether or not it is truly “repetitive” is a matter of opinion, but in many ways it is more of the same. If that’s bad or not depends heavily on the player.

Amidst these words, what is the final verdict? If looking at a second-generation Pokémon game, then crystal is usually the first recommendation closely followed by silver or gold tied dead even. Yet is going to the second generation even worthwhile? If a fan of turn based strategy games and/or other Pokémon games, then yes, it is well worth it. In some ways, it is the dividing line between the old and the new for Pokémon, and is worth looking at just to see the transition between Generations one and three. As a standalone game, it is an excellent single player game, but the full experience will be lost without friends to play with. In the end, one's Pokémon's adventure will only end when the trainer hangs up their poke balls for the last time, and it does not have to end with Pokémon Gold.

  Graphics 8   Sound 9   Addictive 4   Depth 10   Story 7   Difficulty 5

Pokemon Gold Game Description

Pokemon Gold takes place several years after Red, Blue and Yellow, and puts the user into a brand new world, Johto. The gameplay is very similar to the previous games, but with several improvements. These include new functions for the player's PokeGear, a Pokedex that can now be sorted by evolution type, and, of course, new Pokemon. Once again, the objective of the game is to become the champion trainer, and try to complete the Pokedex. To become the champion, the player battles Gym Leaders to obtain various badges. Completing the Pokedex requires a different set of actions, and involves capturing wild Pokemon, battling various trainers to obtain money, and trading Pokemon with NPC's and other owners of Pokemon games.

Pokemon Gold Reviews

Overall 9.4    Graphics 8.7    Sound 8.8    Addictive 8.6    Story 7.5    Depth 8.5    Difficulty 5.7

Gotta Catch 'em All! Pokemon Gold review   patar4097
Pokémon Gold is the counterpart of Pokémon Silver, and the first game of the second genera...
  Graphics 9   Sound 9   Addictive 10   Story 6   Depth 10   Difficulty 6

      Review Rating: 4.6/5     Submitted: 04-04-13     Updated: 07-12-13     Review Replies: 14

Pokemon Gold   Barathemos
Today I will be making a review for Pokémon Gold, the other game of Pokémon Silver. This g...
  Graphics 7   Sound 9   Addictive 6   Story 10   Depth 10   Difficulty 6

      Review Rating: 4.5/5     Submitted: 07-03-13     Review Replies: 8

Pokemon Gold is 16 Years Old   Lexatom
Pokemon Gold and Pokemon Silver were released as the sequels to Pokemon Red and Pokemon Blue. Gold a...
  Graphics 9   Sound 9   Addictive 10   Story 8   Depth 10   Difficulty 8

      Review Rating: 4.3/5     Submitted: 01-21-16     Review Replies: 5

Pokemon Gold   Redrunelord
The original Pokémon games for the Game Boy and Game Boy Color literally took the video ga...
  Graphics 8   Sound 9   Addictive 4   Story 7   Depth 10   Difficulty 5

      Review Rating: 4.2/5     Submitted: 10-30-11     Review Replies: 5

Pokemon Gold review   Divine Aurora
Overall: 9.5 Graphics: 9Sound:10Addictiveness: 6Story: 8Depth: 6Difficulty: 5 " Similar to its count...
  Graphics 9   Sound 10   Addictive 6   Story 8   Depth 6   Difficulty 5

      Review Rating: 4/5     Submitted: 09-08-13     Updated: 09-10-13     Review Replies: 6

Pokemon Gold Review Score   Jeremy90
This is my first Pokémon game of Generation II of the series. I'm not sure if anyone would pref...
  Graphics 10   Sound 9   Addictive 10   Story 8   Depth 9   Difficulty 7

      Review Rating: 4/5     Submitted: 01-21-14     Review Replies: 8

Pokemon Gold Version Review   XxEzraxX
I'm sure we all loved the Johto series, even almost as much as we loved the Indigo Plateau series. A...
  Graphics 10   Sound 10   Addictive 10   Story 7   Depth 6   Difficulty 5

      Review Rating: 3.8/5     Submitted: 10-04-12     Review Replies: 4

Pokemon Gold Review   zanderlex
Pokémon Gold, along with Pokémon Silver both came out in the year 2000 and was the last of...
  Graphics 9   Sound 9   Addictive 10   Story 10   Depth 10   Difficulty 6

      Review Rating: 3.5/5     Submitted: 10-11-13     Review Replies: 3

Pokemon Gold   Tjdagameplaya
Back in 1996, 2 games became a hit in Japan... these were Pokemon Red and Green (Blue outside of jap...
  Graphics 9   Sound 10   Addictive 9   Story 6   Depth 7   Difficulty 7

      Review Rating: 3.2/5     Submitted: 08-02-11     Review Replies: 3

Pokemon Gold, My perspective   fusionaceblus
Pokémon Gold is one of the first Pokémon games I have played(other than crystal, which I b...
  Graphics 8   Sound 7   Addictive 9   Story 4   Depth 9   Difficulty 6

      Review Rating: 3.2/5     Submitted: 05-01-12     Updated: 05-03-12     Review Replies: 1

A 90's addiction   Narcissistic
The game itself consists of the player's character roaming the world in order to become a Pokemon m...
  Graphics 8   Sound 9   Addictive 10   Story 5   Depth 9   Difficulty 5

      Review Rating: 3.1/5     Submitted: 05-29-11     Updated: 05-29-11     Review Replies: 1

Pokemon Gold REVIEW   metroidhunter72
My last review was on Pokemon Yellow, and in it I talked a lot about Pokemon Gold. I thought it woul...
  Graphics 9   Sound 9   Addictive 8   Story 8   Depth 10

      Review Rating: 2.7/5     Submitted: 01-06-13     Updated: 01-06-13     Review Replies: 5

Is It Gold Or Not?   supercool22
Pokémon Gold Review (Is It Gold or Not) I think Pokémon Gold Version is awesome Poké...
  Graphics 9   Sound 10   Addictive 10   Story 9   Depth 9   Difficulty 6

      Review Rating: 2.6/5     Submitted: 12-25-12     Updated: 12-25-12     Review Replies: 0

Pokemon Gold Highscores

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Comments for Pokemon Gold

Lexatom 01-03-19 - 11:09 PM
Marlonv1 12-20-16 - 01:26 PM
 Yo guys, I'm doing a Challenge Playthrough of Pokemon Red. Check the Pokemon Red Thread to vote on my fate.
m3m05 01-29-16 - 02:13 PM
 so does the duplicate glitch from the original work for this too, I want more than one evolutionary stone and since you can't buy them like in red or blue I was hoping I could just duplicate them.
Game08 12-28-15 - 10:01 AM
 Good Game, but Crystal is better.
SchnozzPlays 11-14-15 - 05:22 AM for those of you who just beat Whitney's @#$&% Miltank.
peaches399 11-09-15 - 06:50 PM
 it's not several years after it's three
peaches399 11-05-15 - 03:17 PM
 ... ...
peaches399 10-07-15 - 05:44 AM
 I BEAT RED i beat the game
zebstriker12345 09-15-14 - 07:38 PM
 love the game beat it 3 times
SacredShadow 03-23-14 - 09:42 PM
 Definitely going to start playing this game sometime!
TinWyitcyciy 01-18-14 - 11:41 PM
 save befor getting a starter pokemn then get wild pokemn, put starter in pc, switch boxes, at saving please dont turn off the power, exist the game, then turn it back on, u shold be at picking a starter, and there will be another starter in the pc, repeat
Killer90 01-04-14 - 02:47 AM
patrone.thomas@.. 07-21-13 - 10:17 AM
 How do you save and load game.
hamsterman 07-08-13 - 09:17 PM
 anyone on???
shadowscynthe 06-29-13 - 08:29 AM
 also, missingno might, again be in this because "Dude" becomes you for a moment.
shadowscynthe 06-29-13 - 08:04 AM
 so wait...Heartgold? That was from 2 systems back!
Raichu53 05-24-13 - 12:18 PM
  I really like this game!
jda14 05-03-13 - 04:41 PM
 how do you load a saved game?
Rookie1221 04-06-13 - 10:47 AM
 how do you hatch the eggs?
patar4097 04-04-13 - 08:22 PM
 Quick review of this game. IT IS AWESOME!
iN008 03-27-13 - 08:29 PM
 Prefer this over crystal any-day.
camie9398 03-21-13 - 06:08 PM
 I can't select "new game"
greenrangersean 03-21-13 - 10:27 AM
 i have all three starters
OpenT01 02-27-13 - 05:25 AM
 can someone explain me why the game keep saying: YOUR GAME IS LOADING for hours?
PokeTranier22 02-25-13 - 01:37 PM
 how do you trade with red/blue and how do you trade with others

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