Pokemon emerald rebirth reviewOkay, I will be reviewing pokemon emerald rebirth which is a hack of pokemon emerald and it is basically the same with a few minor changes here and there. But nonetheless, it is a great hack that I have the pleasure of reviewing today. On to the review!
Graphics: 10
I will admit the graphics in this game are amazing, I happen to like pokemon emerald graphics so I think this game was perfect already and the graphics were exactly the same as in emerald. All of the structures and buildings, roads and towns, as well as the character sprites and the pokemon are all in such amazing full color and detail and they look simply amazing. Even simple things like the water has improved, you can now see your reflection clearly within it which you could not see in prior games. All of the pokemon, some of which contain sprites from older generations are coded into this game and they look as they should making for a nice, game with no problems or bugs in the sprites. So graphic wise, this game deserves a solid 10.
Sound: 10
The sound of this game is superb, while the sound is pretty much standard for most other pokemon games, the sounds of some of the pokemon cries were also from prior generations, that being said, all of the cries are correct and as they should be, meaning that each pokemon has their own battle cry and no two are the same like in some hacks where 2 pokemon will end up with similar cries or that are exactly the same. That is not the case with this game. I enjoy all of the tunes in each town and they flow consistently and smoothly. As for battle music, it is pretty much the same as usual, with the repetitive tune that can kind of get annoying at times. But other than that the sound is amazing and clear and it flows throughout all the towns smoothly and the cries of pokemon correspond and no 2 pokemon cries are the same. So because of this, I also scored the sound of this awesome pokemon hack a solid 10.
Addictiveness: 7
As for addictiveness in this game, I found it decently addicting. The game is so much like pokemon emerald which is an awesome game, but there are very little difference in between them and I think that I would have been hooked to this game a little but more if there had been more distinct differences in between emerald and rebirth. It was so similar to the original for me to get hooked to it. Now if it had been more unique and different than emerald and the characteristics stood out more, I would have given the addictiveness a higher score than this. But I think a 7 seems appropriate since it is already so much like emerald with the exception of a few minor things here and there, but nothing major.
Story: 8
For the most part the story is basically the same that it always is. You are a young boy or girl trainer and you just moved into the town of Littleroot and you are on your adventure to be the very best trainer and to become the champion. Pretty basic right? You also face evil groups known as team Magma and team Sapphire that are introduced to you in both pokemon ruby and sapphire. So that does kind of change things up a bit and it makes the plot of the game more vibrant in my opinion. So for the most part the story in pokemon is pretty much the same and then there is a little it to switch things up again. You face these two evil organizations and I think that is what made me give the story a little bit higher of a score rating than I normally would because it kind of adds some pizzazz to the relatively dull, repetitive storyline of pokemon. Sp that is the reason why I scored it an 8 instead of like a 6. Because it does make it just a little more interesting when there is something to make the plot more interesting.
Depth: 8
As for depth in this game, the game does offers a decent amount of depth to it. It is a bit quicker to beat than regular emerald, I beat this game in about a week and a half or so and Emerald just took me a bit longer. But despite that, this game has stronger pokemon in it and they are available to you from early on in the game, so you can use that to your advantage to make the game easier for yourself. Aside from that, there is plenty to do in this game, like compete in the contests for beauty, strength, coolness and intelligence. You also beat all the 8 gyms, and catch cool, strong pokemon in the safari zone which is what I did to get a few strong pokemon easily. You can also hunt and find all of the legendary pokemon in the legendary cave. So there is a decent amount of stuff to do in this game and it is not one of those games that you beat in 5 minutes and never play again. Granted it is a bit shorter than the original pokemon emerald. It is still a good game and I definitely think it is worth a try to play it. There are some unique things in this game that weren't already in emerald, like stronger pokemon and a cave filled with legendary pokemon! I mean what could be more awesome than that right? So with all of that going for the depth portion of the game, I scored it an 8 mainly because, even though it is a hack and it is a bit shorter than the original, it more than makes up for it with all of the cool stuff you can do to keep yourself busy that you couldn't already do in Pokemon Emerald.
Difficulty: 4
Personally, I do not find this game to be all that difficult and I actually think it is easier than the original game and here is why: You can catch high legendary level 100 pokemon early on in the game to your advantage, and there is also a variety of pokemon as well, you are not strictly limited o 3rd gen pokemon, so with that being said, you have a variety to other generations of pokemon which you can use to your advantage as well when you train them. So with all of that being said, I think that this game is generally pretty easy to beat because of all the various pokemon from different generations, along with the fact that you can catch awesome and super powerful legendary pokemon earlier on in the game which are level 100 (always be sure to save before battling!) So with all of this playing to your advantage in the game, you can get through it pretty quickly without being too difficult. As I always say though, it is good to have a variety of pokemon on your team, make it well balanced, especially in this game because there is such a wide variety of good, strong pokemon to have on your team! Some basic tips, be sure to train well, nothing is more valuable than the time you spend and put into your training to make your pokemon strong. I cannot stress how important that is. So overall, I gave the difficulty a 4 , but it may vary from person to person that play this game, depending on how good you are with pokemon. But I just thought with all of the odds in your favor, you can make your way through this game pretty quickly. So I think 4 or 5 is an appropriate scoring as far as difficulty goes.
Overall: 9.5
Overall I think this is a pretty good hack, it is easy to beat and it is very similar to the original, but despite that, it is very fun and unique in its own ways and it is not to tough or extremely challenging either mainly because you have a variety of pokemon from many generations to choose from and train. Plus you also have level 100 legendary pokemon which add a huge boost to your advantage. Personally though I think it would've been better if they were like level 75 or 80 when you first catch them, that way you still have some time to train them to your own benefit. But it is still good that they are high leveled, I just personally would of preferred it if they made it so that you could still train them as you go along until they reach 100. But it isn't that big a deal. So this game is definitely relaxed and easy to beat and I recommend this for pokemon fans who are into hacks that aren't extremely difficult or challenging to beat, or games that take too long to beat, this is the game for you, it is short, easy and also a lot of fun as well. I had an awesome time playing this game, it is certainly one of the easier hacks I have played on vizzed, but nonetheless I had an awesome time playing it as well as reviewing it. I recommend this to those who are fans of easy pokemon hacks, this game is for you! I will definitely play this game again in the future!
So, what did you think of my review, did you like it? Think it could be improved a bit? No problem! All comments and feedback are greatly appreciated, thanks!?
10 Sound
10 Addictive
7 Depth
8 Story
8 Difficulty