scytheart5566 06-13-13 - 03:05 AM wheere can i play 3 4 5 english?
Blessedj01 08-25-12 - 11:18 AM Is there a way to save the savestates in this game on the server?
gergely01 06-21-12 - 11:09 AM ok
reaper13342 04-02-12 - 11:32 AM And to those of you that havent seen my earlier post,I will give anyone the cheats to this game,But you will have to PM me and ask,I dont want to post them on here,Not sure if Id get in trouble for it or not
reaper13342 04-01-12 - 11:25 PM Yeah,I cheat because Im just that lazy xD But good night. Again just Pm me if theres anymore problems,Ill help out any way I can. And I understand that
LadyRaya 04-01-12 - 11:23 PM XD thanks, but thats ok. I play these games more for story which is why I cheat >.> but yea. Good night
reaper13342 04-01-12 - 11:22 PM Unfortunately I have to go to bed now,So I wont be able to help you out much if it doesnt work,If you have anymore trouble pm me,If you need me to Ill just make a video of it and show you. I dont mean to rush on you though,Take care. Have fun cheating lol
reaper13342 04-01-12 - 11:20 PM Yes thats right. And then enter the cheat(Make sure you read it over carefully,Its easy to miss a certain direction. I do it sometimes so I know) Also you dont have to be fast at it,So just take your time
LadyRaya 04-01-12 - 11:17 PM re you can see the equipment for sale?
LadyRaya 04-01-12 - 11:16 PM gahhhhhh I wish I could get it to work :_: (is trying at the moment again) I'm pretty sure I'm just doing something wrong/being impatient. do I need to have the cursor over the "buy" option (were you have the option to equip,buy, or sell) or in Buy whe
reaper13342 04-01-12 - 11:14 PM Yeah. A lot more items will. Along with Langrisser and Alhazard(Which are completely free)
LadyRaya 04-01-12 - 11:11 PM will more items show up when the special shop shows up?
reaper13342 04-01-12 - 11:08 PM But once you get the hang of it then it wont be so hard to do,Funny how its a challenge until you get it done for the first time,After that its a breeze lol
reaper13342 04-01-12 - 11:08 PM Well,For the special shop it is important to make sure you have the :buy: command selected in the equipment menu,Also watch the cursor,If you press right or left and it goes up to the top,Then you may need to buy a few items first,Its quite tricky
LadyRaya 04-01-12 - 11:05 PM The scenario select worked, I haven't tried the multimedia one, and all the others weren't working. I might be doing something wrong though
reaper13342 04-01-12 - 11:03 PM Oh? They worked for me. Which ones have you tried,Maybe I can help a bit
LadyRaya 04-01-12 - 10:57 PM Nah I saw your previous comment about not posting them on here which is why I pm'd you. Also, thanks for the codes! I can't seem to get them to work ^_^' but I still appreciate it
reaper13342 04-01-12 - 10:55 PM Also LadyRaya,I dont mean to tell you what to do or anything,But if you could,If you decide to tell someone the cheats to this,Please do not post them on here. Its not that I dont want them to know,I just dont know if youd get in trouble for it or not
LadyRaya 03-31-12 - 09:40 PM Why so much laggg ;_;
reaper13342 02-03-12 - 03:03 PM There is also a code to get a secret shop which has most(if not all) Items in the game. But you may need to use an infinite money genie code,If you want it pm me and Ill give it to you. I wont post it on here
tacbum 02-02-12 - 08:12 PM awesome game. There is a code to replay any mission if you need a little more exp for your characters :)
reaper13342 01-18-12 - 02:58 PM I like to stick with the Light Team,I either pick that or the Chaos Team..Ive completed the game on every possible team and those 2 were my favorite endings
nadzirah 01-18-12 - 07:08 AM all of you guys chose which team?? the imperial team is the best! :)
BerserkPro 01-18-12 - 05:18 AM its not the best, its awesome !
einnor233 01-18-12 - 04:13 AM It's one of the best I tell you.