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Does anyone else look back on their old threads?


06-07-17 07:07 PM
geeogree is Offline
| ID: 1339904 | 60 Words

Mr Geeohn-A-Vash53215
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I've looked at a few but more often because someone brings them up and shows them to me.

I've got too many threads and posts to go back and look at. Being here for 12 years really adds up to how much stuff I've written on here. I can't even imagine trying to go back and read much of it.
I've looked at a few but more often because someone brings them up and shows them to me.

I've got too many threads and posts to go back and look at. Being here for 12 years really adds up to how much stuff I've written on here. I can't even imagine trying to go back and read much of it.
Vizzed Elite
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06-07-17 07:16 PM
ZeroTails is Offline
| ID: 1339906 | 57 Words

Cool Davideo7
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I normally look back on my newbie thread, and oh boy the cringe is too much I can't handle it.

I also look back on my older reviews/guides and oh boy my style is so much better now.

(also not related but some of my individual old posts are just CRINGE and I can't look at them)
I normally look back on my newbie thread, and oh boy the cringe is too much I can't handle it.

I also look back on my older reviews/guides and oh boy my style is so much better now.

(also not related but some of my individual old posts are just CRINGE and I can't look at them)
Vizzed Elite
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06-07-17 07:19 PM
legacyme3 is Offline
| ID: 1339908 | 42 Words

Lord Leggy - King of IT
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I sometimes do. I've got so many threads, I almost have no choice, since I've posted about almost everything.

Usually when I do, by choice, it's because I'm looking at a joke thread that I thought was funnier than it actually was.
I sometimes do. I've got so many threads, I almost have no choice, since I've posted about almost everything.

Usually when I do, by choice, it's because I'm looking at a joke thread that I thought was funnier than it actually was.
Vizzed Elite
6-Time VCS Winner

One Leggy.
One Love.
One Dream.

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07-15-17 08:43 PM
Barathemos is Offline
| ID: 1344454 | 50 Words

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Not really, with the time I have on Vizzed, I really like to look at other people's new threads, or think of new threads to make.

At times I do look at my old threads, but its rare, and most of them I probably shouldn't be looking at, too painful. 
Not really, with the time I have on Vizzed, I really like to look at other people's new threads, or think of new threads to make.

At times I do look at my old threads, but its rare, and most of them I probably shouldn't be looking at, too painful. 
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07-17-17 07:40 AM
~Pikachi~ is Offline
| ID: 1344574 | 35 Words

Level: 52

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LVL EXP: 1055041
CP: 2087.1
VIZ: 107206

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On an occasion I feel like a dose of nostalgia so I go back and look at my old Vizzed posts.
And then I want to dig myself a grave because oh man the cringe.
On an occasion I feel like a dose of nostalgia so I go back and look at my old Vizzed posts.
And then I want to dig myself a grave because oh man the cringe.
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07-26-17 02:39 AM
WandererExiled is Offline
| ID: 1345246 | 98 Words

Level: 32

POSTS: 206/221
POST EXP: 28476
LVL EXP: 204678
CP: 682.8
VIZ: 22209

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I do that all the Time. Sometimes I'll critique my old staters and replies but most of the time I see it as a learning experience. I think, for the most part, that I haven't matured much -- as in I see myself already hitting that maturity wall where you grow slowly rather than the growth spurts people tend to have. I attribute that to the hard experiences I have had in life, but I do still grow. My favorite aspect is seeing others grow and make more informed/experienced replies on similar threads as the years go bye.
I do that all the Time. Sometimes I'll critique my old staters and replies but most of the time I see it as a learning experience. I think, for the most part, that I haven't matured much -- as in I see myself already hitting that maturity wall where you grow slowly rather than the growth spurts people tend to have. I attribute that to the hard experiences I have had in life, but I do still grow. My favorite aspect is seeing others grow and make more informed/experienced replies on similar threads as the years go bye.
The Nuetral Good (Choatic) Nomad

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 02-20-14
Last Post: 2606 days
Last Active: 2258 days


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