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Animal Crossing: New Leaf (3DS) - 3DS

Animal Crossing: New Leaf is a Simulation game published by Nintendo in 2013 for the 3DS.

Animal Crossing: New Leaf

Animal Crossing: New Leaf Title ScreenAnimal Crossing: New Leaf Screenshot 1
Animal Crossing: New Leaf Box Art FrontAnimal Crossing: New Leaf Screenthot 2
Rating: 9.3 (20 votes)

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06-28-17 02:01 PM
00:42:30  Views: 27
Animal Crossing: New Leaf - = Boured5/5
= Boured's Playthrough Part 6
06-17-17 01:47 AM
00:33:27  Views: 38
Animal Crossing: New Leaf - Boured5/5
Boured's Playthrough Part 5
06-02-17 03:32 AM
01:17:44  Views: 21
Animal Crossing: New Leaf - Boured5/5
Boured's Playthrough Part 4
06-01-17 12:15 AM
00:46:13  Views: 20
Animal Crossing: New Leaf - Boured5/5
Boured's Playthrough Part 3
05-31-17 03:51 PM
00:46:34  Views: 41
Animal Crossing: New Leaf - Boured5/5
Boured's Playthrough Part 2
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Animal Crossing: New Leaf Featured Review

Animal Crossing: New Leaf Review by: MechaMento - 9.7/10

Animal Crossing New Leaf
Welcome to my review. I am MechaMento, as you should know, and today I am being the critic towards the game Animal Crossing New Leaf, for none other than the 3DS. I am fairly new to the game being mine since I have only owned the game for a few days but I have been into the series so I do know what to expect from the latest edition of the game, not forgetting I have played many hours of it alone and with friends.
I hope you enjoy reading my review. Remember if you want to reply to this thread I actually want a reply with a point. If I see any posts that just say that my review is really good without actually telling me what was good or bad about it, I will question you and most likely dislike you post. I have had good replies to my review before and I do appreciate them. My gift is 1000 viz but that will only go to the most helpful reply to this review.

Animal Crossing - New Leaf (3DS)

Why I Played This

I was not very excited at all when I heard this game was going to be released soon. I had played both Animal Crossing for the Wii and for the DS. Unfortunately they were my brother's games so I could only play them from time to time. When I did play them my experiences were not all that good at all. I had no idea what I was doing and my brother is selfish so he wanted the games back as soon as possible. This meant that I had not much time to get to grips with the game.
My brother got Animal Crossing New Leaf in the summer holidays and this was what was making his days fun. There was hardly anything he would do other than play this game. I still at the time thought that Animal Crossing was a load of crap, but also at the time I still had not played it. I think what put me of the game was the fact that my brother always played with the sound on so all I could hear was the voices of the NPCs which sound like people talking underwater in panic, very annoying.
It then came to me. If my brother was addicted to Animal Crossing then there must be something great about the game that was putting him under the influence. I decided to borrow the game off one of my friends and just play as a normal play, not the mayor that you play as on the main profile. I enjoyed what I played of it, I had a nice home built and I was helping the NPCs by doing a ton of side quests, such as giving them fruit to eat. I was curious to see what you could do as the mayor of the town so I handed the game back to my friend and he showed me what was what. He showed me the control you have over the rest of the town, the fun projects you can have underway and of course he showed me the ever so fun island. I was a little tempted but that was not enough to turn me over and simply buy the game. What made me give the £30 across the counter was the social side of the game. Friends could visit each others worlds, which I would expect but if you add them to your best friends through Animal Crossing itself then you can actually chat to each other even when not play with each other which I loved. So here I am, telling you how great this game is...


As usual I am impressed with the graphics. Animal Crossing New Leaf produces fantastic visuals for the player to experience while engaged with the game. We are also forgetting that this is a cartridge console, and I think it is the only main stream one remaining. Disc games are more powerful and so the graphics should be more advanced but I have to say that Animal Crossing New Leaf could be comparable to some games on the PSP which is quite a compliment to make. Every tile seems to be smooth and I am yet to see any graphic glitches but I have updated my game even before I began to play it, so maybe there was the odd bug before I got the game.
I like the way that the world curves as you walk around it, making it look earthy. It is a common feature to an Animal Crossing game but I think this one did it the best. Speaking of doing it the best, I would happily say that this edition of the Animal Crossing series has better graphics than the title on the Wii. In some other ways there game is again comparable to the Wii version of Animal Crossing if not a lot better!
This game works well in 3D. As I mentioned in the previous paragraph, the curve of the world is great and it is at its best in 3D mode. Most objects are round and set up to be 3D so as you may guess this game works in harmony in 3D. There is not much coming out of the screen but then again there is barely any games that really have any of that I can not name any that have. However I like how it goes back into the screen, that looks great. All 3DS games that I have played do this rather well but I think Animal Crossing New Leaf perfected it and set the real benchmark, forget Super Mario 3D Land!
Yes I have gave the developers a lot of good positive credit but I have seen better on the 3DS. For me The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D do it for me. The graphics are a highlight of the console let alone the game, It just seems like so much change since the original for the N64 and it looks beautiful, but I pretty sure I am review Animal Crossing so I wont go into too much detail. All I am going to say is that Ocarina of Time makes the rest of the pack look lazy and I think a mainstream game like Animal Crossing should be aiming for that sort of quality. It is a little shame they did not achieve that but I and everyone else should not be disappointed by this at all. They did a fantastic job as I said, I just wanted to point out that there is better.


I mentioned in many other reviews that I own a pair of Sony DJ headphones so I get to hear everything at high quality, if it is at high quality. Luckily for the developers, Animal Crossing New Leaf is part of my good list. I have fun listening to the smooth, acoustic sounds of the overworld. I just love the way it gets you in the right mood to, I don't know, adventure? Maybe, I am not sure what to call what you do in Animal Crossing. You can really do what you want so you can not really sum it up in one single word. As I was saying the warm acoustic feel to the overworld music is a really nice touch and it sounds great through my headphones. The quality almost matches up to the standard of my ipod nano and since the ipod nano is built for music the quality is great and as I was saying Animal Crossing is not far from it!
That was just in general really but when I get picky there is stuff I am not that impressed with. There are some great tracks and then there are of course some less impressing. I particularly hate the theme you here when you are setting up you world when you are talking to that dog thing. It just sounds a little too happy go lucky for me and it really annoying. It is a 3+ game so there will be many young gamers enjoying this song but there are a surprising number of older players who enjoy the game as well but they do not want to hear a song in that style. Animal Crossing is targeted at everyone, so they should of thought the music through a little more carefully because I am happy to say that I am not the only one who does not enjoy this song!
Of course there are also some great tracks that you can get for your home such as K.K Groove and House K.K. Those tracks are both enjoyable and I can listen to them without getting bored or fed up with the same thing which I do not get the same feel for most songs let alone ones in animal crossing. The music in the club tends to be great but I think they slightly ruined it because of the singing. It puzzles me why there is signing because most DJ's don't sing and most have very little vocal samples. Animal Crossing does the opposite and lets that annoying bleep, bloop talking thing go into singing mode and ruin the song!! What revives the greatness of the song is the instrumental sections and the middle 8s. They are amazing, this is where they just combine all of the best samples and instruments into the song and creating something epic in return. This is really all I go to club lol for, other than doing the dance that looks like twerking in front of the other NPC's there!!


There is a nice warm feel you get when playing a game you love. It just makes you want to come back for more, you do not want to miss anything special and you just can not get enough of the game. Animal Crossing New Leaf does well providing this to the player since I have played many hours of it even though I am yet to own the game for a week. My friend got the game a week after the release date and he still gets the fun charm even up to today. It all sounds good so far with all of this warm fun feel thing but to get to that charm you have to at least pay off your home loan. Believe me the start of the game can be a little irritating and that leads to boredom however I did enjoy doing all of the side quests for the NPCs, such as finding them a certain fruit and give an item to another NPC for them. They may sound basic and chorish but some how they are fun, just in the sense of getting pleasure out of helping because you do not get that feeling in the real world. Since these quests and other tasks are endless then you can now enjoy all of this for even longer, so there is no day where you have no reason to not play it!
Once you unlock the island you unlock more fun and reasons to keep playing. You can do these tours and they are basically fun mini games. These can be either, Diving, Hitting some robot thing with a hammer, fossil digging, ore finding and many more. These are fun to play alone and even better when playing local or online multiplayer!
Sticking to the topic of multiplayer, multiplayer in animal crossing is much more than I expected. I just can not get enough of multiplayer, it has almost as much depth as single player. In online or local multiplayer mode you can either let people visit your town or visit someone elses. When visiting you can do all of the same things you can do in single player such as doing tasks for NPCs. going to the club, visiting houses, shopping and visiting the island which are all much more fun when doing it with your friends. However you can not doing any of the tasks you can do as the Mayor of the game or extend your house,but they are just minor tasks and you forget about them when having all this fun with your friends.


This came quite a surprise to me when this came out but Animal Crossing New Leaf actually has a proper story. However the actual story part is at the very begging of the game and I think there is the odd section where you see more to the story. Basically you are a just a normal person going to move to a new town just like in any other Animal Crossing game but when you get to your new town, there is a little twist for you. The old mayor that is in all of the other animal crossing games has retired so someone was stepping in and was meant to be arriving on the same day you are moving there. You get there before he or she does and everyone in the town thinks you are the new mayor. One of the NPCs asks you something about being the mayor and you reply in confusion no matter which option you choose. They all laugh thinking you are joking about and you are now there new mayor by accident, seems legit huh? That is all there is to the story really although you do get a letter on either the 2nd or 3rd day of playing the game from the person who was going to be the mayor of the town. It is quite strange because the letter makes the guy sound like he is pleased you got the job!
I like the games nice twist to the Animal Crossing cliches even if there story part is very short. I only gave it a 7 out of 10 because they were creative however they could of at least show us a little more to it, if not let the story go on for longer since the game is endless.

Thank you all for reading my review of Animal Crossing New Leaf. I hope you enjoyed reading it just as much as I enjoyed typing it. Remember I am giving out 1000 viz to the most helpful reply to this thread. Also I do want suggestions for reviews because one of the hardest things about making reviews is actually finding a game to review!!
Have a Nice Day.....

  Graphics 9   Sound 8   Addictive 9   Depth 10   Story 7   Difficulty 4

Animal Crossing: New Leaf Reviews

Overall 9.3    Graphics 9.2    Sound 9.4    Addictive 9.2    Story 4.5    Depth 8.6    Difficulty 2.6

Bringing more fun, to a town of...special...villagers   sonicthehedgeho..
    *Train whistle blows as car pulls in* Ahh...the city < 3 how long I've missed this ...
  Graphics 8   Sound 10   Addictive 8   Depth 9   Difficulty 1

      Review Rating: 5/5     Submitted: 01-31-15     Review Replies: 5

Animal Crossing New Leaf   MechaMento
Welcome to my review. I am MechaMento, as you should know, and today I am being the critic towards t...
  Graphics 9   Sound 8   Addictive 9   Story 7   Depth 10   Difficulty 4

      Review Rating: 4.8/5     Submitted: 11-02-13     Review Replies: 6

A facebook game before facebook games could facebook game... Logic.   Zlinqx
So after a long wait it's finally time for another review! This time I'm reviewing Animal Crossing N...
  Graphics 10   Sound 9   Addictive 9   Depth 10   Difficulty 4

      Review Rating: 4.7/5     Submitted: 10-28-14     Updated: 10-28-14     Review Replies: 6

Animal Crossing pulls it off again!   mario102
This review does contain some spoilers, so I wouldn't read on if you will go crazy about spoilers. B...
  Graphics 9   Sound 10   Addictive 10   Depth 8   Difficulty 1

      Review Rating: 4/5     Submitted: 04-04-15     Review Replies: 1

Animal Crossing: New Leaf Cheat Codes

Easiest way to earn Bells (money) :
1. Unlock the boat to the island by paying off your home loan. Once paid, the old mayor will appear at the docks the next day. After talking to him you must wait another day for the boat to come.
2. Head to the island at 5pm to 1am and go outside the building and borrow the bug catcher from the Lloyd.
3. Go around the perimeter of the island but very slowly and just wait for the giant beetle looking bugs to appear on the palm tress, they only appear on those trees at those times.
4. Once you have caught the bug you are going to want to head out back to your town. Here you must sell the beetles at the re-tail shop. I know you can sell them on the island but you will only get roughly 100 bells per catch. At the re-tail store you will roughly get 7,000 bells per bug. There are some that are really rare but are hard to catch. They are gold and one of them costs almost 20,000 bells, so keep your eyes peeled!

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Comments for Animal Crossing: New Leaf

cafeman55 02-16-21 - 12:43 PM
 so yesterday Cole said he was gonna show up at my house at 1:00 pm he didnt show up, then i talked to him again he said oh i completedly forgot
cafeman55 02-13-21 - 09:37 PM
 so today Isabelle braught me a letter, that never happens when i played this game.
TheFadedWarrior 07-20-18 - 05:02 PM
 You can't play 3DS games on Vizzed silly..
narwhal2020 04-29-18 - 08:41 PM
 how do you play this on vizzed? i can't access it
Lexatom 07-04-16 - 01:31 AM
 I could never really get into this game. No idea why. :/
dojoguy9 02-01-15 - 09:34 AM
 add me 3883-7756-1428
AceShock 07-03-14 - 11:59 AM
 none of my friends online ever play ACNL anymore, they are more on tomodachi life now. So yeah just PM me if you want to add me
Surgiac 05-27-14 - 12:57 PM
 I've added everyone so feel free to add me.
twinxmw 03-03-14 - 02:56 PM
 My friend code is 3110-5660-0134
epiclordsam 02-16-14 - 07:38 AM
 ADD ME ON 3DS PLEASE! 1848 - 2130 - 2309

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