xxeliza321xx's Profile
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Real Name: Eliza
Location: NYC
Age: 30 (01-29-95) Gender: Female
Registered: 05-30-13 09:28 PM (4280 days ago)
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Last Activity: 05-20-23 08:41 PM
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Last Post: 05-12-23 12:25 PM
Do you have any "hundos" in Pokemon Go?
Do you have any "hundos" in Pokemon Go?
Let it rip!
Page Comments
xxeliza321xx - 05-12-23 11:56 AM
Thanks guys! Sorry, first time here in a while.
no 8120 - 01-29-22 04:35 AM
Happy Birthday
no 8120 - 01-29-21 05:31 AM
Happy Birthday
no 8120 - 01-29-17 02:21 PM
Happy Birthday
MarioLucarioFan64 - 01-29-17 03:29 AM
Happy birthday!
m0ssb3rg935 - 01-29-17 01:38 AM
Happy 22nd birthday.
becerra95 - 08-01-16 02:50 PM
Apologies to my accidental post on your thread. Didn't mean to post it there
Postman3 - 07-25-16 02:01 PM
I meant "too" on the second to last "to" but I rarely proofread so...
Postman3 - 07-25-16 01:59 PM
Okay. Here's some education for you Eliza. [Dang, that thread wasn't up for even 20 hours before close request.] I digress. "Scooch" does not have a "t". Sixth graders know that. Sadly, there are gaps in every fully accredited level of learning. When someone scooches over for your benefit, the correct thing to do is say "thank you". That weirdo you mentioned certainly did the opposite of that. You were right to avoid him after his [quite insane] reaction. Scooching for the person's benefit [in a polite society] should never be answered by an accusation towards the scoocher. In Canada, the politeness expected would be a slight nod to acknowledge the polite scooch if one is to preoccupied to say "thank you" out loud.