wormelytyrese's Profile
wormelytyrese is Offline
Real Name: Tyrese Wormely
Location: Hueytown, AL
Age: 25 (07-02-99) Gender: Male
Registered: 03-10-12 01:15 PM (4724 days ago)
Posts: 325 Threads: 40
Post Words: 9,636 (30 word avg)
Level: 39 Experience: 402708
Next Level: +2063 Exp Per Post: 1858 Exp
Last Activity: 01-03-25 09:47 AM
Viewing SpinDrive's Profile
Viewing SpinDrive's Profile
Last Post: 01-02-25 09:29 PM
TV show ABC Game
TV show ABC Game
*Bio U pdated*
Hello, I'm a Vizzed member (sorry, I'm not a newbie anymore) living in Centerpoint, AL. I was born on 7/2/99. For those who own a PlayStation device, my PSN name is TWormely99. I graduated from high school as of 5/25/17 & as of 8/20/18, I’m currently attending a community college. I'm a Sonic the Hedgehog fan as well. I'm also a great reader.
1st post ever: 2/7/14
10 posts total: 5/18/14
20: 5/23/14 (the day I went into sophomore status)
30: 5/27/14
40: 6/8/14
50: 6/14/14
60: 6/18/14
70: 6/24/14
80: Birthday Eve (7/1/14)
90: 7/7/14
100: 9/20/14
150: 11/27/14
200: 6/4/15
250: 12/15/15
300: 4/26/18
1st user ever who added me on his/her friend list: Ddog282
5th: Kramer4077
10th: Destifen (3rd friend that lives outside NA, whereas Juuldude is the 2nd)
1st user who added me on their FL & has a YouTube account: DarkPower508 (also the 1st user who added me to their friend list that resides outside North America)
2nd who have a YT account: G@meHe@d
1st Alabamian friend: SuperNerd117 (Lives in Pinson)
I'm also a sports fan.
Favorite sport: NFL football
Favorite football team: Seattle Seahawks
Basketball: Chicago Bulls
Baseball: N/A
Soccer: Real Madrid, Manchester
Oh, & did I mention I one of the best TEKKEN gamers ever on Vizzed?
Hello, I'm a Vizzed member (sorry, I'm not a newbie anymore) living in Centerpoint, AL. I was born on 7/2/99. For those who own a PlayStation device, my PSN name is TWormely99. I graduated from high school as of 5/25/17 & as of 8/20/18, I’m currently attending a community college. I'm a Sonic the Hedgehog fan as well. I'm also a great reader.
1st post ever: 2/7/14
10 posts total: 5/18/14
20: 5/23/14 (the day I went into sophomore status)
30: 5/27/14
40: 6/8/14
50: 6/14/14
60: 6/18/14
70: 6/24/14
80: Birthday Eve (7/1/14)
90: 7/7/14
100: 9/20/14
150: 11/27/14
200: 6/4/15
250: 12/15/15
300: 4/26/18
1st user ever who added me on his/her friend list: Ddog282
5th: Kramer4077
10th: Destifen (3rd friend that lives outside NA, whereas Juuldude is the 2nd)
1st user who added me on their FL & has a YouTube account: DarkPower508 (also the 1st user who added me to their friend list that resides outside North America)
2nd who have a YT account: G@meHe@d
1st Alabamian friend: SuperNerd117 (Lives in Pinson)
I'm also a sports fan.
Favorite sport: NFL football
Favorite football team: Seattle Seahawks
Basketball: Chicago Bulls
Baseball: N/A
Soccer: Real Madrid, Manchester
Oh, & did I mention I one of the best TEKKEN gamers ever on Vizzed?
Page Comments
wormelytyrese - 12-04-23 01:58 PM
Miss me?

pokemon x - 12-24-21 10:03 PM
Alright confirmation all VGR only games are to remain as Unplayable since it relates to what is playable on website not real life. I wonder if I can convince David the owner to clarify that on the page.
pokemon x - 12-21-21 09:58 PM
I don't know what notifications you get for accepted and rejected game page changes but I did reject one. Until someone else tells me like EX Palen games in the Video Game Room remain as "Unplayable" so far I got one other person that thinks it is the same way also. If I were to get a confirmation that it can be listed as playable I will let you know so you can resubmit and I will make sure it gets approved.
no 8120 - 07-02-20 04:16 AM
Happy Birthday
Minuano - 04-28-20 03:57 PM
know it's been a while since you've been on, but going through game change requests i see your name pop up a lot. just want to thank you for all of the work you put in
wormelytyrese - 01-15-17 12:23 AM
I missed my 1500th day anniv....

wormelytyrese - 01-15-17 12:22 AM
I missed my 1500th day anniv....