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Clovertheclever's Profile

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Trusted Member
Registration Name: manicman66
Real Name: Adam Young
Location: Sitting in Iowa. That's the USA if you don't know.
Age: 38 (12-18-86)  Gender: Male
Registered: 01-07-12 02:57 AM (4780 days ago)
Posts: 774  Threads: 48
Post Words: 39,735 (51 word avg)
Viz: 1,364    Contribution Points: 2,921
Post Rating: 93   Trust Points: 21   Chat: 1357
Level: 58    Experience: 1488858
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Last Activity: 11-25-24 01:31 AM
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Last Post: 06-29-20 07:09 PM
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Hello. Manicman, A name that invokes a plethora of emotions on this site... Such as, confusion. Many people don't know who I am, being as I obviously am not known by EVERYONE on this site, but hey, that's fine by me. Another common emotion is anger. "Dammit, Manic" has been said more times than I have letters on my bio, but yet again, quite alright, because- There's also the emotion of...Love. So many people for some odd reason can readily say that I am an awesome guy, whether it's due to my zaniness, my shenanigans, or my normally upbeat attitude in general. BUT WAIT, THERES MORE! As an added bonus, if you would like, message me for a daily riddle. I'm pretty sure I'll regret this, but what the hey.
Quotes from days gone by...
[3:18 PM] Galacta: You all should put "galacta was here" in your biography

[8:08 PM] legacyme3: but naturally, because this is the internet, you've all done so much more

[7:57 PM] becerra95: All I know about the bible is that Adam and Eve were the first people by Darwinism of evolution

[3:28 PM] thing1: F*CK ALL YA'LL

[5:54 PM] jlh: if annette wasn't married, i would stalk her haha

[7:42 PM] p12mon: say do you want to talk to me i will make u happy

[1:40 PM] jlh: I remember one time in middle school the bell rang and i had a hard, i had to get up so i carried my books in front of me

[4:13 PM] Choko453: People die when they are killed.

[7:05 PM] Belinni: Abort! The penguin has found the Salsa! I repeat! The penguin has found the Salsa!

[6:11 PM] Eddy88: Don't look at our crotches while we syncronize our watches!

[8:18 PM] manicman66: [8:18 PM] Belinni: [8:18 PM] Galacta: [8:17 PM] Eddy88: [6:00 PM] Eddy88: [6:00 PM] Diana4281: [5:58 PM] pacman1755: [5:58 PM] greyson: [5:56 PM] pokemon x: [5:56 PM] Diana4281: [5:55 PM] dethklokman: Man someone deleted my iPhone

[8:21 PM] Belinni: I like Hentai, he's my favorite. Second place is Suicune.

[7:43 PM] Belinni: Men make me feel giddy as a school girl and fuzzy as a brony watching MLP.


[6:14 PM] sonicmcmuffin: you have about as much style as a monotone rainbow


[1:46 AM] Gingercream1: only one person has quoted me D: *cries in a corner*

zeross121: You can do it User, use your Jewish luck!

[12:04 AM] yoshirulez!: I herby dub user, queen latifa

Page Comments

claytune - 01-06-21 07:53 PM I believe this is the link your looking for also I just noticed this and I won't remember tomorrow so early happy 9 years on the site tomorrow!
no 8120 - 12-18-20 04:25 AM
Happy Birthday
hunter0409 - 01-10-17 02:12 PM
I'm back.
TheFadedWarrior - 12-24-16 08:07 PM
What's up?
Mynamescox44 - 12-20-16 08:45 PM
... What?
RDay13 - 12-18-16 12:18 PM
Happy Birthday! It's been a while
MarioLucarioFan64 - 12-18-16 04:45 AM
Happy birthday! Hope you'll enjoy today!
yoshirulez! - 12-18-16 02:41 AM
ayyy hapbrth
Tama10 - 12-18-16 02:31 AM
Happy birthday!
m0ssb3rg935 - 12-18-16 02:00 AM
Happy birthday, manic.

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