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  Views: 3,545,212,366     02-06-25 06:49 AM  

Main Profile Boured's Profile Game Profile : Collection

Real Name:
    Max Livingston
    My Laptop
Age / Birthday:
    25 / 01-29-00

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CP: 9315.3 Trust Points: 12.0 Post Rating: 541
Position: Vizzed Elite
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Registration: 06-23-12 05:26 PM (4610 days ago)
Last Activity: 05-18-24 11:34 PM

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Last Post: 09-21-21 07:01 PM
    in Any Good RPG Maker MV Games Out There? (Video Games)
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Boured's Last Game Comments
Metroid - Zero Mission Metroid Zero will be missed ;_;
Pokemon Ruby Destiny Reign of Legends Anyone playing this game for the first time, keep in mind that this game is a pretty big spike in difficulty compared to the legit Pokemon games, not to mention that it has a few glitches that could potentially break the game. Other than that it's great.
Undertale This is a very good game, though probably everyone looking this up probably knew that already.
Pokemon Ruby Destiny - Life of Guardians I actually know the person who made this surprisingly enough.
Pokemon Ruby Destiny Reign of Legends Never mind it works now
Pokemon Ruby Destiny Reign of Legends I DOWNLOADED IT TWICE
Pokemon Ruby Destiny Reign of Legends WHY DOES IT SAY PLUGIN NOT FOUND!?

Boured's Last Game Reviews
Fist of the North Star
06-05-15 05:27 PM
Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru...

This is the battle cry of the savior of the Earth that is now a barren wasteland. What you say that the Earth is fine well that may be your world but in another that is a completely different story. In another world mankind finally destroys what it worked so hard to create with the method being Nuclear Warfare, This devastated the Earth leaving it a shell of it's former self while almost extinguishing all life on earth save for the humans who managed to survive the disaster. With there old way of life gone humans fought the strong taking what was the wanted while the weak had to cower in fear. But one man has been called the savior, a man that protects the weak, a man who has mastered an old art of assassination, a art that is used to destroy someone from the inside. What is this power you ask it is the old art of Hokuto Shinken, with this art one is able to use 100% of the potential of their body where as we would use only 30% and a master at Hokuto Shinken is a master at pressure point knowledge since that is a masters main method of attack. Such pressure points result in instant death while others make it so anything you touch will cause extreme pain. Now who is this man I was speaking about you ask, Well that would be the one and only successor to Hokuto Shinken Kenshiro. Now you have many ways to glance into this world of which this way of life has become standard, like what you people call Manga, or Anime. But we are taking a look at another way to glance into this world a way that allows you to take control of the savior Kenshiro himself, yes my newly acquainted friend we are taking a look at the video game Fist of the North Star so let us begin shall we?
Graphics:Now you like good graphics correct they make the experience more realistic to you correct so you must be wondering how are the graphics in this game. Well the graphics are nothings to write home about... Read the rest of this Review
Final Fantasy II - Impossible (V1.0)
05-14-15 11:25 PM
Umm......guess it really is impossible huh....
Final Fantasy II/IV -Impossible- Review

Author Notes: Well this is probably going to be the shortest review I have ever written but I do it for good reason as you will see below.
Introduction: Welcome ladies and gents to another review from me now I just played a Final Fantasy II or IV (dang localization) hack. Now this is a special hack and you may be wondering why I gave the game such a low score and to be honest I rated it fairly actually but enough of my rambling time to get to the information about how this hack was made. The creator of this hack was JCE3000GT who's website can be found here for reference and this game was made to be what it sounds like the game getting a difficulty spike up to the power of infinity. But sadly there is one major flaw to this game which I will cover later. The hack was first released on 5/1/2001 and was partially reworked on by the creator making a improved beta released on 6/3/2007. Sadly on Friday, August 15, 2014 he retired from his ROM hacking career before he could complete the reworked version.

The Major Flaw: Now I am pretty sure that the game on Vizzed is broken because I tried this on a ZSNES emulator and it worked fine but on the RGR with all different emulators this same problem arises. What happens is when you start the game your on the airships pretty normal everything goes as planned that is until you get into the battle with those floating eye things. You see this is a scripted battle and Cecil (Called James in this hack) uses the Red Fang as usual but here is what happens the game does not register the hit so Cecil (James) keeps using the Red Fang in a infinite loop never to escape therefore making the game unplayable and "Literally" Impossible to beat. I think maybe this is a error with the RGR but then again it could be the Rom itself not being patched correctly but who knows this bug is why my review is so short and why the game is rated so low the reas... Read the rest of this Review
Metroid - Zero Mission
04-06-15 09:32 PM
Galactic Federation HQ Mission File No.000
Galactic Federation HQ Terminal Computer
Title: Metroid Zero Mission. Mission Personnel: Galactic Bounty Hunter Samus Aran.
Mission: Eliminate all Metroids located on planet Zebes and destroy Mother Brain.
Mission Status: Successful 
Loading Review.............Review Loading Successful.
Opening Review.....Review Opening Successful. 

Introduction: Metroid Zero Mission is my favorite Metroid game to date mostly because it was the first Metroid game I ever played and mostly because it was released on my first console so nostalgia is a big part of this being my favorite Metroid game. Metroid Zero Mission was developed by the Nintendo R&D1 Team and was intended to be a remake of the classic NES game Metroid. It was released in America on February, 9th, 2004 and earlier or later in other countries. This game was directed by Yoshio Sakamoto and produced by Takehiro Izushi and other people I will mention further in the review. So now that we are done with the introduction let us get into the good stuff shall we.

Graphics: The graphics are great for the GBA and very fluent on a original GBA all the colors are vibrant and each area has its own feel and style that is what I like in a video game. But unfortunately it is not perfect if you play the game on the GBA SP it will make the graphic colors more vibrant like it should. But it will become slightly laggy  from the brightness this can be ether very helpful or very stressful depending on the situation. So overall the graphics are very good but perhaps too good since it causes the game to lag a bit on a SP but not much so it is not much a problem with that I give the graphics a 8/10.

Sound: The sound is a remastered version of the NES counterparts soundtrack and it is a very good one at that and I shall tell you why. The R&D1 team used the GBA sound chip to the best of it's ... Read the rest of this Review
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Red Rescue Team
03-12-15 08:49 PM
The reason I still love Pokemon
Hello I'm 18mlivingston and this is my first review on this site criticism is appreciated but I will use flames to cook my barbecue
 now on to the review you have all be waiting for.

   Introduction: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team was released for the Gameboy Advance on September, 18, 2006 and was released to fill the two year gap between the next main series Pokémon games now known as Fire Red and Leaf Green I think. There were two games released in that two year gap (or three if you count the other version). The first was Pokémon Trozei and later came the game that was in my opinion one of the greatest games to ever grace us with it's existence. That game would be Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team that was developed by Chunsoft (or Spike Chunsoft as it is known now) this game gave us a game that differed drastically from the main series unlike the main games the game was a dungeon crawler. For those who do not know what a dungeon crawler is it is basically a game where you travel through randomly generated levels until you die or you get to the end of the dungeon. Now that you know the information about the game let me start my review now.

   Graphics: The games graphics are fantastic for the GBA most NPC's sprites have very good detail and there animations are nice and fluent. But it is not perfect I will admit that some sprites are a little choppy but that is to be expected from a game where there are over 300 character sprites. Next to talk about the graphics in the maps the maps look nice and have distinguishing characteristics that you cannot forget that easily from the dungeons to the home location I can guarantee that you will remember every dungeon just from looking at it's tileset. Now how is the cutscenes since most of the cutscenes use the regular sprite for the character there is not much to look at in terms of cutscenes but Chunsoft makes the most of it by using the sprites animations to ... Read the rest of this Review

Boured's Last 5 Game Guides (view last 25)
Five Nights at Freddy's
03-27-15 08:09 AM
Max Livingston's guide to being ready for Freddy in FNAF 1
   Good morning everyone (It is morning at the time I started this) and I would like to show you a method I invented when playing FNAF now keep in mind that this will not work for 4/20 mode but will work with nights 1-6 and it must be altered slightly depending on the night.

   The creation of the method: This method was created the first time I played FNAF I was on the 3rd night and was dying repeatedly. I then started searching for ways I could make it more manageable without flailing around like a idiot. Eventually I found one and it is quite similar to how you beat 4/20 or at least that is what one of my friends said after I showed him it so if you a familiar with that method you should learn this method rather easily. Now enough with the introductions lets get straight into the good stuff.

   The Method: The method is quite simple actually and very configurable to many play styles here is a step by step list of what should always happen the rest you may customize to your liking.

   Step 1: When starting a night start checking both lights.

   Step 2: If none of the Freddy Fazbear crew is there open your camera and you may place it on to pirates cove or the show stage.

   Step 3: If one of the Freddy Fazbear crew is at the door close the door and continue as normal and when the one leaves, open the door straight away to save power and continue as normal from there.

   Step 4: Assuming you did not have to do step 3 repeat the process but when you go into the camera change from pirate cove to the show stage and vice versa this will keep Freddy and Foxy at bay so you only need to worry about Bonnie and Chica.

   Step 5: During the later nights when reaching 5% stop and do nothing this will give you some extra time for it to turn 6am but you will have to worry about F... Read the rest of this Guide

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Boured's Game History
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Game Boy Advance Games Boured owns (47)

Super Nintendo Games Boured owns (34)

Nintendo 64 Games Boured owns (3)

Nintendo NES Games Boured owns (25)

Game Boy Color Games Boured owns (4)

Sega Genesis Games Boured owns (1)

Game Boy Games Boured owns (4)

Sega Master System Games Boured owns (1)

Sega Game Gear Games Boured owns (1)

Sega Dreamcast Games Boured owns (1)

Sega CD Games Boured owns (3)

Sega Saturn Games Boured owns (1)

CD-i Games Boured owns (1)

Virtual Boy Games Boured owns (1)

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