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02-10-25 12:13 AM

Nksor is Offline

Vizzed Elite
Registration Name: the_casualty
Location: From:
Age: 27 (11-03-97)  Gender: Male
Registered: 09-30-10 12:06 AM (5247 days ago)
Posts: 5,856  Threads: 251
Post Words: 228,223 (39 word avg)
Viz: 133,163    Contribution Points: 1,184
Post Rating: 75   Trust Points: 12   Chat: 96
Level: 139    Experience: 32460788
Next Level: +6657 Exp    Per Post: 8314 Exp
Last Activity: 06-15-21 02:59 PM
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Last Post: 08-05-17 09:29 PM
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Page Comments

no 8120 - 11-03-19 04:08 AM
Happy Birthday
Lexatom - 12-07-16 06:44 PM
Congrats on best layout
SacredShadow - 11-11-16 01:35 AM
Way to post the 2nd Naruto Shippuden lyrics into Leggy's Why should I friend you thread. I recognized it immediately and thought it was funny XD
legacyme3 - 11-10-16 02:34 AM
By the way, late happy birthday but you are never on steam and I got tired of waiting for you to come online
legacyme3 - 11-10-16 02:33 AM
SuperCrash64 - 11-03-16 09:39 PM
Happy birthday
MarioLucarioFan64 - 11-03-16 09:44 AM
Happy birthday!
RDay13 - 11-03-16 07:10 AM
Happy Birthday!
legacyme3 - 09-10-16 03:33 PM
about time nksor
Divine Aurora - 09-08-16 03:30 PM
you made the best meme ever with geeogree droping the ban nuke xD ^^

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