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  Views: 3,398,610,017     09-26-24 03:01 PM  

Main Profile Etcetera's Profile Game Profile

Real Name:
Age / Birthday:
    20 / 08-14-04

Post Exp Words per Post
    70     18 avg
Posts Threads
    4     3
Viz: Gender:
    1,435     Male

CP: 80.2 Trust Points: 0.0 Post Rating: 2
Position: Newbie

Registration: 08-21-17 10:13 PM (2592 days ago)
Last Activity: 04-20-20 11:10 PM

Online Status / Last page: OFFline
    Unknown Action

Last Post: 03-13-20 10:45 AM
    in How Has the Corona Virus Affected You? (General Chat)
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Etcetera's Last 100 Game Comments
Crash Bandicoot
09-02-17 11:26 PM
@sonicfan3000 No, I'm not talking to the Vizzed creator. Try buying a real copy or downloading an ISO and an emulator.
Sonic Multi
08-28-17 12:45 PM
@Mohamedroxx3 The ring counter is 8-bit
Tetris (tengen)
08-27-17 11:38 AM
Am I the only one in here who doesn't like this version of Tetris?
08-26-17 07:58 PM
Why do people think that this game is possessed because of the ID it has?
Digimon Ruby
08-26-17 07:52 PM
This is an unlicensed Chinese game, everyone. It did not get Nintendo's approval.
Sonic Adventure 2
08-26-17 12:12 PM
@erdi That's because the game is 1 GB.
08-25-17 08:38 PM
How did I go from being very good at this game a few years ago to not being able to get past stage 1?
Tetris the Absolute The Grand Master 2 Plus
08-24-17 10:25 PM
Wow, the enter button does nothing and is the same as a space bar.
Tetris the Absolute The Grand Master 2 Plus
08-24-17 10:24 PM
Original: 20,694KB This clone has more modes and is 391KB. how
Family Feud
08-24-17 09:19 PM
There should be a hack that makes this look like the 2017 version and makes the host Steve Harvey.
Windows 98 NES
08-22-17 04:42 PM
[clicks on Microsoft Photo] [gets Adobe Photoshop]
Yong Sheng Yi Hua Ban (Vixen 357 Chinese)
08-22-17 01:39 PM
@tRIUNE Maybe it's because it's the 5000th game on Vizzed.
Crash Bandicoot
08-22-17 11:47 AM
@sonicfan3000 You can't.
Crash Bandicoot
08-22-17 11:46 AM
@sonicfan3000 You can't.

Etcetera's Last 7 Game screenshots (8 total) (view last 250)

Etcetera's Game History
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Game Boy Advance Games Etcetera owns (3)

Super Nintendo Games Etcetera owns (5)

Nintendo 64 Games Etcetera owns (3)

Nintendo NES Games Etcetera owns (9)

Arcade Games Etcetera owns (11)

Sega Genesis Games Etcetera owns (5)

Game Boy Games Etcetera owns (1)

Commodore 64 Games Etcetera owns (1)

Sega Master System Games Etcetera owns (1)

Sega CD Games Etcetera owns (3)

MSX Games Etcetera owns (1)

CD-i Games Etcetera owns (1)

MSX 2 Games Etcetera owns (1)

PocketStation Games Etcetera owns (1)

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