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CrazySonic SomecallmeJohnny brought me here from the Sonic Hacking Contest, and this was the highlight of it.
Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters (USA 960708) It keeps saying: rm2u.03 not found, and a whole list of files like this one. So I cannot play the game at all.
Pokemon Emerald I wish we could access out save files from other computers.
Pokemon Crystal All (hack) WOOT! I FOUND A SHINY
Pokemon Crystal All (hack) YEAH! LEVEL 100 MEW!
Pokemon Christmas 2012 where's misty?
Pokemon Crystal All (hack) My team is a Lv. 60 Kadabra, and a Lv. 60 Charizard
Rockman 4 - Minus Infinity (2011 beta) I Beat Pharaoh Man
Pokemon Christmas 2012 Pidgeotto Lv31
Pokemon Christmas 2012 My team is

tyranit's Last 5 Game Reviews (view last 25)
Mega Man
01-22-19 02:26 PM
The Blue Bomber's Beautiful Figure
Well, this is definitely weird, reviewing a toys to life figure such as an Amiibo. Now, I know what you're thinking: "How do you review a figure?" Well, I'll show you how it's done.

Now, the only rating that really matters is Graphics, while not like a game in which I can review how the game looks, I can review how this figure looks. The details of Mega Man's amiibo is amazing, seeing how his pose is perfectly crafted with his arm cannon posing upward, just like the trophy that appears in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U. The shiny dark blue paint is of very high quality for a $13 figure, especially when it's paired with the cyan paint that is used for basically the rest of his body. The rest of the details, such as the red in the sides of his helmet and Mega Man's face look pristine, and something that would look great on a shelf in a collection, whether it be in the box or loose and usable with the games he is compatible with. I especially enjoy the grooves that the figure has, showing great detail. Now, I only have one problem with this amiibo, and that there's no way you can move the arm cannon or his head. And yes, I get that this problem is persistent among all amiibo, especially the Super Smash line since they are supposed to replicate the trophies available in the game, but sometimes I would love to see Mega Man with his Mega Buster outstretched, ready for battle, though I guess if there were movable joints in this figure, it would probably cost a bit more than $13. Overall, I give this figure an 8.5 out of 10, a very solid figure with only a select problem that isn't even exclusive to itself.
New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe
01-22-19 02:05 PM
What's Old is New
Ahh, the New Super Mario Bros. franchise, I really tried to enjoy this series but it just feels the same over every game. This was really shown here with New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe, as it just ports over the entirety of the two Wii U titles, New Super Mario Bros. U and New Super Luigi U, which aren't bad platformers at all, in fact, they're some of the best 2D Mario games out there, they just leave a lot to be desired.

Graphics - 9:
I think the graphics look as crisp as ever, both in TV mode and in Handheld mode, the game runs smoothly and looks beautiful. The only point taken off here is because it's been the same art style since the DS NSMB that came out years ago, just with an HD coat of paint to add to it. The vibrant colors and enemies are still there, along with lush environments that Mario and Luigi can travel through. I love the look of it, but that's basically the only great thing about this game.

Sound - 5:
New Super Mario Bros. games don't ever really have that iconic of music, the only ones that I can come up with off the top of my head is the Main Theme of New Super Luigi U, but that's mainly because it was involved in FamilyJules's Super Mario Medley which included songs from every Mario game, so it's not even from the original game that I can remember it from. However, the songs are not irritated and ear-degrading as some other games can be. Overall, I'm indifferent to the music, hence the straight down the middle score of 5.

Addictiveness - 3:
This game is not addictive. I can run through the game once in a few hours, put it down, and sell it because I don't want to play it again. This is my second playthrough already, as I had already played these games on Wii U so this already felt redundant, as there really wasn't anything that was added that substantial increased replayability for me. However, it's 2D Mario, it's not bad, so it's solid to play through and enjoy for the first time, but I really d... Read the rest of this Review
Mega Man 10
12-30-15 02:06 PM
A Re-Return to 8 Bits
Hey guys, Tyranit here with my review of Mega Man 10! Like its predecessor, Mega Man 10 maintains the 8 bit graphics. Unfortunately, this is the newest classic Mega Man release we have seen (not counting remakes like Mega Man Legacy Collection), making a future with Mega Man 11 look more and more bleak as time goes on. Anyway, onto the review.
Graphics - 9
   I can't give the graphics of Mega Man 10 a 10 like I did with Mega Man 9 because it is using the 8 bit style again, which still looks good, but isn't as triumphant as the return of it in the last game. The game still looks beautiful however, as the new Robot Masters, their stages, and the enemies in them are all well animated and fleshed out. The Wily Stages look very nice, along with the new bosses in them as well. Also in Mega Man 10 if you bought the DLC, you can see a new 8 bit sprite of Bass, who has previously only been in Mega Man 7(16 Bit), 8 (32 Bit), and Mega Man & Bass (16/32 Bit Hybrid?) You also get to see new colored 8 bit sprites for 3 Mega Man Killers from the handheld Game Boy Mega Man games, which are Enker from 1, Punk from 3, and Ballade from 4. Too bad we didn't get to see Quint from 2 and Sunstar from 5 make returns in DLC stages. After beating these extra bosses though, you get their weapons for use in the regular stages, getting to try them out and see who is weak to them.
Sound - 10
   The music and sound effects of Mega Man 10 are just like 9: top notch, and I wouldn't change them at all. The title theme, the menu music, the Stage Select, the 8 Bosses, all of the Wily Stages, it all sounds amazing. My favorite track is from this game is Wily Stage 1, after defeating the Weapon Archive for the first time. Speaking of which, the Weapon Archive is a series of 3 bosses that have 3 sections to each boss. The first boss uses Elec Man's, Wood Man's, and Gemini Man's weapons from Mega Man 1, 2, and 3. The next uses Ring Man's, Napalm Man's and Flame Man'... Read the rest of this Review
Mega Man 9
12-30-15 01:28 PM
A Return to 8 Bits
Hey guys, Tyranit here with a review of Mega Man 9! Mega Man 9 was released in 2008, 12 long years after the last game in the classic series, Mega Man 8 (I consider Mega Man & Bass a side game, as it isn't numbered). We saw the return to the 8 Bit style of the first 6 games in this game, but enough with my rambling, lets get to the review.
Graphics - 10
   The reason I give Mega Man 9 a perfect 10 in graphics is because of the return to the 8 bit style that no one was expecting, and that it wasn't as restricted as the original Nintendo Entertainment System's hardware. The bosses are very well designed, and have a lot more fluid animation compared to the original 6 NES games. There are a few new enemies that look cool, as well as returning enemies such as the Metool. The background and stage designs are vibrant and pleasing to the eye with the simple aesthetic of 8 bit.
Sound - 10
   I also give another perfect 10 to Mega Man 9 in sound because this sound track is amazing. Every theme, Tornado Man's, Plug Man's Gravity Man's, and especially the Wily Stages have amazing music. I wouldn't change any bit of it, unless it was to make a remix. I also love the return of the classic sound effects like the explosion of Robot Masters, the P-Shooter, and the only 2 returning songs from Mega Man 2, the password screen and the Weapon Get screen songs, fit in well here.
Addictiveness - 8
   Mega Man 9 is pretty addictive, as I always go to play a stage of this game if I am wanting a challenge for the day. This game is difficult on its own, but I also love doing Perfect Runs (not getting hit once through a whole stage, including the boss), and No Miss Runs (Hitting every shot you dish out). Another thing I love playing through for difficulty is the downloadable Proto Man, as he is a glass cannon, being able to do charge shots and slide, but takes double the damage (Yeah, Mega Man is back to his original play style in Mega M... Read the rest of this Review
Mega Man X
12-29-15 07:52 PM
X, The Variable for Infinite Possibilites
Hey guys, Tyranit here with a review of Mega Man X. X is a variable with infinite possibilities, which is something Capcom took very seriously, as the X series took a darker turn from the classic series, with new robots called Reploids that can think and feel for themselves. The X series feels like an upgrade to the classic series, kind of like how X gets his upgrades throughout the games. Anyway, onto the review.
Graphics - 9
   The graphics of Mega Man X are astoundingly good, as Mega Man X looks great, and so do newcomers Zero, Vile, Sigma, the new bosses called "Mavericks" and the normal enemies. The 16 bit graphics are well used in the designs of all the bosses, all of which being animals, like Chill Penguin, or Flame Mammoth. I like the weapon animations, as well as the new charged weapons. I can't give it a perfect score because no game from the Super Nintendo can look as good as games now, but back then, it was beautiful, and still looks pleasing today.
Sound - 10
   The music of Mega Man X is perfect. I wouldn't change a thing about it, except for making remixes. These tracks are amazing, everything from Central Highway, to Chill Penguin, to Launch Octopus, to Storm Eagle, to Sigma Stage 1, everything is accounted for, and everything sounds dang good. My favorite track from this game is Boomer Kuwanger's theme, which integrates a nice piano line with some good power chords, as I would interpret it if it were not a chip tune from a 16 bit console. The only bad song in this game is Sigma Stage 4, but that level is just a vertical shaft to wall jump up to the final boss, so it doesn't need to be good, just eerie, and it does the job nicely.
Addictiveness - 8
   Mega Man X is pretty addictive because you can just sit down and play a stage if you're bored, that is if you want to go through Central Highway all the time, but you can use a password to just get by that. I love trying my hand at "Perfect Runn... Read the rest of this Review

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