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Final Weapon 's Last Game Reviews
Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z
03-19-16 09:07 AM
Dragon Ball Z Battle Of Z Review
Graphics: They're smooth and have good quality to say the least. There isn't really much of a difference from the other game console versions. 5/5

Sound: Most of the music in the game is recycled from raging blast with a few new ones. Could've been better, but still great nevertheless. As for sound effects, they're the same and good as ever. This is what helps make a dragon ball z game what it is. 5/5

Addictiveness: Despite the rather limited combat system of the game, the ability to make your very own dream team for the first time ever in dbz history with a few customizations like changing the color of characters outfits will keep fans occupied. Not to mention the dlc like super saiyan bardock will also add a bit of a touch. 5/5

Story: The plot starts off in the saiyan saga, and technically ends at the majin saga. The ones with beerus the god destruction are played in extra ages afterwards. However, the main story itself is also rather limited. But still good. 5/5

Depth: Despite the limited gameplay and plot, the challenging missions and large open environments makes for up for it. Players can buy cards and equip them to their team which boosts stats, and grants certain benefits during missions. Playable characters are divided into types like melee and support with power levels. Characters with high power levels will reduce the amount of points the player will have to continue if defeated. Last and not least there is a multiplayer mode and online mode. The game doesn't support multiplayer on the same system which may come as a disappointment to some fans. 4/5.

Difficulty: While some of the missions themselves may come off a challenge, the basic controls during combat is not. It is mainly pressing a single button to attack, and hardly anything else. Very simple and easy to learn. 3/5

Overall: It's a good game, and any fans new or old will be able to enjoy playing. 5/5
Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel, The
03-17-16 06:38 PM
Trails of cold steel review
Graphics: Like most psp vita games the graphics are fairly decent. Enough to make players enjoy the experience.

Sound: The music is great. From common battles against enemies to bosses. Also, the story music is pretty good, too. Most Players will definitely enjoy it.

Addictiveness: Trails of cold will keep rpg fans coming back for more with it's new game+ and a few other features as well such as the option to carry over all the past obtained items for your previous playthrough. Even after completing the game most players will most likey give it a second go.

Story: It stars out with a flashback of a unknown enemy attack on a fortress. And ends just the interesting part was about to begin. Afterwards, the game goes back a couple of mouths before the current events all happened. It's really interesting. Enough to make the player want to go deeper within the plot.

Depth: With seven chapters and several quests with some being optional while others are not it'll take some quite some time to complete everything if the player desires to. If not, it'll still take a while, nevertheless. Just not as long as the trying to compete the game 100%.

Difficulty: At first, the basics control are a little hard to learn, but the game itself gives the player a better understanding of how it works. So it shouldn't be too much of a problem. The game has a total of four Difficulty levels. Easy, normal, hard, and nightmare. Easy is preferable for players who aren't too experienced with rpgs, and would like to play for the plots sake. While normal and hard are for players who want more out of the game. Nightmare mode, however, should only be played by players who have alreadly beated at least once with new game+.

Overall: Trails of cold steel is a game just about any rpg fan will enjoy playing.

Sonic Advance 3
03-12-16 08:19 PM
Sonic advance 3 Review
Graphics: Compared to most other GBA games, the graphics were fairly decent. Enough to make the game enjoyable for everyone.

Sound: The game's sounds were pretty good. Each character had their own voice with catchy quotes like "Alright!" or "Yeah". The music was good and unique. It gives the player the feeling of a sonic game.

Addictiveness: Sonic advance 3 gameplay felt unique and gave me the feeling of a sonic game. Stages, bosses, everything. I will most likely be back to play it.

Story: The story basically takes place sonic and tails running to stop Dr. Eggman from taking over the world, but are too late and now it's up to sonic to stop eggman's evil plans. The plot in fairly good.

Depth: Sonic advance 3 does have a few things to offer like seaching for the hidden chao and testing the player to see how fast they can clear the act. Not to mention trying to clear the special stages.

Difficulty: The game's difficulty wasn't too hard or too easy. It felt just right. The basic controls were easy and quick to learn.

Overall: Sonic advance 3 is a game that mostly everyone can enjoy.


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