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  Views: 3,396,110,231     09-23-24 11:12 AM  

Main Profile bbills91's Profile Game Profile

Real Name:
Age / Birthday:
    45 / 09-14-79

Post Exp Words per Post
    0     NAN avg
Posts Threads
    0     0
Viz: Gender:
    1,447     Male

CP: 0.0 Trust Points: 0.0 Post Rating: 0
Position: Newbie

Registration: 08-13-10 11:06 AM (5155 days ago)
Last Activity: 09-03-10 07:09 AM

Online Status / Last page: OFFline
    Unknown Action

Last Post: None
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Arcade Scores
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bbills91's Last Game Comments
Tecmo Super Bowl 2009-2010 i like this too bad you cant do this updated roster thing on TSB III on SNES
Genghis Khan II - Clan of the Gray Wolf I like the first one on NES better

Super Nintendo Games bbills91 owns (12)

Nintendo 64 Games bbills91 owns (2)

Nintendo NES Games bbills91 owns (4)

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