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  Views: 3,396,015,959     09-23-24 08:06 AM  

Main Profile Zem the Mattress's Profile Game Profile : Collection

Real Name:
    Micah Philson
    Lincoln, Nebraska, USA
Age / Birthday:
    28 / 05-25-96

Post Exp Words per Post
    421     84 avg
Posts Threads
    5     0
Viz: Gender:
    135,785     Male

CP: 1195.5 Trust Points: 0.0 Post Rating: 2
Position: Newbie

Registration: 04-23-15 08:26 PM (3440 days ago)
Last Activity: 10-07-19 10:54 AM

Online Status / Last page: OFFline
    Unknown Action

Last Post: 07-10-15 08:23 PM
    in paper mario (Game Reviews)
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Zem the Mattress's Last Game Comments
Paper Mario I like how all of these complaints can be fixed by playing the game on the 64. I mean, I know not everyone has that luxury, but all of these issues are with the emulator itself.
Paper Mario I've never used the cheats or online version, but did you try the two under the enable codes line in the cheats section here? If those don't work, try googling it.
Paper Mario Am I the only one to whom this is their favorite game of all time?! Especially playing it on a 64. So classic. I felt nostalgic so I'll be playing back through on my 64 the next few weeks too! (on my 64, though it'd be cool to have my score here and pics
Paper Mario Am I the only one to whom this is their favorite game of all time?! Especially playing it on a 64. So classic. I felt nostalgic so I'll be playing back through on my 64 the next few weeks too! (on my 64, though it'd be cool to have my score here and pics


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