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  Views: 3,394,262,819     09-21-24 10:22 AM  

Main Profile Anna2596's Profile Game Profile

Real Name:
Age / Birthday:
    27 / 01-02-97

Post Exp Words per Post
    0     NAN avg
Posts Threads
    0     0
Viz: Gender:
    8,451     Female

CP: 21.0 Trust Points: 0.0 Post Rating: 0
Position: Newbie

Registration: 04-01-12 06:29 AM (4556 days ago)
Last Activity: 07-25-14 07:53 AM

Online Status / Last page: OFFline

Last Post: None
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Arcade Scores
User currently hasn't submitted any arcade scores

Anna2596's Last Game Comments
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker Can somebody show me a button for attack? PLEAAASE!))

Anna2596's Game History
(),   (),   (),   (),   (),   (),   (),   (),   (),   (),   (),   (),   (),   (),   (),   (),   (),   (),   (),   (),   (),   (),   (),   (),   (),   (),   (),   (),   (),   (),   (),   (),   (),   (),   (),   (),   (),   (),   (),   (),   (),   (),   (),   (),   (),   (),   (),   (),  
Game Boy Advance Games Anna2596 owns (1)

Sega Genesis Games Anna2596 owns (1)

Sega Master System Games Anna2596 owns (1)

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