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  Views: 3,393,426,260     09-20-24 04:59 PM  

Main Profile sonicadventure's Profile Game Profile : Collection

Real Name:
    Mordechai Leahy
    Saint louis park
Age / Birthday:
    24 / 08-01-00

Post Exp Words per Post
    2,059     33 avg
Posts Threads
    63     8
Viz: Gender:
    6,241     Male

CP: 568.5 Trust Points: -3.0 Post Rating: 4
Position: Member

Registration: 12-25-14 06:08 PM (3556 days ago)
Last Activity: 03-01-19 11:53 AM

Online Status / Last page: OFFline
    Unknown Action

Last Post: 06-18-17 10:10 AM
    in owlboy review (Game Reviews)
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sonicadventure's Video Game Collection Systems

sonicadventure's Video Game Collection
  Game / Hardware Name S:System,C:Controller,A:Accessory Completeness Condition Play Online Lend Trade For Sale Rarity Value
Disney Epic Mickey 2 Digital Very Good 0
  Steam Games    Acquired: steam    Acquired Date: 2-01-15    Details: it is for pc's on steam and mac's   
Owlboy Digital 0
  Steam Games    Acquired: Tremor Games    Acquired Date: 6-12-17    Details: You play as an owl that tries to stop pirates with the help of his friends   
Super Meat Boy Digital Very Good 0
  Steam Games    Acquired: Steam    Acquired Date: 12-22-15    Details: Very difficult game   
Steam Collection Count: 3 - Average Rarity: 0 - Steam Collection Value: $ 0
Total Games in Collection: 3 :: Collection Grade: F :: For Sale: $ 0 :: Total Value of Collection: $ 0

Formatting for Print
Formatting for Amazon Bulk Listing

Game Name Completeness Condition For Sale Value
Disney Epic Mickey 2 Digital Very Good
  it is for pc's on steam and mac's
Owlboy Digital
  You play as an owl that tries to stop pirates with the help of his friends
Super Meat Boy Digital Very Good
  Very difficult game
35435 1 0 3 3 it is for pc's on steam and mac's
38182 1 0 3 3 You play as an owl that tries to stop pirates with the help of his friends
35436 1 0 3 3 Very difficult game

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