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  Views: 3,394,801,274     09-22-24 12:02 AM  

Main Profile halopro15's Profile Game Profile : Collection

Real Name:
Age / Birthday:
    24 / 01-04-00

Post Exp Words per Post
    1,218     53 avg
Posts Threads
    23     5
Viz: Gender:
    5,435     Male

CP: 103.4 Trust Points: 0.0 Post Rating: 2
Position: Member

Registration: 01-30-12 09:03 AM (4618 days ago)
Last Activity: 09-10-23 02:09 AM

Online Status / Last page: OFFline
    Unknown Action

Last Post: 05-08-16 09:11 PM
    in wow (Trash Can)
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halopro15's Video Game Collection Systems

halopro15's Video Game Collection
  Game / Hardware Name S:System,C:Controller,A:Accessory Completeness Condition Play Online Lend Trade For Sale Rarity Value
Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth Digital Like New 0
  Acquired: E Shop    Acquired Date: 1-04-16   
3DS Collection Count: 1 - Loose/Complete/New/Digital: ///1 - Average Rarity: 0 - 3DS Collection Value: $ 0
Game Boy Advance 
  Game / Hardware Name S:System,C:Controller,A:Accessory Completeness Condition Play Online Lend Trade For Sale Rarity Value
Pokemon Emerald Loose Very Good 3 $23.45
  Gba    Acquired: A Friend    Acquired Date: 5-18-14   
Pokemon Fire Red Loose Good 3 $20.34
  Gba    Acquired: A Friend    Acquired Date: 5-18-14   
Game Boy Advance Collection Count: 2 - Loose/Complete/New/Digital: 2/0/0/0 - Average Rarity: 3 - Game Boy Advance Collection Value: $ 43.79
Playstation 2 
  Game / Hardware Name S:System,C:Controller,A:Accessory Completeness Condition Play Online Lend Trade For Sale Rarity Value
Devil May Cry Complete Good 4 $4.42
  Acquired: Family    Acquired Date: 1-04-08   
Playstation 2 Collection Count: 1 - Loose/Complete/New/Digital: 0/1/0/0 - Average Rarity: 4 - Playstation 2 Collection Value: $ 4.42
  Game / Hardware Name S:System,C:Controller,A:Accessory Completeness Condition Play Online Lend Trade For Sale Rarity Value
Final Fantasy VIII Complete $7.50 2 $13.54
  Ps1 Rpg    Acquired: Garage sale with a Ps1    Acquired Date: 3-10-08   
Playstation Collection Count: 1 - Average Rarity: 2 - Playstation Collection Value: $ 13.54
Total Games in Collection: 5 :: Collection Grade: D :: For Sale: $ 7.5 :: Total Value of Collection: $ 61.75

Formatting for Print
Formatting for Amazon Bulk Listing

Game Name Completeness Condition For Sale Value
Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth Digital Like New

Game Boy Advance 
Game Name Completeness Condition For Sale Value
Pokemon Emerald Loose Very Good $23.45
Pokemon Fire Red Loose Good $20.34

Playstation 2 
Game Name Completeness Condition For Sale Value
Devil May Cry Complete Good $4.42

Game Name Completeness Condition For Sale Value
Final Fantasy VIII Complete $7.50 $13.54
35254 1 730865300174 3 4
35192 1 45496735302 3 3
35193 1 45496734114 3 2
35194 1 13388260041 3 2 Complete:
35191 $7.50 1 662248999043 3 2 Complete:

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