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  Views: 3,394,471,420     09-21-24 04:24 PM  

Posts by soxfan849 on the board: (1489 posts found)
Post id Post# Words Posted on Thread
#634611 840 51 08-14-12 04:49 PM #38861 - Favorite Lper (Let's player)
#634607 839 72 08-14-12 04:41 PM #45376 - When did you move out from home?
#634530 838 70 08-14-12 01:36 PM #45435 - Evolution vs. Programmation
#634497 837 42 08-14-12 12:43 PM #45435 - Evolution vs. Programmation
#634435 836 30 08-14-12 10:21 AM #38825 - Should Child Molestors Be Put To Death??
#634337 835 95 08-13-12 11:53 PM #28375 - Do you believe god?
#634333 834 42 08-13-12 11:29 PM #45387 - Your Favorite Soda
#634310 833 11 08-13-12 10:12 PM #38825 - Should Child Molestors Be Put To Death??
#634150 832 17 08-13-12 04:43 PM #45385 - (restricted)
#634126 831 12 08-13-12 03:41 PM #45385 - (restricted)
#633408 830 21 08-11-12 10:57 PM #45197 - 1,000 Posts
#632633 829 66 08-10-12 12:21 PM #45101 - 2 Year thread
#632258 828 51 08-09-12 06:23 PM #45129 - Anyone here have success with the toothpaste method?
#632052 827 64 08-09-12 10:49 AM #45101 - 2 Year thread
#631878 826 102 08-08-12 10:17 PM #45070 - Advice for Teenagers
#631876 825 73 08-08-12 10:14 PM #45069 - Personal Freedom vs. Legislated Morals
#631535 824 54 08-08-12 12:41 PM #27418 - Do you ever look at random peoples profiles?
#631353 823 33 08-08-12 02:09 AM #44153 - hi im new plz giv me ur vizzed points
#631339 822 32 08-08-12 01:21 AM #44461 - It'sa me, Mario... I mean DH
#630441 821 36 08-06-12 04:51 PM #20132 - Mixed Race Relationships
#630372 820 50 08-06-12 02:18 PM #33422 - Make me a gym!
#630139 819 65 08-06-12 02:09 AM #44401 - Post your unpopular opinions
#630130 818 68 08-06-12 01:06 AM #44824 - Image Posting
#629940 817 4 08-05-12 07:17 PM #44792 - get easy 150 viz
#629887 816 64 08-05-12 06:33 PM #44792 - get easy 150 viz
#629695 815 60 08-05-12 01:52 PM #44781 - easy posting xp
#629537 814 17 08-05-12 01:44 AM #44473 - Just Following suit
#629502 813 44 08-04-12 11:32 PM #44677 - What do ya'll think of me?
#629469 812 172 08-04-12 10:11 PM #44653 - What do you think about thing1? (that would be me)
#629412 811 54 08-04-12 08:23 PM #38785 - How much viz do you have?
#629377 810 24 08-04-12 07:57 PM #38785 - How much viz do you have?
#629371 809 41 08-04-12 07:53 PM #44730 - How I feel about the "Closed." Feature.
#628083 808 19 08-02-12 12:10 PM #44589 - This is strange...
#628081 807 69 08-02-12 12:03 PM #44556 - One... MILLION words!
#627269 806 27 08-01-12 10:58 AM #44473 - Just Following suit
#627152 805 37 08-01-12 02:31 AM #44457 - Who are the current Vizzed big guns?
#626983 804 7 07-31-12 07:59 PM #44439 - mad mad mad
#626421 803 27 07-30-12 07:41 PM #44143 - Job
#624297 802 30 07-26-12 10:20 AM #33317 - VCS FAQ
#624153 801 153 07-25-12 11:21 PM #43939 - The Vizzed Revolution
#623860 800 50 07-25-12 05:07 PM #44005 - T.V with no Commercials ?
#623828 799 211 07-25-12 04:42 PM #43939 - The Vizzed Revolution
#623522 798 83 07-24-12 08:23 PM #43939 - The Vizzed Revolution
#623497 797 85 07-24-12 07:28 PM #43939 - The Vizzed Revolution
#623200 796 24 07-24-12 01:00 PM #43939 - The Vizzed Revolution
#623129 795 26 07-24-12 09:57 AM #43962 - Should DarkHyren come back as a local?
#623127 794 135 07-24-12 09:54 AM #37786 - gay marriage
#623013 793 82 07-24-12 01:55 AM #33261 - Are you a fast typist?
#623004 792 75 07-24-12 01:38 AM #43939 - The Vizzed Revolution
#623003 791 26 07-24-12 01:35 AM #42258 - How do you pronounce Arceus?
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