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  Views: 3,395,177,483     09-22-24 08:05 AM  

Posts by Juliet on the board: (6747 posts found)
Post id Post# Words Posted on Thread
#808856 4700 28 06-02-13 09:11 AM #59685 - What Pet do you Own?
#808845 4699 25 06-02-13 08:50 AM #59693 - How can I Change my age?
#808841 4698 14 06-02-13 08:44 AM #59693 - How can I Change my age?
#808691 4697 4 06-02-13 02:10 AM #13609 - Look at the Bright Side......
#808690 4696 2 06-02-13 02:10 AM #13609 - Look at the Bright Side......
#808689 4695 18 06-02-13 02:09 AM #13609 - Look at the Bright Side......
#808637 4694 73 06-02-13 12:24 AM #59676 - Easiest way to make money for a 14 year kid?
#808627 4693 26 06-02-13 12:06 AM #57700 - Have you ever lied here on Vizzed?
#808615 4692 15 06-01-13 11:46 PM #32741 - What time did you wake up TODAY?
#808613 4691 10 06-01-13 11:43 PM #32787 - What is to your right? >_>
#808611 4690 12 06-01-13 11:41 PM #53977 - How was your day today?
#808575 4689 15 06-01-13 10:49 PM #47303 - Do you ever give your pokemon nicknames?
#808559 4688 16 06-01-13 10:20 PM #34576 - What games do you have on your cell phone?
#808540 4687 56 06-01-13 09:14 PM #59653 - Do you guys get nervous when a mod is looking at your profile?
#808520 4686 29 06-01-13 08:35 PM #24856 - Do you have a 3DS
#808519 4685 12 06-01-13 08:30 PM #59539 - what is your favorite 8-bit game music?
#808161 4684 56 06-01-13 12:12 PM #2979 - Last movie you've seen?
#808159 4683 44 06-01-13 12:06 PM #59275 - Do you watch movies in theaters or wait till it's released on DVD/Blu-ray/PPV
#808125 4682 55 06-01-13 11:05 AM #58179 - What do you think attracts the community Vizzed has?
#808110 4681 15 06-01-13 10:47 AM #53141 - What did you just eat for dinner?
#808103 4680 51 06-01-13 10:43 AM #51333 - What make's You "you"
#808092 4679 39 06-01-13 10:34 AM #42544 - Ever made your own club?
#808078 4678 26 06-01-13 10:25 AM #59568 - Hello! I'm Azelfi~
#808073 4677 15 06-01-13 10:21 AM #38183 - Has your computer ever frozen or crashed in the middle of typing a post?
#808071 4676 14 06-01-13 10:19 AM #30648 - How often do you wake up from sleeping in the middle of the night?
#808069 4675 13 06-01-13 10:17 AM #59287 - What Is Your Favorite Type Of Drink?
#808066 4674 17 06-01-13 10:13 AM #59607 - Which of these pokemon do you like the most!!!
#808064 4673 34 06-01-13 10:08 AM #59621 - Do you wear Makeup?
#805214 4672 50 05-28-13 02:20 AM #59371 - Pizza
#804820 4671 28 05-27-13 02:49 PM #35293 - What do you use to listen to music?
#804747 4670 51 05-27-13 01:34 PM #59350 - Anyone graduated from school on here (High school or College)?
#804087 4669 12 05-26-13 12:00 PM #46405 - How old are you guys/girls ?
#804055 4668 21 05-26-13 10:58 AM #19050 - Do you have slow internet?
#804053 4667 19 05-26-13 10:56 AM #47713 - Do you have a shirt based off a video game?
#804052 4666 46 05-26-13 10:54 AM #59289 - GAMES THAT USED TO SCARE YOU AS A KID!
#802016 4665 120 05-23-13 09:43 AM #59126 - Why are people so picky?!?!
#801978 4664 272 05-23-13 08:07 AM #59126 - Why are people so picky?!?!
#801408 4663 19 05-22-13 11:45 AM #59087 - Major Issue, Staff PLS help!!
#801404 4662 10 05-22-13 11:38 AM #59087 - Major Issue, Staff PLS help!!
#800191 4661 25 05-20-13 01:53 PM #57485 - Can you say Hi to random people?
#799335 4660 30 05-19-13 09:11 AM #20212 - Name of your pets
#799315 4659 18 05-19-13 08:00 AM #58297 - A Role-Playing Experiment
#799309 4658 38 05-19-13 07:44 AM #58297 - A Role-Playing Experiment
#798948 4657 21 05-18-13 02:46 PM #58874 - What would you do in your freetime if you were not allowed to play video games?
#798853 4656 159 05-18-13 12:40 PM #58653 - Happy Birthday, Singelli
#798079 4655 101 05-17-13 12:45 PM #53875 - How did you find out about Pokemon?
#797979 4654 240 05-17-13 09:38 AM #58817 - (restricted)
#796946 4653 24 05-15-13 12:49 PM #58601 - How many can not post properly due to distractions?
#796942 4652 31 05-15-13 12:39 PM #58649 - Do you go on the internet more on your PC or more on your mobile device?
#796940 4651 39 05-15-13 12:37 PM #27043 - Have you ever had braces and or glasses and Contacts?
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