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  Views: 3,398,098,364     09-26-24 12:31 AM  

Posts by fubar_in_pittsbu on the board: (32 posts found)
Post id Post# Words Posted on Thread
#1169085 32 11 05-20-15 10:39 AM #87177 - Live From The Bunker With FUBAR
#1168723 31 18 05-18-15 06:07 PM #87177 - Live From The Bunker With FUBAR
#1168458 30 19 05-17-15 09:38 AM #87177 - Live From The Bunker With FUBAR
#1168297 29 20 05-16-15 07:23 AM #87177 - Live From The Bunker With FUBAR
#1167994 28 24 05-14-15 01:22 PM #84249 - Childhood beliefs.
#1167721 27 27 05-13-15 10:52 AM #87177 - Live From The Bunker With FUBAR
#1167471 26 17 05-12-15 08:52 AM #87177 - Live From The Bunker With FUBAR
#1167296 25 17 05-11-15 12:47 PM #87177 - Live From The Bunker With FUBAR
#1167290 24 8 05-11-15 12:23 PM #70162 - What was the last game you played?
#1165894 23 5 05-05-15 08:48 AM #70162 - What was the last game you played?
#1165893 22 23 05-05-15 08:46 AM #86678 - Do you prefer games digitally or on a disc?
#1161508 21 15 04-21-15 07:40 PM #86702 - plugin not found?
#1038281 20 9 06-20-14 08:28 AM #74893 - Worst movie you've ever seen?
#1037940 19 22 06-19-14 08:52 AM #2979 - Last movie you've seen?
#1034787 18 30 06-12-14 06:42 AM #69976 - Best SNES Game
#974511 17 5 02-07-14 01:45 AM #71875 - Pokemon X & Y - Friend Code Exchange
#970857 16 20 01-30-14 09:36 AM #69864 - Infection Games
#970296 15 15 01-29-14 12:29 PM #13685 - Rate the Pokemon above you
#969195 14 15 01-27-14 06:24 PM #13685 - Rate the Pokemon above you
#966959 13 22 01-24-14 12:30 PM #71722 - Avatar question
#966652 12 15 01-23-14 10:00 PM #13685 - Rate the Pokemon above you
#966349 11 29 01-23-14 01:50 PM #68631 - Have you ever seen a celebrity?
#964645 10 42 01-20-14 10:31 AM #39375 - best zombie videogame
#964580 9 22 01-20-14 08:45 AM #52401 - Weapons you would use during a zombie epidemic
#964577 8 67 01-20-14 08:38 AM #70062 - DayZ Early Access on Steam
#964043 7 152 01-19-14 01:05 PM #68454 - What inspired you to choose your career?
#964033 6 56 01-19-14 12:50 PM #71507 - Contagion On Steam Early Access
#963092 5 56 01-18-14 03:41 PM #70387 - Did you ever marathon a series?
#963083 4 57 01-18-14 03:33 PM #41023 - The Walking Dead
#963066 3 95 01-18-14 03:24 PM #71457 - Hi. Zombie Fan Here
#962979 2 59 01-18-14 01:21 PM #63457 - whats your first scary movie
#962921 1 23 01-18-14 11:41 AM #71457 - Hi. Zombie Fan Here
Pages: 1
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