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  Views: 3,397,902,453     09-25-24 05:37 PM  

Posts by BTowns on the board: (1929 posts found)
Post id Post# Words Posted on Thread
#172790 729 25 04-24-10 08:55 PM #11342 - Yah! My Birthday!
#172785 728 104 04-24-10 08:50 PM #11393 - An entire month of Vizzed
#172777 727 77 04-24-10 08:41 PM #4836 - Any Weird Last Names?
#172770 726 131 04-24-10 08:37 PM #11335 - Disappointing Recipe Changes
#172763 725 26 04-24-10 08:32 PM #11123 - How many chocolates do you eat during a week?
#172759 724 51 04-24-10 08:29 PM #2977 - What class are you taking now/ next semester?
#172758 723 48 04-24-10 08:26 PM #11367 - Username Style and Powerlevel Changes and new Powerlevel
#172756 722 80 04-24-10 08:24 PM #11409 - How old do you want to live to be?
#172755 721 46 04-24-10 08:22 PM #11429 - What's your posts per day?
#172753 720 134 04-24-10 08:18 PM #11331 - I'M INFURIATED!!!
#172750 719 75 04-24-10 08:14 PM #11431 - wishes >3<
#172745 718 70 04-24-10 08:05 PM #10825 - Rescuers are going to search in a flooded China mine
#172744 717 222 04-24-10 08:03 PM #11406 - Stem Cells
#172739 716 139 04-24-10 07:55 PM #11416 - Arizona Laws Doing More Then Border Patrol & Obama?
#172733 715 202 04-24-10 07:47 PM #11414 - The Death Penalty for Minors
#172728 714 43 04-24-10 07:40 PM #219 - Would you rather...
#172725 713 19 04-24-10 07:37 PM #11265 - Why did you do that?
#172721 712 79 04-24-10 07:35 PM #11367 - Username Style and Powerlevel Changes and new Powerlevel
#172713 711 106 04-24-10 07:27 PM #11415 - Have you ever been in a near death experience?
#172708 710 59 04-24-10 07:21 PM #11430 - It's my birthday!
#172707 709 74 04-24-10 07:16 PM #11421 - Do you think that the "Italic Usernames" feature makes people posting more?
#172704 708 55 04-24-10 07:13 PM #11427 - Does Vizzed need more forums?
#172701 707 61 04-24-10 07:11 PM #10728 - April VCS
#171611 706 46 04-23-10 01:14 AM #3348 - (restricted)
#171605 705 10 04-23-10 12:58 AM #3348 - (restricted)
#171602 704 65 04-23-10 12:55 AM #10068 - Another Catholic Church molestation scandal
#171599 703 96 04-23-10 12:49 AM #11237 - What do you consider the closest thing to heaven on earth?
#171588 702 101 04-23-10 12:34 AM #10728 - April VCS
#171577 701 55 04-23-10 12:22 AM #10629 - (restricted)
#171570 700 15 04-23-10 12:00 AM #219 - Would you rather...
#171566 699 57 04-22-10 11:57 PM #11286 - PSP 3000 or DSi?
#171562 698 54 04-22-10 11:53 PM #11237 - What do you consider the closest thing to heaven on earth?
#171559 697 95 04-22-10 11:51 PM #11340 - If I could go back
#171557 696 99 04-22-10 11:47 PM #11213 - Madonna or Lady Gaga?
#171552 695 40 04-22-10 11:43 PM #11335 - Disappointing Recipe Changes
#171550 694 35 04-22-10 11:38 PM #10876 - Xfighters Movie Critques
#171548 693 60 04-22-10 11:35 PM #5551 - Final Fantasy IV:the after years
#171545 692 30 04-22-10 11:32 PM #11280 - Find your chinese zodiac!
#171544 691 26 04-22-10 11:30 PM #3694 - Corrupt-A-Wish!
#171542 690 18 04-22-10 11:28 PM #7839 - Three Words
#171541 689 30 04-22-10 11:27 PM #10948 - Only if...
#171500 688 92 04-22-10 09:55 PM #11287 - How do you resist temptation?
#171496 687 50 04-22-10 09:45 PM #11337 - Do you actively share your faith?
#171493 686 28 04-22-10 09:37 PM #11319 - Nanaca Crash!
#171489 685 41 04-22-10 09:32 PM #745 - (restricted)
#171486 684 87 04-22-10 09:27 PM #2375 - Are video games a form of art?
#171478 683 52 04-22-10 09:19 PM #10497 - Link needs more items!!! Any ideas?
#171447 682 65 04-22-10 08:50 PM #9835 - Bluetooth: making people look crazy since 1999.
#171403 681 37 04-22-10 08:15 PM #11272 - Ogre Battle March of the Black queen HELP
#171400 680 49 04-22-10 08:10 PM #11288 - Troubles with chat room
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