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  Views: 3,395,940,764     09-23-24 05:37 AM  

Posts by SacredShadow on the board: (7791 posts found)
Post id Post# Words Posted on Thread
#957844 4442 90 01-09-14 05:39 PM #71102 - Do you have dreams about people you know?
#957841 4441 91 01-09-14 05:37 PM #70718 - What is ur hair color and length
#957839 4440 99 01-09-14 05:34 PM #64506 - What time did u go to bed last night/this morning?
#957836 4439 129 01-09-14 05:32 PM #65077 - Do you consider yourself as a nerd?
#957828 4438 108 01-09-14 05:29 PM #71115 - background for answers?
#957824 4437 88 01-09-14 05:25 PM #30670 - What show did you last watch/watching right now?
#957816 4436 81 01-09-14 05:21 PM #745 - (restricted)
#957813 4435 115 01-09-14 05:17 PM #70958 - Do you like Candles with Aroma or not?
#957807 4434 81 01-09-14 05:14 PM #311 - What are You Listening to?
#957804 4433 182 01-09-14 05:12 PM #71110 - What are the things you treasure the most?
#957801 4432 87 01-09-14 05:08 PM #64554 - What do you mostly drink?
#957799 4431 100 01-09-14 05:05 PM #71113 - I need viz
#957798 4430 97 01-09-14 05:03 PM #71112 - User ranks
#957509 4429 87 01-08-14 11:35 PM #71090 - How many pounds do you weigh?
#957424 4428 133 01-08-14 08:39 PM #68053 - Friend Safari
#957400 4427 96 01-08-14 07:45 PM #71052 - Razor-987's drawing thread!
#957362 4426 83 01-08-14 06:42 PM #70739 - How was ur day ?
#957358 4425 66 01-08-14 06:38 PM #70121 - Post a Random thought about the person above!
#956814 4424 121 01-07-14 08:31 PM #63467 - ~ Mudkip Layouts! TornadoMudkip's Layout Shop! ~
#956802 4423 171 01-07-14 08:21 PM #71052 - Razor-987's drawing thread!
#956678 4422 101 01-07-14 07:05 PM #69626 - Super powers/magic, or abilities you wish you could have
#956671 4421 97 01-07-14 07:01 PM #70752 - Which Smash character do you think would survive in DBZ ?
#956642 4420 89 01-07-14 06:43 PM #71022 - Birthday Viz
#956581 4419 106 01-07-14 06:06 PM #71039 - Will zanderlex doze off?
#956534 4418 83 01-07-14 05:39 PM #70615 - Tour de Vizzed: Winter 2014 = EideticMemory wins!
#956420 4417 124 01-07-14 04:17 PM #69988 - What is your favorite method of capturing shiny pokemon?
#955775 4416 107 01-07-14 01:33 AM #70755 - Anyone else draw made up Sonic characters ?
#955768 4415 186 01-07-14 12:40 AM #71001 - 1 Year Anniversary on Vizzed
#955735 4414 88 01-06-14 10:59 PM #70941 - Have you ever found a 4-leaf clover?
#955729 4413 105 01-06-14 10:47 PM #69907 - Favourite Item Shop Item?
#955724 4412 85 01-06-14 10:40 PM #70951 - When was the first time you reached Trooperness A+?
#955667 4411 1612 01-06-14 09:25 PM #70997 - Final Fantasy II Review
#955557 4410 103 01-06-14 07:43 PM #70277 - When did you first start playing video games?
#955549 4409 121 01-06-14 07:37 PM #70972 - If you could have any super power, what would it be
#955544 4408 104 01-06-14 07:33 PM #70975 - Naruto or bleach?
#955540 4407 84 01-06-14 07:30 PM #3694 - Corrupt-A-Wish!
#955514 4406 91 01-06-14 06:42 PM #70950 - how much snow are you getting
#955513 4405 110 01-06-14 06:38 PM #70989 - Happy New Year to all!
#955510 4404 67 01-06-14 06:34 PM #26574 - I ban you because ________
#955489 4403 90 01-06-14 06:12 PM #70973 - Ever get bored of Vizzed?
#955487 4402 155 01-06-14 06:08 PM #70783 - Which school did you like more?
#955479 4401 95 01-06-14 05:55 PM #70976 - My tooth fell out right now
#954313 4400 77 01-05-14 07:12 PM #11541 - Post Count Brag Thread
#954304 4399 91 01-05-14 07:00 PM #69796 - When was the last time you pulled an All-Nighter?
#954296 4398 93 01-05-14 06:48 PM #67480 - How was your day ?
#954278 4397 61 01-05-14 06:18 PM #26574 - I ban you because ________
#954275 4396 86 01-05-14 06:14 PM #70871 - Have you ever made more then one of the same thread?
#954264 4395 84 01-05-14 06:05 PM #37742 - who do you think is the funniest actor
#954252 4394 100 01-05-14 05:50 PM #70728 - Have you ever been in a Hail Storm ?
#954250 4393 112 01-05-14 05:47 PM #66192 - Completionist or Casualist?
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