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  Views: 3,396,030,772     09-23-24 08:36 AM  

Posts by SacredShadow on the board: (7791 posts found)
Post id Post# Words Posted on Thread
#782658 141 179 04-20-13 12:49 AM #10321 - Getting a Girl Friend/ Boy Friend
#782657 140 112 04-20-13 12:31 AM #38075 - Do you think smoking cigarettes is sexy?
#782654 139 56 04-20-13 12:18 AM #56600 - whats your FAVORITE food?
#782650 138 127 04-20-13 12:03 AM #10335 - Pokemon ABC
#782642 137 114 04-19-13 11:48 PM #50015 - How many Countries have you been to?
#782639 136 113 04-19-13 11:37 PM #57646 - What is your favorite type of weather?
#782637 135 110 04-19-13 11:31 PM #12228 - What were you just doing before you logged on to Vizzed?
#782635 134 117 04-19-13 11:25 PM #30670 - What show did you last watch/watching right now?
#782633 133 114 04-19-13 11:20 PM #54879 - Out of all the legends, which do you think is the best, has the best stats and move set?
#782630 132 74 04-19-13 11:12 PM #55092 - What does pokemon mean to you
#782629 131 113 04-19-13 11:08 PM #56688 - Saddest Movie Deaths
#782627 130 147 04-19-13 11:03 PM #23876 - Who thinks aliens really exist?
#782620 129 119 04-19-13 10:50 PM #21575 - How many push-ups can you do?
#782615 128 103 04-19-13 10:44 PM #48395 - Showers or Baths?
#782611 127 75 04-19-13 10:39 PM #53050 - Did you ever had summer school ?
#782496 126 105 04-19-13 08:29 PM #56041 - Huge Amount of Extra Credit on the Line!
#782491 125 111 04-19-13 08:19 PM #14615 - How many years of college did you do/ are planning to do?
#782487 124 225 04-19-13 08:13 PM #33882 - Do you like or hate homework?
#782479 123 122 04-19-13 08:04 PM #47840 - What's the lowest score you've ever gotten on anything?
#782457 122 161 04-19-13 07:29 PM #13685 - Rate the Pokemon above you
#782450 121 93 04-19-13 07:14 PM #55583 - Elimination! Super Smash Bros.
#782430 120 124 04-19-13 06:49 PM #55988 - How's the Weather in your Area !
#782301 119 52 04-19-13 03:34 PM #33605 - What things do you want to happen on your birthday on Vizzed
#782282 118 135 04-19-13 02:59 PM #13685 - Rate the Pokemon above you
#782260 117 17 04-19-13 02:40 PM #56031 - The donate a 100 Vizzed randomly to anyone thread
#782255 116 135 04-19-13 02:37 PM #55700 - What is your least favorite show?
#782239 115 145 04-19-13 02:29 PM #10335 - Pokemon ABC
#781946 114 74 04-18-13 11:26 PM #31094 - Help out Vizzed = Earn up to 7,500 Viz!
#781795 113 146 04-18-13 09:07 PM #10335 - Pokemon ABC
#781607 112 108 04-18-13 05:52 PM #13685 - Rate the Pokemon above you
#781096 111 212 04-17-13 07:41 PM #55775 - EVER GOT INTO A FIGHT BEFORE?
#781065 110 175 04-17-13 07:11 PM #57529 - (restricted)
#780973 109 114 04-17-13 04:33 PM #10335 - Pokemon ABC
#780595 108 182 04-16-13 10:19 PM #13685 - Rate the Pokemon above you
#780463 107 175 04-16-13 08:05 PM #13685 - Rate the Pokemon above you
#780423 106 123 04-16-13 07:00 PM #13685 - Rate the Pokemon above you
#780415 105 73 04-16-13 06:41 PM #40877 - What food would you hate to be allergic to?
#780295 104 112 04-16-13 03:18 PM #54671 - New 3ds games announced
#780263 103 141 04-16-13 02:19 PM #10335 - Pokemon ABC
#779913 102 221 04-15-13 08:23 PM #12313 - What Pokemon would you want as a pet?
#779818 101 199 04-15-13 06:15 PM #13685 - Rate the Pokemon above you
#779735 100 127 04-15-13 04:05 PM #13685 - Rate the Pokemon above you
#779672 99 136 04-15-13 02:36 PM #10335 - Pokemon ABC
#779479 98 136 04-14-13 11:33 PM #12313 - What Pokemon would you want as a pet?
#779474 97 196 04-14-13 11:17 PM #32911 - Favorite Movie?
#779470 96 115 04-14-13 10:57 PM #13685 - Rate the Pokemon above you
#779466 95 344 04-14-13 10:42 PM #57422 - In need of serious advice, help, or solutions
#779344 94 168 04-14-13 06:55 PM #54699 - What is your morning routine?
#779303 93 100 04-14-13 05:43 PM #13685 - Rate the Pokemon above you
#779284 92 113 04-14-13 05:20 PM #10335 - Pokemon ABC
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