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  Views: 3,397,852,751     09-25-24 04:05 PM  

Posts by bigNATE on the board: (3938 posts found)
Post id Post# Words Posted on Thread
#139639 238 35 02-08-10 08:23 AM #9079 - "The heroes of time and existence "sign up thread
#139638 237 107 02-08-10 08:22 AM #7540 - Star Wars Music?
#139521 236 81 02-07-10 09:52 PM #9171 - Gen V
#139518 235 31 02-07-10 09:45 PM #8946 - Gen V: Black, White, and ???/possible R/S remakes
#139514 234 97 02-07-10 09:39 PM #6560 - Do you use cheat codes on your pokemon games?
#139508 233 39 02-07-10 09:25 PM #3694 - Corrupt-A-Wish!
#139506 232 78 02-07-10 09:23 PM #9171 - Gen V
#139504 231 37 02-07-10 09:18 PM #9169 - Spoons or Planes?
#139488 230 8 02-07-10 08:41 PM #9169 - Spoons or Planes?
#139486 229 72 02-07-10 08:37 PM #3694 - Corrupt-A-Wish!
#139484 228 22 02-07-10 08:33 PM #5523 - who do u think is better
#139477 227 72 02-07-10 08:21 PM #8296 - what was the first zelda game you played?
#139473 226 18 02-07-10 08:12 PM #3694 - Corrupt-A-Wish!
#139455 225 19 02-07-10 06:55 PM #5523 - who do u think is better
#139454 224 12 02-07-10 06:48 PM #3694 - Corrupt-A-Wish!
#139446 223 159 02-07-10 06:33 PM #5360 - Games you plan to play some day (or finish)
#139441 222 114 02-07-10 06:17 PM #6559 - Do you watch Pokemon?
#139439 221 37 02-07-10 06:10 PM #6563 - Favorite Pokemon Movie
#139437 220 50 02-07-10 06:08 PM #5523 - who do u think is better
#139432 219 128 02-07-10 05:42 PM #7515 - How long have you known Davideo7 / Vizzed Board ?
#139398 218 119 02-07-10 04:14 PM #311 - What are You Listening to?
#139389 217 26 02-07-10 03:43 PM #9079 - "The heroes of time and existence "sign up thread
#139376 216 71 02-07-10 03:24 PM #9154 - Pôkemon Chaos Black
#139360 215 42 02-07-10 03:02 PM #5507 - game creator please read
#139349 214 97 02-07-10 02:55 PM #5533 - Worst Pokemon From Any Gen
#139342 213 41 02-07-10 02:51 PM #9155 - Which name would you give your character?
#139028 212 21 02-06-10 11:25 PM #9079 - "The heroes of time and existence "sign up thread
#139017 211 73 02-06-10 11:07 PM #7907 - Shiny Pokemon
#138970 210 92 02-06-10 10:26 PM #9129 - Do you think that Pokemon is childish?
#138938 209 163 02-06-10 10:06 PM #5519 - whats the rarest pokemon...
#138926 208 45 02-06-10 09:55 PM #8676 - Download Vizzed Retro Game Room Plugin
#138921 207 32 02-06-10 09:50 PM #9113 - which game you think deserves a remake
#138904 206 31 02-06-10 09:37 PM #7149 - Various Signatures for Sale
#138209 205 62 02-05-10 01:09 PM #8234 - Harry Potter 7 movie- are you looking forward to it?
#138206 204 20 02-05-10 12:44 PM #5781 - What is your favorite type of soda?
#138201 203 28 02-05-10 12:24 PM #7800 - arcanine or rapidash
#138157 202 84 02-05-10 09:10 AM #5200 - Best Pokemon Game
#138153 201 102 02-05-10 09:02 AM #9080 - Your first shiney.
#138149 200 189 02-05-10 08:58 AM #5548 - Pokemon hints/tricks
#138108 199 34 02-05-10 07:26 AM #8458 - Marvel or DC?
#138107 198 80 02-05-10 07:21 AM #9073 - A prayer request...
#138010 197 18 02-04-10 09:52 PM #219 - Would you rather...
#138007 196 13 02-04-10 09:43 PM #219 - Would you rather...
#138006 195 24 02-04-10 09:41 PM #3694 - Corrupt-A-Wish!
#138001 194 79 02-04-10 09:26 PM #9073 - A prayer request...
#137691 193 23 02-04-10 02:15 PM #219 - Would you rather...
#137686 192 20 02-04-10 02:08 PM #9016 - What is the first videogame that you have ever played?
#137684 191 13 02-04-10 02:05 PM #3694 - Corrupt-A-Wish!
#137683 190 41 02-04-10 02:04 PM #219 - Would you rather...
#137679 189 25 02-04-10 01:55 PM #219 - Would you rather...
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