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  Views: 3,394,650,250     09-21-24 09:11 PM  

Posts by marcus047 on the board: (1525 posts found)
Post id Post# Words Posted on Thread
#738322 25 10 02-10-13 03:19 AM #54184 - pokemon ruby
#738319 24 51 02-10-13 03:13 AM #54184 - pokemon ruby
#738235 23 75 02-09-13 10:23 PM #54175 - Pokemon stadium (control issue resolve inside)
#738224 22 133 02-09-13 09:49 PM #54172 - ashamed to call it leafgreen
#738215 21 25 02-09-13 09:19 PM #54014 - pokemon yellow
#738195 20 41 02-09-13 08:40 PM #54165 - pokemon emerald
#736908 19 48 02-07-13 03:31 PM #54014 - pokemon yellow
#736860 18 8 02-07-13 01:54 PM #54014 - pokemon yellow
#736720 17 30 02-07-13 05:25 AM #54012 - pokemon red
#736717 16 31 02-07-13 05:15 AM #54012 - pokemon red
#736713 15 101 02-07-13 04:26 AM #54015 - pokemon silver
#736712 14 75 02-07-13 04:19 AM #54014 - pokemon yellow
#736711 13 28 02-07-13 04:12 AM #54013 - pokemon blue
#736708 12 46 02-07-13 04:07 AM #54012 - pokemon red
#736707 11 143 02-07-13 04:02 AM #54011 - pokemon expert emerald
#736239 10 49 02-06-13 04:24 AM #53942 - Pokemon green
#735788 9 93 02-05-13 04:35 AM #53892 - shiny gold x
#735172 8 59 02-04-13 04:11 AM #53854 - Pokemon onix blue
#734676 7 33 02-03-13 12:01 AM #53798 - Pokemon stadium
#733737 6 40 02-01-13 04:04 PM #53700 - ruby destiny rein of legends
#733264 5 58 01-31-13 04:23 PM #53650 - pokemon leafgreen
#732803 4 20 01-30-13 03:52 PM #53619 - Firered best pokemon remake
#731983 3 12 01-29-13 04:17 AM #53554 - pokemon emerald
#730983 2 55 01-26-13 08:14 AM #53472 - pokemon light platnium
#730981 1 51 01-26-13 07:59 AM #53472 - pokemon light platnium
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