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  Views: 3,394,814,825     09-22-24 12:18 AM  

Posts by marcus047 on the board: (1525 posts found)
Post id Post# Words Posted on Thread
#770902 825 31 04-03-13 10:52 PM #56400 - I'm bored because....
#770755 824 14 04-03-13 08:47 PM #56746 - Tour De Vizzed Spring 2013 Team Competition- FINISHED >TEAM 1 WINS!, TEAM 5 STEALS SECOND!<
#770744 823 27 04-03-13 08:41 PM #56746 - Tour De Vizzed Spring 2013 Team Competition- FINISHED >TEAM 1 WINS!, TEAM 5 STEALS SECOND!<
#769881 822 49 04-02-13 09:24 PM #56847 - What will they think of next?
#769877 821 13 04-02-13 09:20 PM #17890 - What old Cartoons do you miss?
#769873 820 36 04-02-13 09:17 PM #56820 - teen titans go
#769869 819 56 04-02-13 09:11 PM #55605 - Gun crime/ atrocities. The right to bear arms?
#769864 818 28 04-02-13 09:08 PM #51875 - Most disappointing game
#769860 817 12 04-02-13 09:06 PM #56808 - pokemon emerald
#769858 816 27 04-02-13 09:05 PM #56844 - Tomb Raider 2013
#769856 815 26 04-02-13 09:03 PM #38026 - Final Fantasy or Zelda
#769852 814 23 04-02-13 09:01 PM #56571 - when you played your first pokemon game, were you surprised with what magikarp evolved into?
#769848 813 33 04-02-13 09:00 PM #56481 - Are you the Dominant or the Submissive one in a relationship?
#769843 812 35 04-02-13 08:58 PM #56302 - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Enlightened Emerald
#769831 810 16 04-02-13 08:52 PM #52448 - Earthbound or Mother 3?
#769828 809 20 04-02-13 08:51 PM #43610 - What video game are you best at.
#769822 808 10 04-02-13 08:47 PM #51792 - Favourite Female Protagonist?
#769820 807 19 04-02-13 08:46 PM #22 - Favorite Final Fantasy?
#769816 806 24 04-02-13 08:42 PM #14149 - Whats your favorite Video Game ?
#769811 805 17 04-02-13 08:39 PM #56783 - What sports do you have some skills?
#769810 804 19 04-02-13 08:38 PM #5260 - You Know Your On Vizzed Too Much When..........
#769800 803 37 04-02-13 08:25 PM #56839 - "Too much back and forth posting"
#769796 802 32 04-02-13 08:23 PM #56777 - (restricted)
#769791 801 2 04-02-13 08:21 PM #45751 - Chain Reaction!
#769790 800 36 04-02-13 08:20 PM #55665 - Gaming on road trips
#769788 799 16 04-02-13 08:18 PM #56604 - Do you think yawning is contagious
#769771 798 17 04-02-13 08:09 PM #56746 - Tour De Vizzed Spring 2013 Team Competition- FINISHED >TEAM 1 WINS!, TEAM 5 STEALS SECOND!<
#769303 797 12 04-02-13 01:40 PM #56746 - Tour De Vizzed Spring 2013 Team Competition- FINISHED >TEAM 1 WINS!, TEAM 5 STEALS SECOND!<
#769050 796 12 04-02-13 09:50 AM #56389 - Best Underrated Anime powers
#769047 795 20 04-02-13 09:47 AM #43124 - What Sonic character do you hate?
#769046 794 13 04-02-13 09:46 AM #26574 - I ban you because ________
#769025 793 47 04-02-13 09:18 AM #56746 - Tour De Vizzed Spring 2013 Team Competition- FINISHED >TEAM 1 WINS!, TEAM 5 STEALS SECOND!<
#768898 792 12 04-02-13 02:40 AM #55411 - Best Pokemon type?
#768897 791 6 04-02-13 02:39 AM #48140 - What is your favorite Sega character?
#768896 790 21 04-02-13 02:35 AM #48133 - (restricted)
#768895 789 8 04-02-13 02:31 AM #38748 - What is your wishlist car?
#768894 788 12 04-02-13 02:28 AM #37442 - Why did you choose your chat avatar?
#768893 787 11 04-02-13 02:27 AM #52900 - What Was Your Favorite Video Games In Your Childhood
#768892 786 16 04-02-13 02:26 AM #52381 - Family Guy-Why do people like this show?
#768857 785 4 04-02-13 12:01 AM #10335 - Pokemon ABC
#768854 784 13 04-01-13 11:58 PM #56805 - which phone do you think will sell more iphone 6 or galaxy 4?
#768848 783 19 04-01-13 11:54 PM #56796 - Are you a mostly Follower or a Leader
#768846 782 15 04-01-13 11:52 PM #56708 - Its been a while.
#768842 781 28 04-01-13 11:49 PM #56804 - Who wants to join
#768835 780 24 04-01-13 11:45 PM #48772 - Making an MMO
#768832 779 14 04-01-13 11:42 PM #56354 - What's your favorite line in any game?
#768829 778 10 04-01-13 11:41 PM #44815 - Favorite Olympic Sport
#768828 777 9 04-01-13 11:40 PM #54456 - What is your favorite Mario Kart game?
#768825 776 12 04-01-13 11:38 PM #56804 - Who wants to join
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