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  Views: 3,392,477,821     09-19-24 08:50 PM  

Posts by Pacman+Mariofan on the board: (9333 posts found)
Post id Post# Words Posted on Thread
#799654 333 35 05-19-13 03:57 PM #58850 - It's-a Me! Mario!
#799653 332 44 05-19-13 03:53 PM #58688 - I would like there to be a "speed up and/or slow down" feature.
#799650 331 29 05-19-13 03:50 PM #58868 - Help
#799643 330 29 05-19-13 03:45 PM #10856 - What consoles do you own.
#799642 329 49 05-19-13 03:43 PM #58935 - say something about nintendo!!
#799640 328 20 05-19-13 03:40 PM #58891 - Got a Laptop!
#799635 327 25 05-19-13 03:35 PM #58943 - Highest posting spree?
#798991 326 28 05-18-13 04:05 PM #58874 - What would you do in your freetime if you were not allowed to play video games?
#798828 325 32 05-18-13 12:13 PM #58873 - Hello!
#798223 324 22 05-17-13 05:23 PM #58845 - Subscribe to Vizzed & Davideo7 on Youtube = Earn 2000 Viz & we'll add new systems to the site
#797710 323 49 05-16-13 05:25 PM #58734 - Definition of Nostalgia
#797669 322 38 05-16-13 04:27 PM #56316 - What is your favorite Nintendo64 character?
#796770 321 67 05-14-13 07:48 PM #58641 - What is your best and your worst school year you ever went through in your life?
#796298 320 25 05-13-13 06:36 PM #58605 - WE NEED MORE UPDATES
#796233 319 67 05-13-13 03:56 PM #58654 - What a great game...
#796232 318 29 05-13-13 03:53 PM #58672 - Sound!!
#796231 317 29 05-13-13 03:48 PM #58637 - Cursors
#795878 316 94 05-12-13 07:39 PM #58465 - Do you feel some teachers are time wasters?
#795871 315 63 05-12-13 07:28 PM #58604 - How often do you check your notifications / PM's ?
#795867 314 67 05-12-13 07:21 PM #58649 - Do you go on the internet more on your PC or more on your mobile device?
#795786 313 27 05-12-13 04:12 PM #58608 - I figured Peach out
#795768 312 26 05-12-13 03:27 PM #58511 - what your favorite game on vizzed
#795760 311 81 05-12-13 03:16 PM #40736 - What are viz points for?
#795588 310 40 05-12-13 08:04 AM #20745 - Do people in your school know you go on vizzed?
#795584 309 107 05-12-13 07:58 AM #58621 - What up ItchyNoze here
#795494 308 431 05-11-13 08:20 PM #58613 - Super Mario Rainbow Road Plus Review
#795457 307 21 05-11-13 06:18 PM #11541 - Post Count Brag Thread
#795417 306 42 05-11-13 04:07 PM #20895 - Do you actually watch the credits at the end of movies?
#795416 305 35 05-11-13 03:59 PM #58603 - Hello.
#795413 304 27 05-11-13 03:54 PM #57352 - Tips n' Tricks
#795389 303 640 05-11-13 02:48 PM #58597 - My review of Galaga for the MSX
#795315 302 82 05-11-13 11:49 AM #58586 - virus
#795314 301 60 05-11-13 11:44 AM #58577 - Hello, good morning everyone, I'm a newbie!
#795248 300 549 05-11-13 09:07 AM #58578 - Super Mario Warp Zone Secret Star Zone Review
#795234 299 34 05-11-13 08:28 AM #58562 - An interesting Mario RPG.
#795228 298 62 05-11-13 08:18 AM #58336 - Second Languages?
#795224 297 38 05-11-13 08:14 AM #58017 - Die a hero, or just another regular person?
#795223 296 104 05-11-13 08:10 AM #58569 - How much about yourself do you let Vizzed see?
#794972 295 45 05-10-13 02:53 PM #58481 - A good memory
#794971 294 67 05-10-13 02:49 PM #58531 - Is it broken?
#794965 293 33 05-10-13 02:43 PM #58530 - Mario vs dk the 2 are at it again!
#794964 292 24 05-10-13 02:40 PM #58544 - How do you access MAME options for RGR
#794959 291 31 05-10-13 02:35 PM #55722 - Your newbie quiz
#794695 290 52 05-09-13 03:17 PM #57896 - Bosconian info and strategies
#794692 289 17 05-09-13 03:12 PM #50931 - Favorite MAME Games
#794686 288 46 05-09-13 03:03 PM #58516 - 300 Threads and Top 50 chatter?... Dag gum
#794685 287 27 05-09-13 03:00 PM #58524 - Size of screen?
#794480 286 58 05-08-13 08:16 PM #55051 - Do you hate Justin Bieber? (in English and Spanish)
#794474 285 18 05-08-13 08:11 PM #58373 - Have you ever listened to multiple songs at the same time?
#794464 284 34 05-08-13 08:07 PM #36218 - The Big Bang Theory
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