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  Views: 3,393,865,579     09-21-24 01:22 AM  

Posts by Batcake on the board: (3246 posts found)
Post id Post# Words Posted on Thread
#895416 2146 29 10-02-13 05:34 PM #66298 - I love you guys!
#895413 2145 36 10-02-13 05:32 PM #66019 - How EXACTLY do saves work? (super paranoid)
#895407 2144 45 10-02-13 05:30 PM #66181 - Tour de Vizzed: Autumn 2013 = Razor-987 wins!
#895388 2143 37 10-02-13 05:20 PM #3694 - Corrupt-A-Wish!
#895382 2142 41 10-02-13 05:18 PM #21271 - What's the first M-rated game you played?
#895379 2141 44 10-02-13 05:17 PM #51291 - do u hate or love pokemon
#895375 2140 105 10-02-13 05:14 PM #51654 - The Classic Game of ELIMINATION!
#895364 2139 28 10-02-13 05:11 PM #66041 - The Wyatt Family .vs. The Shield
#895357 2138 47 10-02-13 05:08 PM #49969 - Do you prefer your Anime with subtitles, or in English?
#895345 2137 37 10-02-13 05:03 PM #65055 - What is your internet speed?
#895333 2136 52 10-02-13 04:55 PM #66073 - Popular websites
#895329 2135 36 10-02-13 04:52 PM #64257 - 2015
#895325 2134 65 10-02-13 04:49 PM #63907 - What is your favorite Pokemon Season?
#895317 2133 50 10-02-13 04:44 PM #66276 - Spam question
#895293 2132 43 10-02-13 04:27 PM #65722 - iPhone 5c, iPhone 5s
#895283 2131 63 10-02-13 04:23 PM #65251 - Creating a website
#895276 2130 36 10-02-13 04:20 PM #66284 - Vizzed cell phone app?
#895224 2129 41 10-02-13 03:58 PM #64933 - Level brag thread
#895153 2128 30 10-02-13 03:03 PM #66031 - Accelerated Math and School Bullies
#895143 2127 35 10-02-13 02:58 PM #64866 - Have you ever gotten angry at a video game?
#895142 2126 33 10-02-13 02:57 PM #65596 - Out of every game you've completed, which one was the least fun for you?
#895139 2125 43 10-02-13 02:55 PM #63683 - Have you ever been obsessed with a game before?
#895136 2124 35 10-02-13 02:54 PM #65466 - Physical or Digital Copy?
#895133 2123 47 10-02-13 02:52 PM #66288 - GAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! MARIO!
#895130 2122 37 10-02-13 02:51 PM #65893 - Was your first system a console or a handheld?
#895127 2121 42 10-02-13 02:48 PM #65969 - Do you think some guys put to much focus into their shoes?
#895123 2120 38 10-02-13 02:46 PM #65804 - How long does it take you to get to school?
#895121 2119 37 10-02-13 02:45 PM #65586 - My Teacher is __________
#895118 2118 39 10-02-13 02:44 PM #64873 - how many friends do you have ?
#895114 2117 52 10-02-13 02:42 PM #66031 - Accelerated Math and School Bullies
#895111 2116 45 10-02-13 02:40 PM #66149 - Do you like your homeroom teacher?
#895108 2115 42 10-02-13 02:39 PM #65818 - what is the weirdest thing you've ever seen at a school?
#895104 2114 40 10-02-13 02:37 PM #58036 - legend of zelda
#895102 2113 36 10-02-13 02:36 PM #65688 - Megaman is good or something
#895101 2112 37 10-02-13 02:34 PM #66064 - Whats you favourite video game themes?
#895096 2111 44 10-02-13 02:33 PM #64212 - What is your favourite Sonic game ever?
#895092 2110 41 10-02-13 02:31 PM #66230 - Your Favorite Zelda Game
#895088 2109 55 10-02-13 02:29 PM #54439 - ELIMINATION! Pokemon Edition
#895086 2108 32 10-02-13 02:29 PM #66282 - Pokemon Reviews:Sableye
#895085 2107 108 10-02-13 02:27 PM #55535 - Sports Teams Elimination - NBA - TAKE 3, ADD 1
#895081 2106 47 10-02-13 02:25 PM #66252 - I was once a Trusted members
#895080 2105 45 10-02-13 02:24 PM #66265 - Tour de Vizzed Questions
#895077 2104 44 10-02-13 02:22 PM #66279 - Posting Up some poems
#895073 2103 34 10-02-13 02:20 PM #65872 - How fast do you type?
#895072 2102 37 10-02-13 02:18 PM #65869 - Finally trusted!
#895070 2101 47 10-02-13 02:17 PM #66215 - My 15th birthday!
#895066 2100 30 10-02-13 02:15 PM #66232 - Let the tour de viz start
#895064 2099 33 10-02-13 02:14 PM #66241 - Just got the Sword of Vizzed!! Jealous??
#895062 2098 41 10-02-13 02:12 PM #66256 - 1 year.
#895054 2097 31 10-02-13 02:01 PM #66181 - Tour de Vizzed: Autumn 2013 = Razor-987 wins!
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