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  Views: 3,396,630,306     09-24-24 04:02 AM  

Posts by becerra95 on the board: (3613 posts found)
Post id Post# Words Posted on Thread
#1396580 2413 45 07-03-22 08:44 PM #100447 - How are you?
#1396576 2412 997 07-03-22 08:36 PM #104310 - So I beat up people
#1396559 2411 27 07-03-22 07:20 PM #101273 - What time did you wake up today?
#1396558 2410 36 07-03-22 07:19 PM #24198 - What is The Last GΛMΣ U BΞΑT?
#1396557 2409 33 07-03-22 07:13 PM #311 - What are You Listening to?
#1396556 2408 42 07-03-22 07:12 PM #91013 - What was the last thing you ate or are eating right now?
#1396555 2407 31 07-03-22 07:10 PM #70162 - What was the last game you played?
#1396554 2406 56 07-03-22 07:09 PM #104047 - What Youtube video did you last watch?
#1396549 2405 40 07-03-22 06:36 PM #104299 - Tour de Vizzed: Summer 2022 = SonicOlmstead wins!
#1396542 2404 34 07-03-22 04:49 PM #104299 - Tour de Vizzed: Summer 2022 = SonicOlmstead wins!
#1396534 2403 91 07-03-22 11:24 AM #104291 - sonic origins what did you think?
#1396521 2402 60 07-03-22 09:27 AM #75603 - Rate the song above you
#1396519 2401 41 07-03-22 09:23 AM #103152 - What song do you have stuck in your head right now?
#1396518 2400 41 07-03-22 09:21 AM #64506 - What time did u go to bed last night/this morning?
#1396516 2399 39 07-03-22 09:19 AM #98020 - How's the weather where you're at?
#1396514 2398 25 07-03-22 09:15 AM #91013 - What was the last thing you ate or are eating right now?
#1396512 2397 19 07-03-22 09:13 AM #65620 - What are you currently doing right now?
#1396509 2396 64 07-03-22 09:11 AM #104299 - Tour de Vizzed: Summer 2022 = SonicOlmstead wins!
#1396484 2395 50 07-02-22 06:56 PM #103058 - What do you think of when you hear...?
#1396482 2394 60 07-02-22 06:52 PM #103152 - What song do you have stuck in your head right now?
#1396481 2393 47 07-02-22 06:51 PM #25789 - What Anime are you watching right now? Or were watching?
#1396480 2392 28 07-02-22 06:47 PM #30670 - What show did you last watch/watching right now?
#1396479 2391 20 07-02-22 06:40 PM #101909 - You're locked in hand to hand combat with the last character you saw.
#1396470 2390 32 07-02-22 09:05 AM #70162 - What was the last game you played?
#1396469 2389 19 07-02-22 09:04 AM #91623 - If I Had A Nickel
#1396468 2388 40 07-02-22 09:00 AM #91013 - What was the last thing you ate or are eating right now?
#1396467 2387 30 07-02-22 08:59 AM #64506 - What time did u go to bed last night/this morning?
#1396466 2386 40 07-02-22 08:56 AM #98020 - How's the weather where you're at?
#1396465 2385 45 07-02-22 08:55 AM #2979 - Last movie you've seen?
#1396464 2384 50 07-02-22 08:53 AM #101273 - What time did you wake up today?
#1396463 2383 36 07-02-22 08:50 AM #104299 - Tour de Vizzed: Summer 2022 = SonicOlmstead wins!
#1396378 2382 31 06-25-22 05:23 PM #92642 - What is the last thing you bought in person?
#1396374 2381 92 06-23-22 09:53 PM #70162 - What was the last game you played?
#1396373 2380 32 06-23-22 09:45 PM #24198 - What is The Last GΛMΣ U BΞΑT?
#1396365 2379 58 06-22-22 06:17 PM #104221 - So he just stained
#1396347 2378 79 06-21-22 12:12 PM #311 - What are You Listening to?
#1396328 2377 45 06-20-22 02:02 AM #65620 - What are you currently doing right now?
#1396317 2376 88 06-18-22 05:26 AM #103960 - Ask Clayton Anything!
#1396308 2375 42 06-17-22 01:47 PM #103960 - Ask Clayton Anything!
#1396307 2374 44 06-17-22 01:41 PM #65620 - What are you currently doing right now?
#1396306 2373 39 06-17-22 01:39 PM #104278 - Will it blend?
#1396298 2372 35 06-15-22 11:40 AM #103960 - Ask Clayton Anything!
#1396295 2371 20 06-15-22 07:18 AM #104256 - (restricted)
#1396293 2370 37 06-14-22 07:00 PM #104275 - program formatting
#1396288 2369 30 06-12-22 04:07 AM #311 - What are You Listening to?
#1396287 2368 30 06-12-22 02:44 AM #311 - What are You Listening to?
#1396283 2367 13 06-10-22 08:40 PM #99087 - What was the last thing you drank or are drinking right now?
#1396281 2366 13 06-10-22 08:12 PM #99087 - What was the last thing you drank or are drinking right now?
#1396278 2365 78 06-09-22 10:58 PM #65620 - What are you currently doing right now?
#1396274 2364 46 06-07-22 09:52 PM #104074 - Hi, I'm Allysa8th! Ask me anything!
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