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  Views: 3,398,123,079     09-26-24 01:20 AM  

Posts by subbers on the board: (17 posts found)
Post id Post# Words Posted on Thread
#1042913 17 10 07-01-14 02:28 PM #67427 - Pokemon Liquid Crystal
#798226 16 3 05-17-13 05:24 PM #58845 - Subscribe to Vizzed & Davideo7 on Youtube = Earn 2000 Viz & we'll add new systems to the site
#771544 15 19 04-04-13 06:37 PM #53001 - Which Dragonball Z Character is your favorite
#771537 14 10 04-04-13 06:34 PM #56703 - Do you expect North Korea to actually launch a nuclear attack?
#638879 13 9 08-21-12 03:34 PM #33210 - Ask Davideo7 Anything
#638878 12 1 08-21-12 03:32 PM #42888 - oh my gosh there is a _______ under my bed
#638875 11 11 08-21-12 03:31 PM #45750 - Who was Ash's best pokemon?
#638872 10 7 08-21-12 03:28 PM #43171 - Who likes dbz
#638871 9 2 08-21-12 03:27 PM #37742 - who do you think is the funniest actor
#638868 8 11 08-21-12 03:26 PM #45869 - Pokemon Black starter
#638866 7 44 08-21-12 03:26 PM #21402 - Hardest boss you fought
#638862 6 1 08-21-12 03:23 PM #45916 - hello
#638858 5 14 08-21-12 03:23 PM #45576 - pokemon tools and hms
#638853 4 4 08-21-12 03:22 PM #24856 - Do you have a 3DS
#638852 3 16 08-21-12 03:21 PM #45796 - Which video game character is better Link or Mario ?
#638849 2 5 08-21-12 03:20 PM #45920 - Best video game rival
#638847 1 22 08-21-12 03:18 PM #45854 - Which one is better Gameboy color or Gameboy Advance
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