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  Views: 3,397,213,956     09-24-24 09:11 PM  

Posts by chief722 on the board: (6 posts found)
Post id Post# Words Posted on Thread
#548128 6 6 03-04-12 06:46 PM #36809 - need help changing game screen size
#548052 5 18 03-04-12 02:17 PM #36809 - need help changing game screen size
#521156 4 19 12-29-11 02:09 PM #34966 - Fix Zelda Minish Cap
#520984 3 10 12-29-11 01:04 AM #34968 - having trouble starting games
#520975 2 23 12-29-11 12:37 AM #34968 - having trouble starting games
#520924 1 22 12-28-11 10:56 PM #34962 - hey people im new to this site
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