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  Views: 3,396,152,365     09-23-24 12:37 PM  

Posts by smotpoker86 on the board: (465 posts found)
Post id Post# Words Posted on Thread
#771444 465 5 04-04-13 05:17 PM #42281 - Man arrested for throwing french fries at stepdaughter
#764116 464 86 03-26-13 10:37 PM #36146 - Is There a God?
#761057 463 377 03-22-13 02:48 PM #36146 - Is There a God?
#743120 462 19 02-21-13 08:25 PM #54167 - N64 Games
#742870 461 234 02-21-13 02:55 PM #54280 - Creation vs Evolution
#741193 460 1043 02-16-13 04:17 PM #54280 - Creation vs Evolution
#733985 459 99 02-02-13 02:39 AM #53496 - Creation vs Evolution
#733319 458 112 01-31-13 06:47 PM #52620 - Do you write any songs?
#733146 457 285 01-30-13 11:21 PM #53496 - Creation vs Evolution
#732528 456 77 01-29-13 10:46 PM #46124 - Did God make aliens?
#732525 455 25 01-29-13 10:35 PM #53496 - Creation vs Evolution
#722546 454 214 01-13-13 02:45 AM #51261 - The Problem of Evil
#722021 453 162 01-12-13 01:25 PM #20412 - Ever received sad news at Christmas?
#722003 452 34 01-12-13 01:11 PM #51261 - The Problem of Evil
#709844 451 121 12-27-12 10:35 PM #51639 - Perdict the next doomsday date
#707200 450 21 12-23-12 12:30 AM #51647 - Armed Cops in Schools
#702671 449 421 12-14-12 09:26 PM #50920 - Are atheists hypocrites?
#698007 448 270 12-05-12 08:31 PM #51004 - Man about to die -- The New York Post
#697686 447 369 12-05-12 05:07 AM #50920 - Are atheists hypocrites?
#696868 446 625 12-03-12 06:49 PM #50920 - Are atheists hypocrites?
#694556 445 179 11-28-12 04:27 PM #50673 - Many of my loved ones are atheists
#694258 444 212 11-27-12 08:18 PM #50673 - Many of my loved ones are atheists
#692921 443 35 11-24-12 08:57 PM #50031 - What would you do if you couldnt get in trouble
#691787 442 324 11-21-12 09:56 PM #49658 - God
#688275 441 240 11-13-12 09:23 PM #49658 - God
#687959 440 97 11-13-12 10:44 AM #49658 - God
#687779 439 123 11-12-12 08:59 PM #49658 - God
#687665 438 21 11-12-12 04:08 PM #49658 - God
#687651 437 6 11-12-12 03:46 PM #49941 - Louisiana Petitioning to Withdraw from the United States. UPDATED
#686429 436 376 11-09-12 05:36 PM #49750 - Amendment 64
#686288 435 332 11-09-12 12:07 PM #49750 - Amendment 64
#685230 434 197 11-06-12 06:09 PM #49711 - Pentecostal and Tongue Speaking
#685023 433 154 11-06-12 10:39 AM #49711 - Pentecostal and Tongue Speaking
#685008 432 126 11-06-12 10:15 AM #49702 - Foodstamps & Welfare
#683316 431 36 11-02-12 02:22 PM #42509 - Israel: Does it deserve foreign aid when it is already a wealthy country?
#683291 430 427 11-02-12 01:38 PM #43100 - God's Amazing Healing Powers
#683194 429 258 11-02-12 09:56 AM #43100 - God's Amazing Healing Powers
#682887 428 260 11-01-12 05:16 PM #43100 - God's Amazing Healing Powers
#682553 427 200 11-01-12 03:02 AM #43100 - God's Amazing Healing Powers
#674565 426 750 10-17-12 08:40 PM #36146 - Is There a God?
#665330 425 41 10-05-12 03:27 AM #31072 - Is Getting A Tattoo A Sin?
#664121 424 53 10-04-12 02:42 AM #48070 - Jesus was married
#662188 423 81 10-02-12 04:51 PM #12631 - Prove God Exists
#662159 422 51 10-02-12 04:34 PM #44795 - Official 2012-2013 NHL Thread
#655967 421 166 09-21-12 04:14 PM #45922 - Explain your "Christian" theory of how the planets were made.
#655950 420 78 09-21-12 03:52 PM #44795 - Official 2012-2013 NHL Thread
#654853 419 88 09-19-12 05:53 AM #47445 - How do you deal with migraines?
#654050 418 117 09-17-12 08:39 AM #47264 - The Innocence of Muslims
#654046 417 407 09-17-12 08:23 AM #47352 - Why do people attempt to impose their beliefs on others?
#652253 416 98 09-14-12 02:24 AM #46940 - Did you know that there were Christian Punk bands?
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