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  Views: 3,398,756,783     09-26-24 07:18 PM  

Posts by yoda251171 on the board: (14 posts found)
Post id Post# Words Posted on Thread
#707241 14 3 12-23-12 03:10 AM #51689 - Merry Christmas
#683963 13 13 11-03-12 05:34 PM #49554 - Game of Week & Day = Free Netplay
#653491 12 184 09-16-12 06:18 AM #47327 - space fury
#650970 11 2 09-11-12 01:58 AM #44764 - Favourite 90's cartoon?
#650570 10 14 09-10-12 03:34 PM #47079 - trusted member
#650568 9 45 09-10-12 03:21 PM #4307 - Play NES, GB & GBC Games Online (or flash games) using PC Controller
#650565 8 17 09-10-12 03:14 PM #34254 - What is your favorite planet name?
#650563 7 15 09-10-12 03:10 PM #34936 - What Is The WORST Sonic Game You Have Played? Thanks for 500+ views!
#597265 6 17 06-06-12 11:13 AM #41133 - ps1
#597254 5 19 06-06-12 10:52 AM #41133 - ps1
#597252 4 13 06-06-12 10:47 AM #41119 - Which bad habit would you take up if you had to make a choice, smoking or drinking???
#597243 3 20 06-06-12 10:43 AM #41121 - Staff Application = RGR and VGR
#597242 2 20 06-06-12 10:41 AM #41133 - ps1
#575008 1 26 04-27-12 04:26 AM #38591 - I'm new here!!!
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