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  Views: 3,229,705,484     05-07-24 08:01 PM  

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Last Post: 06-07-16 10:54 AM
    in worst. game series. ever. (Game Reviews)
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TetraDigm's Last 10 Game Comments (view last 100)
Final Fantasy - A Heroes Quest i was level 4 with nearly 200 hp on a white and black mage, and my warrior 1 shotted garland for 742 damage.
Final Fantasy - A Heroes Quest this is complete garbage. you 1 shot literally every enemy with literally every character. the first weapon shop is bugged, when you leave, walk up and it opens a second weapon shop that sells bugged items, armor, and weapons.
Pier Solar and the Great Architects (beta) th hd version is 100x buggier, and using the "hd" graphics introduces such a terrible excuse for a lighting system that everything becomes an incomprehensible mess. not to mention the pc versions controls are terrible.
Pier Solar and the Great Architects (beta) seeing as i own the "hd" version on steam, id say i know a bit more of this game than you. and it is worthless.
Final Fantasy Negative One (Ver. 2.0) hacked my levels up to 15, still got wiped. could barely hurt them, and they hit my guys for 40-150 damage per punch.
Final Fantasy Negative One (Ver. 2.0) it seemed fun at first. then i ran against the pisco demons, who apparently have 95% resistance to physical attacks, and all spells do about 10 damage to them.
Pier Solar and the Great Architects (beta) the HD version is even worse than this demo lol
Pier Solar and the Great Architects (beta) if this demo is indicative of the quality of the full game, then this game is worthless. the graphics, sound, generic battle engine, and overall speed of battle/movement are all so low that it makes this game unplayable.
DemiKids - Dark Version i was referring to the sign above the doors of the fusion buildings. i may have missed a few that were 5 pointed, but all i saw were stars of david.
Final Fantasy 7 - NES Remake (4-25-12 Update) this game is unplayable, and resembles ff7 in no way aside from the script obviously copied from google, and the makers having never played the actual game.

TetraDigm's Last 25 Game Reviews
Pier Solar and the Great Architects (beta)
09-01-14 06:49 AM
why do people pay money for this?
Graphics: the graphics in Pier Solar (demo) are absolutely terrible. they have that od sharp yet blurry look of sega CD games, but with terrible choices of colors and oftentimes odd, like wierd blue or green dots sometimes on the borders of tiles, or some parts of characters. its all very eye wrenching and for being made well after the system was dead, these guys should have been able to program graphics at least on par with early genesis titles, not slightly better than a pirate chinese rpg for the nes.

Sound: its difficult to tell if its badly arranged, they had no idea how to use synthetic wave forms to make their instruments, or both, but the music in this demo sounds absolutely terrible. im sure the CD version music sounds better, but theres no excuse for them just deciding to put no effort into this sound.

addictive: no. its (the demo) a generic rpg thats over very quick. if it werent for the fact that you move i tiles in like 2 seconds, the game would be over far quicker.

Story: meh its well written, and by that i mean obviously by native english speakers. its not engaging, nothing out of the ordinary or special. theres nothing in this story for the demo to make me say "oh damn i need that"

depth: again, generic rpg. you have some kind of charge option in battle, but its useless in this demo because you lose ALL your charges anytime you get hit and need to charge for like 3-4 turns to have a small increase in damage, which you would have surpassed by simply attacking those 4 turns.

difficulty: meh. there really is none. youll find it difficult if you try to use that idiotic charge mechanic though.

Overall, this demo, if indicative of the actual game, tells me that the creators were basically making some chinese pirate rpg, but with text we can understand. a generic battle system, coupled with terrible sound and graphics, extremely slow movement, a bland and boring story, and all the same stuff ... Read the rest of this Review
Earthbound Zero
08-21-14 08:46 AM
what do people see in this?
Ah Earthbound. A game lauded by many, given false praise left and right, where despite the many failings it has, they are all ignored and the programmers could do no wrong. i normally dont bother to include information pertaining to the games development or past, but for this one im going to do so at various parts. some of you are going to see a "rant" because of the low rating and general tone i will take against this game, but play the game and youll see for yourself that everything i say is true.

Graphics: Earthbound has good graphics for a late NES or very early release SNES game. for being 4 years into the system, there is no excuse. the character sprites are very poorly done, as if someone just learned how to code had taken his first steps at making game graphics. this is an apt comparison, because the team who handled most of the game, APE, was a fledgling company full of people who had no experience in coding anything before working there, and in some cases (will come back to this) were illiterate. all of the writing on buildings and whatnot is crooked and sideways, like a 6 year old makes his letters to appear cute, and the backgrounds themselves are generally poorly drawn and are difficult to discern exactly what is supposed to be in them. animation is essentially nonexistent, and battles consist of a non animated GIF with flashing colors or a solid color for a background. attack animations are either nothing, or something stupid looking like a bulls eye pattern stretched to cover the screen.

Sound: though there are claims of this game using real instruments, the proof is in the pudding. the bass drum sounds like a wet fart, the snares all sound like someone coughing into a mic.  all of the instruments sound terrible, and nothing like any actual instrument, and the songs are composed horribly, in a haphazard way that is generally painful to listen to. the sound effects are the same terrible sounds as used in the music, and dont conve... Read the rest of this Review
Ms. Pacman
07-13-14 11:06 AM
worst. game series. ever.
Oh Pacman. The infamous series that is oh so "classic" in the video game world. Its barely a game, barely works, and has 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 different versions that are all exactly the same. Played any other pacman? Than you have played this one as well. Now on to speaking truth about this abomination.

Graphics: well, when the FIRST Pacman came out in 1980, it was not even comparable to most other arcade games, and the Sega Master System does it no better. The graphics are still as simplistic as they can possibly be, there's barely anything in the game, a handful of fruit that look vaguely like fruit, 4 "ghosts"  that are just a palette swap of one another with a different movement speed,  no background, and walls that consist of just solid colored lines. Whether arcade or SMS version, these games all lack any real detail, and as such cannot compare to their competition. Supposedly there's some "cut scenes" which I haven't bothered to view, and can only imagine they are the identical pacman and Mrs. pacman wandering around mazes being chased by ghosts. 

Sound: hahaha. You get a couple of bleeps and bloops. You get nothing but the utmost annoying sounds that don't resemble anything at all, that just play constantly. If you don't want to mute this after 10 seconds, you've likely got hearing problems to begin with.

Addictiveness: none. You "navigate" through mazes that all look the same(even if there is a very small variation between them), only to eventually play the game over and over.  seeing as the only "hard" thing about these games is the terrible controls that require you to hold the direction you want to turn long before you hit an intersection, its really just a simple game of navigating through a maze where the "enemies" largely ignore you, and grabbing the white dots. Oh yeah. So fun.

Story: there is no story. Its pacman. You wander through....just look at the above paragraph. There's yo... Read the rest of this Review
Chrono Trigger
01-21-14 08:32 AM
i dont see what the fuss is all about
Chrono Trigger has always been praised as some end all be all magical wonder RPG of the SNES, at least, since emulators became popular. As a youngling, id only met a handful of other people who'd played this game, and like myself, none could find much enjoyment in the game. For years i've tried to find where everybody finds these amazing aspects, but replay after replay, cartridge after save state, i come up short.

Graphics: I find the graphics to be about the average for SNES RPG's. While things generally look nice, and animations are well done, they arent exactly eye popping or stand-outish.  the supposedly amazing skill amimations fall well short of this, generally being some simple image stretched to terrible looking sizes, or a paralax background shifting slightly in shape/size.

Sound: i find the sound to be a bit boring for an SNES RPG. its not bad, per say, but when you place it up against most music from most others, it will not be the song youd prefer to hear. sound effects are the same as you always hear and as such not worth really noting. the praise the sound generally hears, is not about the sounds themselves, but of the composer of said sounds. 

Addictiveness: meh, its a generic cookie cutter RPG with a basic cookie cutter battle system that just looks a little bit different. it boils down into the same "hold confirm and attack constantly" strategy that console RPG's so often had. couple that with the overall generic and lackluster feel of the game, and for me there is very little to keep me coming back except in the hopes that ill one day find that 3 seconds of gameplay i seem to keep missing that gets everyone else hooked.

Story: the story is a jumble of nonsensical idiocy, coupled with the insertion of what the japanese apparently find funny....which never is. while not quite as bad as the spiritual successor, it is still an overly convoluted mess of things that make no sense no matter how you look at it... Read the rest of this Review
Dungeon Explorer
01-18-14 02:36 AM
the best i can do for a game that dosent work
Graphics: the graphics are about average for a Sega CD game, which means slightly worse looking than a Sega genesis game. Like most Sega CD games, there is this underlying "sharpness" to most images, that just makes them look terrible. Coupled with the very heavy dithering, and writing on floors that is completely incomprehensible, makes this game look like crap, but as I said, on par for Sega CD.

Sound: while the music is actually decent, the voices are what drops the sound quality. The words are muffled, and sound like you're playing Phelios with the treble turned down, and the bass turned up. Hardly anything the game says is understandable, and its quite repugnant to the ear when you pick up an item and you hear "mmmrrrflll prrttin" when you pick up some kind of potion.

addictiveness: there is none. This is a clone of gauntlet, done very badly. All the characters are weak in every way. You start out with several dungeons you can go to, but all of them, the first included, are nearly impossible. It takes forever to kill even the weakest enemy, and all they drop is 1xp. All a level up gives you is a few HP. Items cost huge amounts. Making it to the end of the first dungeon, id gotten about 10k gold, but i hacked my gold to begin with and bought all the items. you wont get through these places otherwise, and anyone who claims they do is either lying, or an epic game master.

story: from what ive seen, theres a crappy intro that takes forever to be over, and it makes very little sense. i cant say theres no other story in the game, because this rom crashes after the first dungeon every time, but even so i am 100% certain that there is nothing else until you beat the game. to start the game, youre not given any form of direction on where to go, but there are several dungeons you can go to, and youll die before getting to all but 1 of them.

Depth: this game seems like a grind. the frist dungeon, with maxed items and at level 90... Read the rest of this Review
Phantasy Star IV
12-17-13 06:47 AM
The single best game on the Genesis
Phantasy Star 4. One of the single greatest games of all time, with a well written story, perfect battle sequences, beautiful maps and soundtrack, and a level of character development rivaled only(at the time) by the final fantasy games. A decently long game, expect to sink at least 30-40 hours into it while never getting bored. The game sucks you in from the very start with a marvelous opening cut scene accompanied by title music that amps you up for the oncoming struggles, and a simple menu system that makes navigation of inventory, stats, abilities, etc. Nearly effortless. But enough of the preamble, onto the game!


beginning with non battle sprites, the character animations and designs are wonderful. For being sprites of people in real form, they have amazing detail for the age, and be it npc or pc, all of them look pleasing to the eye and are generally filled with coloring that doesn't seem off like many games have. 
The scenes themselves are also well done, with buildings that are made to fit into the environment, except the occasional techno-dungeon coming around to remind you that you are NOT just on some dying desert planet. Most buildings only use a few colors, but they are used very well. Never do you see awkward color clashes, pieces of buildings being cut off for no reason, and they even correspond to their placement on the map. Take the town of mile. situated on the edge of quicksand, the eastern side of the town is fenced off and consists of nothing but sand. Best of all, the thumbnail like images of the towns on the world map? They are almost a complete downsized model of the city, except on dezolis.
the battle scenes are even better. Well animated enemies AND characters, coupled with some nice looking attack effects that, along with the sound effects, vary depending on if you hit or miss your target, and some attack effects... Read the rest of this Review
Zelda II - The Adventure of Link
11-29-13 05:43 AM
the only good zelda game i have ever found.
Graphics: the sprites had  relatively detailed animations, and the background/foreground tiles were designed well. By that, I mean that the rocks actually look like rocks, and the monsters actually look like easily recognizable monsters, as opposed to many NES games who just used copy/pasted tiles sets that were usually just a bunch of colored blocks with a few black lines in them. While they were well detailed, they were also very bleedy. Perhaps it was just the fact that I played this on an old CRT, as most tiles do not bleed into their surrounding on the emulator versions, but playing an irl cartridge on a real tv (even lcd/plasma, I still own this game.), the results are the same. Terrible tiles sets that bleed their colors into everything touching them.

sound: the music in this game is wonderful. Nearly every tune is catchy, an I for one am constantly walking around with the dungeon theme going in my head. It never leaves your head. The songs aren't particularly well composed, and don't stretch the limits of the NES sound chip by any means, but they DO sound good enough that it doesn't make you want to shut off the system, and thy aren't so un-detailed that you feel like you're walking through a barren landscape with random sound effects playing, like most NES games.

Addictiveness: this is one of those games that you pop in the NES, and you just cant stop playing. The controls are tight and well done, the dungeon layouts are well made and not the same thing every single room, every single dungeon (Zelda 1), and the enemies require some actual strategy to defeat.  really everything about the game wraps it together into a neat little package that just screams "PLAY ME!"

story: a lot of people seem to think this game lacks any story. That's generally because they never got past the first dungeon, or couldn't get passed the first spot you need to jump spell for. Compared to nearly any NES side scroller, the story is well thought o... Read the rest of this Review
Final Fantasy VII
10-24-13 11:12 AM
A classic to many, simply for being 3D

Graphics: Alot of people like to make the claim that the graphics are as they are because it was an early PSX title. What with its squares connected to other squares for body parts, lack of mouths on any character, deformed overworld characters who look like badly made "chibi" versions of their battle models, and enemies that suffer from the same "square connected to square" syndrome. But this is folly. In fact, this is one of the single worst looking games on the PSX.  the FMV sequences were well done, except that they used the overworld character models, but overall the graphics are sub par for what the PSX was capable of handling, how much data the CD's could hold, and compared to almost any other PSX title from the same time period.

Sound: the sound in this game is nothing but bad midis. YES, the music is -generally- composed well. Catchy tunes, an interesting voice synth on the semi-final boss, but that doesn't detract from the fact that the system could handle real music perfectly fine, and there was more then enough space on each CD to fit real music in. If you have the PC version, which you almost certainly don't, you can replace the terrible quality super Nintendo music with real music. But on the console, you're stuck with super Nintendo instruments. I don't believe many PSX titles took advantage of the real music capabilities, but that doesn't matter, the fact is that they COULD have put it in, but they opted to lowball it and make this thing for the cheapest possible cost, and use terrible sounding midis. The sound effects themselves are annoying, you just here "swish" and "tatatatata" all the time. There are a good amount of sound effects, but once again, they used midi when they didn't have to, and ended up making a bunch of terrible sounding nonsense. The only sound effect in the entire game that I enjoy, is the chocobo "wark" which ironically sounds like a high pitched "boo-bee-boo" Read the rest of this Review
Action 52
10-13-13 07:59 AM
i would parking lot attack the creators
Graphics: every game on this cart has graphics that would have been acceptable...if this came out when the nes did. In fact, it came out 5 years into the life of the system, and has terrible graphics in comparison to games of this time. You generally cannot tell what you are, what your trying to kill, or what missile(if you have one) you are shooting. Things tend to be either 1 or 2 colors, or a mass of every color on the palette in no form of design, as if they just threw a couple cans of paint at the design, and said "yup, that's good". A few have decent graphics for a starting nes game, but not for 1991. 

Sound: every sound in the game is ear wrenching. Its difficult to acurratley describe midi sounds, because its all just blips and boops made from a signal generator. Well these guys had no idea how to use a signal generator, and ended up reusing alot of the "screechiest" sound effects from alot of generic nes games. The music isnt particularly panel, but its all dull and boring. Several second loops of uninspired nonsense thrown at you in a way that makes it obvious nobody actually played any of these games before trying to sell this thing.

Addictiveness: the games are all boring, many being very hard to impossible, and the rest being so easy that you literally cannot loose, or they have no goal whatsoever. This game is about addictive as running into moving cars.

Story: there is no story. Its a collection of essentially Atari games thrown together to try and rip off as many nes games as possible. Only 1 game has a "story", and that's cheetahmen. But the story is never mentioned again because the game has no ending. Or if it does, I cant find it due to glitching out levels.

Depth: there ARE alot of games here, but they are literally all the same. Oh sure you have platformers, or shooters, but every shooter is the same. platformer is the same. They all share terrible engines that cannot handle ... Read the rest of this Review
DemiKids - Dark Version
09-10-13 10:37 AM
generic Atlus crap.
Lets starts this off with the big ones shall we?

Addictiveness. This game is NOT addictive in any way. Its kind of like a dumbed down version of pokemon that looks somehow better and worse then Pok?mon at the same time. You meander through badly translated engrish, and are given NO direction whatsoever. "leveling" your character seems to only add to how high a level monster you can use, and the ONLY way to level your main demon(the only one that CAN level) is by fusing other demons thousands of times with it. This ends up breaking the game because it wont take you long before you realize "hey, I'm only level 20....but I have around 250 attack and 1-hit every enemy I come across". Then there's the b button. every time you hit it outside of battle, you start in on some long winded speech to ask you if you want to talk, and when you say no, to tell you that you can ride your demon by hitting R. every. Single. Time. I honestly cannot be bothered to go through this whole game, as the language is terrible, the game itself looks worse then most games for the NES, the sounds are painfully dull and annoying, and the story itself is clearly something that was just thrown together at the last minute.

Story. There's a story here, but it doesn't matter. Its the generic ATLUS crap. You're some Japanese kid who for some reason is obviously a white European, you're in some special school, and for some odd reason you have special powers. What's your power? Why, you can play beyblade! Seriously. First thing they do is give you some kind of magical bracelet that holds all your demons in it. And then shoots them out. Back to the story, so for some reason your school has a DEMON SUMMONING MANUAL in it. Makes total sense right? Well the "new kid" at school is also a demon from Valhalla where the imperial forces are rebelling know what I cant do this. This is seriously the story. You can surely see already how this nonsense, coupled with the fact that... Read the rest of this Review
Dragon Warrior
06-24-13 05:45 AM
Most over rated RPG ever? perhaps...
Dragon Warrior. Ah the epic quest to save the princess, prove your worth, and slay the evil Dragon Lord. Perhaps one of the worst RPGs for the NES. It holds a special place in many peoples hearts as being a classic from their childhood, but most likely they just never got the chance to play Final Fantasy, or Crystalis very much.

Depth: 1
Now this game, it is long. Like 20-40 hours long depending on how bad you are at it. Its not long because its an expansive world, filled with many different powerful enemies, dungeons, and cities. Its long because there is only 1 small world map, 3 dungeons, 5 minuscule towns, 1 main castle and 1 short 8 floor end dungeon. How did they manage to make this barely any content last? Why we throw strong monsters at you! But lots of them? No. A total of 38, 40 with the final(only) boss, monsters that all do basically the same thing: attack, sleep, heal, or a combination of those. The way they are stronger? They simply pump massive stats into the monsters in the next area so you HAVE to grind for 3 hours just to buy the next sword, shield or armor you want. On that subject, 7 weapons, 7 armor, and 3 shields? Would it have been so difficult for them to have put some effort into this? They did the bare minimum and threw it out saying "okay, its done.". This game lacks any depth whatsoever. The few NPCs who have anything of value to say are obvious as you have to go off the beaten path to get to them, but they just tell you straight out "go here".

Story: 1
Lets be honest here, there is hardly a story to speak of. You start the game and you're off to kill the Dragon Lord. With hardly any money, and the worst equipment in the kingdom. Seems legit. You wander to a town, get told to go to another town cause ain't nuthin' useful here. You go to that town, get told the same thing. In between theres a few people who say meaningless dribble, and a few who tell you to find the princess(paraphrasing here), find certain items,... Read the rest of this Review
Castlevania II - Simon\'s Quest
06-03-13 08:38 AM
Oh god. This game.
disregard everything i said, as i mistook this for castlevania 3 when i reviewed it. if someone could please delete this, that would be awesome.
Final Fantasy
06-03-13 07:56 AM
Not the final, but one of the best
Now here is a true classic. While crawling through old Nintendo games, you will find one reoccurring factor: almost every game is a copy/pasted clone of other games and offers nothing in the way of challenge, need for thought, or factors to make you return willingly. While you have a handful here and there worth playing again and again regardless of the low quality graphics and sound, it is sadly rare.

Enter Final Fantasy. Supposedly it was thought the game would be terrible in the sales department because they believed Americans didn't care about RPGs. So they pooled together what I can only imagine were the best coders at the time, created music that while still low quality was excellent, graphics that while looking terrible, STILL managed to show great detail, and an OKAY, but superior to any other NES game, story based upon the age old sure thing of "you're saving the world and everyone else is just gonna stand by and watch".
With this game, they managed to create an instant classic. From the first moment you load the game, you are introduced with a small back story, a beautiful song (aptly named Prelude), and a simple no-non-sense starting menu. New Game. Continue. Message Speed. You only have 1 game, but you only need one game. Begin your quest, and you are greeted by something unheard of on an NES RPG : a character creation menu. Now this might not seem like much today, and really it shouldn't, this should have been a basic thing from the very beginning of RPGs. But back in 1987, this was an amazing feature. Choose your party, create your own difficulty for the game. Each character has their own traits, from the fighter who is just a plain beast on damage, but very expensive, to the black belt who is an average fighter, but free, to the red mage, who is completely useless in every party.

The game throws you out into the middle of a field. You have to choose to be smart and head to town or be Mr big guy and try fighting monsters naked. Ov... Read the rest of this Review
Nightmare On Elm Street, A
05-30-13 12:00 PM
Oh its a nightmare alright...
Graphics: For being an NES game the graphics are actually rather good. The game has a nice dark atmosphere, well animated characters, and great transitions between the dream monsters and regular monsters.

Sound: The music/sound effects aren't annoying like in almost every NES game. Nothing memorable or special, but by no means one of those games that just makes you want to hit the mute button.

Addictiveness: Well there is none for me. The game lacks any sort of story, the levels are uninspired, and its full of cliché enemies that do nothing but wander back and forth or throw something at you. The difficulty is quite high, while not being the hardest game ever, its merciless. Every enemy takes forever to kill, and you have no manner of health display whatsoever. The bosses are all just boring pieces of Freddy on a chain. The scenes where "Freddy's coming" are terrible, you basically just try to jump over his head and hit him when his back is turned, and repeat this over and over and over. There's nothing here to make me WANT to play this again and again, the only reason I did as a child is because this was one of my few games.

Story: PPPPFFFT. There is no story, no direction, nothing. You just run to the right, jump over enemies and wait for Freddy to come lay the smack down on you.

Depth: While the levels kind of change, they are still the same thing over and over. Jump over spiders, jump on a platform, throw knives at a skeleton because your fist does absolutely nothing.

Difficulty: Oh god. This game is very unforgiving. You WILL die constantly, you will not know when the next hit is going to kill you, and you'll have loads of moments where your punch hits the enemy and does nothing, or your knives, or you wont jump when you press the button. Those are SOME of the bugs in the game, which although they are bugs, contribute greatly to the difficulty.

Overall: Well the average from those scores is about 3.8, b... Read the rest of this Review

TetraDigm's Last Game screenshots (2 total)

TetraDigm's Game History
Final Fantasy Tactics 1.3 - Easy Type (psx),   Final Fantasy Tactics 1.3 - Easy Type (psx),   Final Fantasy Tactics 1.3 - Easy Type (psx),   FF 1 & 2 Dawn of Souls: Mod of Balance (3.5) (gba),   Castlevania HOD - Revenge of the Findesiecle (gba),   Final Fantasy - A Heroes Quest (nes),   Chou Mahou Tairiku WOZZ (english translation) (snes),   Chou Mahou Tairiku WOZZ (english translation) (snes),   Chou Mahou Tairiku WOZZ (english translation) (snes),   Chou Mahou Tairiku WOZZ (english translation) (snes),   Chou Mahou Tairiku WOZZ (english translation) (snes),   Galaxy Robo (English Translation) (snes),   Galaxy Robo (English Translation) (snes),   Traysia (gen),   Traysia (gen),   Star Odyssey (gen),   Romancing SaGa (English Translation) (snes),   Final Fantasy Negative One (Ver. 2.0) (nes),   Mysterious Song (tgcd),   Dark Half (English translation) (snes),   Dark Half (English translation) (snes),   Dark Half (English translation) (snes),   Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (gen),   Metroid - Zero Mission (gba),   Metroid Fusion (gba),   Metroid Fusion (gba),   Brave Battle Saga (english translation) (gen),   Brave Battle Saga (english translation) (gen),   Brave Battle Saga (english translation) (gen),   Tales of Phantasia (english translation) (snes),   Tales of Phantasia (english translation) (snes),   Golden Sun (gba),   Golden Sun (gba),   Pokemon Light Platinum (gba),   Pokemon Light Platinum (gba),   Pokemon Light Platinum (gba),   Pokemon Light Platinum (gba),   Pokemon Light Platinum (gba),   Pokemon Light Platinum (gba),   Pokemon Light Platinum (gba),   Pokemon Light Platinum (gba),   Pokemon Light Platinum (gba),   Pokemon Light Platinum (gba),   Mystic Ark (English by Aeon Genesis) (snes),   Final Fantasy - Mystic Quest Reborn (snes),   Boktai 3 - Sabata's Counterattack (English Translation) (gba),   Boktai 3 - Sabata's Counterattack (English Translation) (gba),   Ax Battler - A Legend of Golden Axe (gg),   Ax Battler - A Legend of Golden Axe (gg),   Ax Battler - A Legend of Golden Axe (gg),  
Game Boy Advance Games TetraDigm owns (5)

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Game Boy Color Games TetraDigm owns (3)

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Game Boy Games TetraDigm owns (1)

Sega Master System Games TetraDigm owns (2)

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Turbo Grafx Games TetraDigm owns (2)

Sega CD Games TetraDigm owns (4)

Turbo Grafx CD Games TetraDigm owns (1)

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