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  Views: 3,395,882,550     09-23-24 03:48 AM  

Posts by Bnarlik on the board: (10 posts found)
Post id Post# Words Posted on Thread
#967689 10 28 01-25-14 11:20 AM #71497 - Do you get consoles because of consoles exclusives?
#967688 9 21 01-25-14 11:14 AM #70660 - Xbox One vs. Playstation 4 vs. Wii-U
#967666 8 10 01-25-14 10:47 AM #68424 - What do you think is the smartest Pokemon ever.
#967663 7 17 01-25-14 10:45 AM #63444 - If You Could Travel Through Any Pokemon Region Which Would it Be
#967662 6 50 01-25-14 10:41 AM #69474 - Is nintendo running out of ideas for pokemon?
#967657 5 25 01-25-14 10:37 AM #64331 - Sega Genesis vs. Super Nintendo
#967653 4 45 01-25-14 10:29 AM #71522 - If you can be a video game character in the ultimate fight who would you be
#967647 3 18 01-25-14 10:19 AM #64866 - Have you ever gotten angry at a video game?
#967641 2 47 01-25-14 09:59 AM #70970 - Do you like cliff hangers?
#967443 1 24 01-24-14 09:45 PM #71762 - What's your favorite item in SSBB?
Pages: 1
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