-Blake Perdue
“My name is Blake Perdue, and I’m 16. I’m from Bremerton, Washington, and really, I don't know how I got into music. Nobody really told me I was good at it or anything, but my interest in making my own music and potentially having others play/recognize it was overwhelming since my first year in band (5th grade). The final push towards actually getting up and making music came from discovering OCReMix. No, I'm not lying. This was the site where I HAD to get recognized. I'll be honest; I'm not a "real" musician who loves to make music for the sake of making music. Good music can always make me happy, and I want to be able to affect people through my music, by inspiring people or just having them listen and like. I'm probably not up to that level (yet?), but I hope to be sometime in the future. That's why I want to make music.”
-Claado Shou
“My name is Andrew Triplett. I’m 18, and I am currently stationed in South Carolina going to Naval Nuclear Power Training Command (NNPTC). I got into music mainly because of the influence of other OCR favorites, such as SGX, AmIEvil, and even a lot of the people that have made music for this project. While I don’t consider myself a master musician (far from it, actually) I like to think that I can give people something to enjoy and really chew on for a little while. My username comes from a line in “LotR:RotK” that uses the words “shadow cloud”…I merely switched the beginning letters, removed the “d”, and altered the spelling. It’s still a mystery to others how my SN is pronounced, however, so hopefully this clears it up a bit.”
“My name is Shariq Ansari, I’m from New Jersey, and I’m 22 (on December 22). How I got into music: I played trumpet in school for about 8 years, starting in fourth grade. I became really serious about music in high school, and took any theory classes offered by the music department to help my trumpet playing. I started writing near the end of my high school career, and have, after my high school theory classes, been primarily self-taught. As for my name, DarkeSword is simply the two words dark and sword put together. The E after the word dark is there to add an emphasis to the K and turn the word 'Darke' into a name, as opposed to a term referring to the absence of light. As for 'sword,' I just think swords are cool.”
“My name is Chris Elliott, and I’m 22. I got into music by dabbling on a piano, stuff like that. My screen name comes from my name Elliott (Elliott->Elly->Ellywu), but since I forgot my Hotmail password I had to add the 2 at the end.”
“My name is Dan Johansen, from Norway. I’m 19 years old. I've always been interested in music, always listening more closely to music than in the common "superficial" way if I may say it like that. I guess Metallica, Megadeth and other metal bands inspired me to start getting into composing. I started playing Acoustic Guitar when I was 11/12, quit shortly after, got a electric Guitar that had an annoying squeal sound to it, learnt to play it as time went on, started with composing in 2000. My screen name comes from my love of the moon (Lunar), and the heart, the core of the moon is so unknown…I always looked at it as being magical, so I created the name LunarHeart. I think it has grown well on me.”
“My name is Xavier Dang, and I’ve been making video game remixes since 1998. I’ve always loved music for the way it makes you let go of your inhibitions and really just enjoy the moment. That’s the feeling I like to give people when they hear my music.”
“My name is Jill Goldin, and I hail from Lexington, Massachusetts where I sang with a madrigals chamber ensemble, district and all-states choruses, and directed the award-winning female a capella group “Euphoria.” My musical pursuits began at the ripe age of six when my first track was released: the infamous Rainforest Song. Recorded in my father's basement studio, the song was “mysteriously” discovered and played during the closing credits of an Omni Theater film at Boston's Museum of Science. Twelve years later, I began my undergraduate opera studies at Peabody Conservatory of Music, and am now in my second year. I joined the remixing scene in spring 2005 with ‘Prayer', a remix from Zelda 64, and have since been working on some collaborations, projects, and solo stuff. Other interests include anime, physical theater, language study (so far French, Italian, and Japanese), Star Trek: TNG, photography, and the Boston Red Sox.”
“My name is Preston Lee Benjamin Bautista Samoranos, and I’m currently 19. I started playing the piano at a young age. As for the SN, Preston Lee Benjamin…and Z is S but backwards, sort of. Yeah.”
-Red Omen
“My name is Ryan Walker, and I’m currently 18. I hail from Lake Jackson, TX, but I’m currently in San Antonio. I got into music in fourth grade, when my grandparents gave us an old electric keyboard. I started noodling around on it, and my parents let me take lesson from my next door neighbor. During that time, I started writing simple pieces for piano. I continued until they got presentable. My screen name comes from the Black Omen in Chrono Trigger, actually, and since red is my favorite color, there you go.”
-Reuben Kee
“My name is Reuben Kee, I live in Singapore, and I’m currently 21. I got into music when I tried to emulate some themes from Final Fantasy VII on the piano, many years back. I was fascinated by how Mr. Nobuo managed to emulate so many diverse feelings in his pieces, and I wanted to do the same.”
“My name is Alex Roe. I’m 18 years old, and I was born in August, so it's still an early year. I use the SN RoeTaKa because my last name is Roe, and you can’t beat that little bit of “taka” on the end! I got into music a year and a half ago, and as I always had these songs in my head I got the urge to get a keyboard and get some music programs and start figuring it all out. It's only been a year and a half, but it's wicked fun just making music all the time. Now I've accomplished quite a lot and feel I can go on to much bigger things. I love orchestral music, but it gets quite annoying at times to start doing it. Orchestral music is very expressive and colorful and sets a landscape for you to traverse. I love to create music with lots of feelings, and orchestral is something I appreciate very much. Though I'm very glad to get my piece out of the way, it's great to be a part of this project!”
-Russell Cox
“My name is Russell Cox, and I live in Memphis, TN. I found out about the project separate of invitation or audition, but when I saw what was going on I asked to be a part of it, and the rest just clicked. I’ve been out of the remixing scene a while, but my skills haven’t dimmed in the slightest, and I hope you all think the same thing.”
“My name is Daniel Floyd, and I’m 21. I study 3D animation at the University of Georgia. I really started into musical composition when I discovered OCR and began remixing as a hobby in 2003. I play the piano, drums, and turntable, and adopted the handle “sephfire” when I saw it as a file name on a certain picture and thought it was cool. I used Reason 2.5 on my G3 iBook to compose music for Chrono Symphonic, but since then I’ve upgraded to a G5 PowerMac and haven’t looked back.”
“My real name is Ravi Sharma, and I am 20 years young. I am from Oklahoma where I have grown up my whole life, and I am currently attending The University of Oklahoma studying Microbiology/Pre-Med. I took some basic piano lessons as a young'n but really got into the mixing and digital age after finding OCR and being inspired to learn how to make my own videogame mixes. Music and music making has come to be a real source of happiness in my life. SirRus comes from R.U.S., my initials Ravi Udai Sharma, and Sir... just cause I'm pretty much a badass.”
-Sleepy Emp
“My name is Dmitry Ferentsev, and I am 24. I was born and still live in Mother Russia. Music has always been my passion, but I started writing music only after I stumbled upon OCR for the first time. Since that day another orchestral musician has entered this world. Now I’m trying to do my best to make it sound if not professional, but at least enjoyable.”
“My name is Tyler Heath. I’m currently 17, residing in the great state of Texas. I actually got into music composition thanks to OCR itself (some jealousy of big-name remixers might have been the driving force there), and I’ve been doing it for about 4 years now. My handle, Unknown, came from my elementary school years. We had a computer lab with some really old games on the even older computers, and I would always type “The Unknown” whenever I got a high score. I thought I was being pretty cool and mysterious, so when I got here (and needed a name to submit music under), I dredged it up out of the past and here we are. It gets problematic when people think OCR doesn’t know who wrote the song, though, so I get a lot of “It’s too bad the artist is unknown; whoever did this is great!” or “Thank God we don’t know who wrote this; it’s terrible.””