Bass Landing (PSX) - Playstation
Bass Landing is a Sports game developed by ASCII Corporation and published by Agetec, Inc. in 1999 for the Playstation.
The adrenaline rush of hooking a monster bass has never been so real. Bass Landing delivers all excitement of the true-to-life fishing experience right your living room. Forget waking-up at 4:00 a.m. Forget mosquitoes. Forget gutting and cleaning. Just pack-up your tackle box, grab a few cold ones, settle into your easy chair, and let's go fishin'!
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Bass Landing is a fishing game that has a tutorial mode, a free fishing mode, and a B.A.S (Bass Angler's Society) Pro-Tournament mode. In the tutorial mode, players go to fishing classes and learn and practice the basics of fishing starting with casting all the way down to bass ecology. At the end of all the classes the player is given an exam testing them on all they have previously learned. Free fishing mode let's the player fish at their leisure, letting them choose from 5 different lakes and setting its' conditions to their liking, and let's them attempt to catch any of the 14 species of fish that inhabit those lakes. The B.A.S Pro-Tournament mode has the player competing in 7 different tournaments by catching a set number of the most heaviest bass in a set amount of time.Before heading out to fish the player can choose their type of rod, reel, lure, and line. When fishing the player chooses the way to cast their line, use a power meter to determine how far out the line is cast, and then hope to lure a fish on to their hook.Options in the game let the player decide things such as the time scale, rod action, and indicator type. Their is also a record option that keeps track of all the data about the various fish that have been caught in the free fishing and tournament modes. The player can also save replays of the catches that they deem to be noteworthy.
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Free a Stuck Lure:
Press X + Circle to free your stuck lure.
Optimal Fishing Experience:
Go to Free Fishing Mode and use the following: Lake: Lunker Lake Pressure: None Season: 4 Mid - 6 Mid {April-June} or 8 Mid - 10 Mid {August - October} Weather Yesterday: Cloudy/Sunny Weather Today: Cloudy/Sunny Wind Direction: East Wind Speed: 0.0 to 1.0 Water Temp: 60 - 70 degrees Water Quality: Clear Start Time: 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Time Elapsed: None Best Lures: Spinnerbait and Popper The fish like to hide in the vegetation. You should be able to catch your limit on a consistant basis.
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