Voldo's Profile
Voldo is Offline
Real Name: Voldo Livido
Location: From the Money Pit, Alabama
Age: 32 (12-18-92) Gender: Male
Registered: 01-23-12 03:04 PM (4749 days ago)
Posts: 179 Threads: 28
Post Words: 5,606 (31 word avg)
Level: 30 Experience: 165053
Next Level: +816 Exp Per Post: 1383 Exp
Last Activity: 03-17-15 12:47 AM
Viewing /boards/announcement.php
Viewing /boards/announcement.php
Last Post: 11-02-14 04:10 PM
Which Pokemon would you see yourself being the most?
Which Pokemon would you see yourself being the most?
I'm a pretty laid back guy. I don't do drugs or smoke or drink. I'm tolerate of people, but I'm not afraid to speak my mind. And don't dare insult me or where I'm from, cause u don't anythin' 'bout me or where I come from.
Page Comments
Frodlex - 07-19-16 10:59 AM
Oh! It's Faust!