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The NEW missing VGR games thread: Report missing VGR games here!
Woah, I can change the title of this box!
Here's a quick list of my consoles:
Unisonic Tournament 2000
Coleco Telstar (Needs some repair)
Sears Tele-Games [Atari 2600] (Sunnyvale, CA Light Sixer)
NES (New pinset installed)
SNES (Model 2; RGB pinout restored)
N64 (Jungle Green w/ expansion pak)
GameCube (Jet Black; original revision with XenoGC modchip)
Sega Genesis (Model 1 w/ discreet sound chips)
PS1 (SCPH-1001 revision)
PS1 (SCPH-5501 with MM3 modchip installed)
PS2 (Phat version w/ hacked HDD)
PS3 (Phat 80GB Piano Black)
Xbox (Later revision)
Xbox 360 Elite (120GB Phat Boi)
Xbox 360 S (Halo 4 limited edition case)
Game Boy Pocket (Black)
Game Boy Color (Teal)
Game Boy Advance SP (Pearl AGS-101 version)
PSP 3000 (Silver)
Nintendo DSi XL (Bronze)
New Nintendo 3DS XL (New Galaxy Style)
Tech Dump (stuff I've owned but have since bitten the dust):
Xbox 360 (Original Elite version w/ Falcon chipset; RROD 0001)
TI 99/4a Beige (faulty keyboard)
TI 99/4a (video glitches and power switch broken)
Sega Game Gear (capacitors likely failed)
Nintedno DSi (failed repair project)

Pray for the sad people with indecipherable post layouts.