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Atari 2600
Chris Spry

Players: 1
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Platform, Side-Scrolling

Play Sonic the Hedgehog 2600 (demo 5) (A2600) - Online Game | Atari 2600

Play Sonic the Hedgehog 2600 (demo 5) online with Atari 2600 browser emulation for free! Sonic the Hedgehog 2600 (demo 5) (A2600) game is loaded with features in our flash, java and rgr plugin emulators. Nothing to configure, we've done it for you!

Sonic the Hedgehog 2600 (demo 5)

Sonic the Hedgehog 2600 (demo 5) Title ScreenSonic the Hedgehog 2600 (demo 5) Screenshot 1
Sonic the Hedgehog 2600 (demo 5) Screenthot 2
Rating: 6.1
(17 votes)
Plays: 992
Filesize: 33kb

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Sonic the Hedgehog 2600 (demo 5) Game Description

This is a game for the Atari 2600 that is somewhat similar to Sonic the hedgehog.


Left and right arrow keys moves Sonic (Zippy) left or right.
The ctrl key makes Sonic (Zippy) jump and destroy badniks.
Pressing down and ctrl key and holding it will make Sonic (Zippy) charge a spin dash and letting go of the buttons will release him.

Sonic the Hedgehog 2600 (demo 5) (Atari 2600) Screenshots

X Sonic the Hedgehog 2600 (demo 5)
Sonic the Hedgehog 2600 (demo 5)
by animelover1 (3/5)
Gameover : Eh, I didn't get so far.
Sonic the Hedgehog 2600 (demo 5)
by animelover1 (3/5)
Level Green hill zone: This is a very odd looking game.
Sonic the Hedgehog 2600 (demo 5)
by fightorace (3/5)
Level : Sonic just chillin on the bridge
Sonic the Hedgehog 2600 (demo 5)
by fightorace (3/5)
Level : sonic doing a loop on atari, unbelievable
Sonic the Hedgehog 2600 (demo 5)
by Neweegee (3/5)
Level Green hill zone: "Are you serious? Play the real game!"
Sonic the Hedgehog 2600 (demo 5)
by Neweegee (3/5)
Level Green hill zone: Oh no! This isn't Sonic.EXE is it?
Sonic the Hedgehog 2600 (demo 5)
by Minecraft boy (3/5)
i hope no other sonic hits me
Sonic the Hedgehog 2600 (demo 5)
by 9-Volt (3/5)
Misc Glitch: Not many glitches like this for an A2600 game
Sonic the Hedgehog 2600 (demo 5)
by kwd2004 (3/5)
also works here
Sonic the Hedgehog 2600 (demo 5)
by kwd2004 (3/5)
Misc glitch: fall into some lines like this and spindash

Videos of Sonic the Hedgehog 2600 (demo 5) Gameplay

06-24-14 04:01 PM
00:02:06  Views: 99
Sonic the Hedgehog 2600 (demo 5) - Let4/5
Let's Try: Sonic The Hedgehog (2600)

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Sonic the Hedgehog 2600 (demo 5) Featured Review

Sonic the Hedgehog 2600 (demo 5) Review by: Mohammedroxx3 - 5/10

Caught my attention... but turned out to not be so catchy?
Well, hey guys. So today, I found a very interesting sonic game to review. One thing that really got my attention is the way that it is for the atari 2600. That really caught my attention and inspired me to review it, however, to be honest, this review may be abnormally short compared to my other reviews since this is a game for the atari 2600, however, quality over quantity. In fact, this is the first time I'm gonna review a game for the atari 2600. Anyways, lets go ahead and start on this review!


Simple really. This is simply more of a somewhat similar game to sonic the hedgehog but for the atari 2600 that is incomplete with nothing but some unoriginal scraps of green hill zone, but I must really say, a sonic game for the atari 2600? Doesn't that just sound, odd and a bit interesting to check out? It does indeed in my opinion which is why I wanted to go ahead and attempt to review it. And now, let's (try to) delve in more to the review of this game!

Gameplay: 5

Well, as the most of you can guess, not such good gameplay. Now, let me explain why, firstly, the physics. The physics is just completely off. To describe that more in detail, if you jump, you just go up in the air and fall down VERY fast as if sonic is just a magnet. It's literally like metal sonic attracted to a metal ground and he is having trouble jumping. Also, when you run, it just goes in an annoying, hard-to-control constant speed. Like really, not such an enjoyable gameplay due to the horrible physics. Since the physics and gravity is bad, destroying badniks is a challenge. You may just fall in a trap instead. lol. The physics is more like sonic being a piece of magnetic iron that is attracted to the ground while he is attempting to run and jump. Thats about it for the gameplay.

Graphics: 5

Well, first thing is first, this is an atari 2600 game so expect the graphics to be.... kind of dreadful really. Most of you guys already know what I mean if you have seen or played atari 2600 games before. Anyways, as you can see from the screenshots, there is no background but a solid color and the ground or floor is just brown really. And sonic looks very weird. He just doesn't look right. He has nothing but plain eyes and a completely plain and somewhat incomplete looking face and the badniks seems a bit poorly drawn, but again, this is an atari 2600 so don't be very surprised at the ratings for it. Thats about it for the graphics.

Sound: 6

For the sound, not so bad actually, not bad at all for an atari 2600. The sound effects are somewhat impressive for an atari 2600, it is almost similar to the sega genesis or the snes (a little bit at least). Even though there is really no background music, it's much better like that because background music for an atari game can be a disaster for the ears. Small and yet somewhat nice sound effects in my opinion. The sound effects of jumping and collecting rings is actually pretty catchy to me, it is like short, fast, and somewhat of decent quality in my ears. Well, Thats about it for the sound. 

Addictiveness: 4

Not so addictive really. The bad physics, bad graphics, and the buggy zone really doesn't make me want to play it again. I mean, I would be more addicted to a sonic game for the sega genesis that is of higher quality than an atari sonic game to be honest. 

Story: N/A

I really have no idea about the story to be honest. This is more of an incomplete demo and I wasn't able to complete it due to several glitches I encountered. Though, it may most likely be the old and original story of sonic defeating Dr. Eggman, I think, but really, I can not rate it since there is no story or I just don't really know what the story is supposed to be, but it is an insignificant thing of sonic games anyways. 

Depth: 5

Not so good really. It offers more of a scrap of green hill zone that is very unoriginal and buggy and it includes sonic with horrible physics. Well, I give it credit though since it is somewhat like the original sonic 1 a little and it's an atari after all. There isn't much else to say here. 

Difficulty: 8

Somewhat hard I'll say, but not in such a good way. The main reason it's hard is because the floor and zones is glitchy. When I try to make a big jump through an area with a big gap, I actually end up getting stuck in the middle of the ground instead, later on, I just fall down the screen, and die. Also, the physics are tricky and more like magnets which makes the game even harder to play. If you really want to imagine it, what if you were literally a magnet made of heavy lead trying to run and jump, how will you actually do? Of course, it won't end up well, just like this game, to be honest.

Overall: 5

Well, one more thing to say, it isn't THAT bad for an atari game really, but of course, not so great either. To sum it up, it's more of a glitchy, scrapped, and original zone of green hill zone that is incomplete, the physics is just like magnets, and sonic speed is constant and very hard to control. Though, this game managed to get my attention when I first saw it so it did motivate me to actually make a quick review of it. My review is unusually short since this is my first atari review but oh well.

Thank you very much for reading this and any constructive feedback about my review will be appreciated. Have a nice day on vizzed. :)
  Graphics 5   Sound 6   Addictive 4   Depth 5   Difficulty 8

Sonic the Hedgehog 2600 (demo 5) Reviews

Overall 6.1    Graphics 2.5    Sound 4    Addictive 2.3    Story 1    Depth 2    Difficulty 7

Caught my attention... but turned out to not be so catchy?   Mohammedroxx3
Well, hey guys. So today, I found a very interesting sonic game to review. One thing that really got...
  Graphics 5   Sound 6   Addictive 4   Depth 5   Difficulty 8

      Review Rating: 5/5     Submitted: 02-02-14     Review Replies: 2

This is a Peculiar game   animelover1
Well not many people know me because I am a runner up on posting. I started before then stopped, but...
  Graphics 1   Sound 1   Addictive 3   Story 1   Depth 1   Difficulty 5

      Review Rating: 3/5     Submitted: 11-07-14     Review Replies: 1

Worst ROM ever   Crawldragon
Ugh. I'm sorry for this one, guys. This is a port of Sonic The Hedgehog for the Atari 2600. Now, ...
  Graphics 3   Sound 8   Addictive 1   Depth 1   Difficulty 5

      Review Rating: 3/5     Submitted: 07-08-14     Review Replies: 4

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Comments for Sonic the Hedgehog 2600 (demo 5)

superS_5 05-22-16 - 11:35 AM
 dis has hill zone so dis is made by sonic.exe bruh
pokeninja612 08-17-15 - 01:40 PM
 for being on atari 10/10,ign
jonathanzygorodi 03-07-15 - 07:44 PM
 sanic alpha
mariosonic123 03-07-15 - 05:01 PM
 I just can not believe this is possible!
animelover1 11-07-14 - 07:18 PM
 SuperCrash64 it's fan made, and the fact of the matter is that its on the Atari. I would really compliment this person for trying but it seems a little difficult to play.
mrhello 03-06-14 - 05:19 PM
MechaMento 12-14-13 - 02:52 PM
 Could be metal sonic
SuperCrash64 12-08-13 - 06:39 PM
 How is this sonic? It doesn't even match the hedgehog style of body. It looks more like a robot then anything.
ihateschool2004 12-08-13 - 06:55 AM
 This was a new game?! o_O

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