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Play Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Euro 980123) (MAME) - Online Game | Arcade

Play Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Euro 980123) online with Arcade browser emulation for free! Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Euro 980123) (MAME) game is loaded with features in our flash, java and rgr plugin emulators. Nothing to configure, we've done it for you!

Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Euro 980123)

Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Euro 980123) Title ScreenMarvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Euro 980123) Screenshot 1
Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Euro 980123) Box Art FrontMarvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Euro 980123) Screenthot 2
Rating: 9.4
(243 votes)
Plays: 55,112
Filesize: 22,700kb

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Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Euro 980123) Box Description

Imagine the battle: Spider-Man vs. Mega Man... Incredible! Or, who would stand victorious in Strider vs. Captain America? Amazing! Experience the world's most insane battles between your favorite legendary Capcom characters and Super Heroes of the Marvel Universe.

Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Euro 980123) (Arcade) Screenshots

X Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Euro 980123)
Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Euro 980123)
by KinnikuDash (5/5)
Character Select : I regret putting the language on Portugese
Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Euro 980123)
by evilcon09 (3.67/5)
Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Euro 980123)
by IceKirby (4.4/5)
Cut-Scene : Roll:I'm not paying ya to do Stand Outs.
Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Euro 980123)
by AndreSG (5/5)
Ending : War Machine & Venom are too strong

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Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Euro 980123) Featured Review

Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Euro 980123) Review by: SuperCrash64 - 9.8/10

marvel Vs cap com Lets Go Crazy!
This is Marvel Vs Cap com a beginning for one of the Great Video game and fighting gam franchise if not the best. It really is one of my favorite games of all time. This is the first and so far only working Marvel Vs cap com game in the rgr library. Like most arcade games it would go on home consoles and get various squeals. And those would contain upgrades that were major improvements over the original but the original will always stay contained in the memories of the great arcade classics of the 90s . Join and enter the Marvel V's Cap com 1 Review.

Plot The Plot of Marvel V's Cap com is to choose 2 out of 15 characters. That being Ryu.Chun li.Zangief of the Street fighter series, The Bat lady Morgan. Captain commando .Mega man Strider Hiryu .Spider man. Jin Captain America. Venom. The hulk. Gambit From the X men series. War Machine from Iron man. And Also Wolverine from the X men series. So you pick lots of characters, and defeat the boss of the game, Who wants to destroy all super heroes, and dominate this tournament himself.

Game play The Game play of Marvel Vs cap com was rather different then other fighting games at the time because this like tekken tag tournament was one of the first games to ever use tag team format battle. However you still get to pick some of your classic characters and do Lots of combos and special moves. So you mainly press some few random buttons to do switching between characters or do special tag team supers at the same time. However there is a certain combination you need to find out and press to do those tag team special moves. So be careful because the computer foe will sometimes be very cheap and switch. So the  main way Marvel V's Cap com plays out is in tag team format with a 6 button control layout and certain switching and button combinations .

Graphics: First I will talk about the sprites then the stages. For the Following sprites and design Each company "aka" Cap com and Marvel would use a certain coding or design from their previous fighting games and give it some few changes. The main way I can tell is because I had played most of their 2d fighting games and if I played it a whole lot, I would instantly recognize what sprite coding or design they would take and use for this game. For example if you remember the Street fighter alpha series and know what the sprites look like. Cap com took the coding or design of the sprites from their street fighter alpha series,  and alerted it you can see it with certain changes. Like Chun Li has her classic alpha/street fighter 2 uniform coding. Marvel even used their coding or design from their Marvel super heroes game, as you can tell because the sprites look exactly the same. Even if they probably did use the same coding the sprites still look good as they originally did in their other games. Stages: The stages themselves have unique detail , but their not really all that series based though they still look pretty good for the time this game was released and I just like the good finish of them . Graphics would get a 8 for this rating They look really good , and have a great sense of original or classic looks if you remember or compare them.

Sound:  The Sound compartment has a great sense here while some speech samples are here some of them had not been placed like great or anything when you do combos still a good variety of speech effects honestly for a 90s fighting game,  I would not ask too much from it. Most other sound effects of the characters Are alerted versions of different speech or actors for the characters as of Ryu's voice samples are a bit changed or off. Most other sound effects are pretty accurate and very true to their original games or the fighting games for that matter. But for the main part of The great sense of sound is of course the Soundtrack. The Soundtrack is That of the series or characters but been re arranged on a better chip just like almost any other game, but some songs of the soundtrack are different then what you would think. For example Ryu's theme is not the exact Japan/ryu stage of his Street fighter 2 theme,  As it is the arranged classic street fighter 2 opening theme. Most other themes are great. Chun lis theme based off of her Super street fighter 2 counterparts Same with Zangief. Most other characters are based on a single self series or game. Sound gets a 10 for the reasons and explanations said above.

Addictiveness The Reason for the game being addicting and how often I would play this The reason I find the game addicting is for the challenge of the computer foe and the great fun and wacky ways u pull off the certain combos Not to mention the sound effects and wild soundtrack. How often I would play this you ask ? Probably about once a week. For that being said Addictiveness gets a 8.

Story I explained the plot of this game but the Story lines are all different and dependant on which character You play as.There mainly gonna have something to do with a mix up or cross over of two opposing characters or stick true to the series of that character you play as. Such as Ryu's ending in the game, so all story lines are completely different. I'm not gonna ruin them because I don't wanna spoil the storyline of the game for all the people playing it, but for actual ratings Story lines I would give it a 7.

Depth As far as the game offers I cant really say all that much because the game is pretty quick for me. You mainly go through about 9 or 10 fights, and depending on your skills it can be pretty quick and easy. Depth would get a 5 rating from me cause lets face it this game is a little bit short. Depth get's a 5

Difficulty Controls work fine, but for difficulty I would rate it a 7. Because although some of the regular characters are easy . some of them really get cheap and hard later on when you start getting A lot of wins during your winning streak, and not to mention the final boss himself is in two different form's. first form not that hard. second form is pretty difficult because he shoots a lot of freaking lazier combos And he will take me down in probably a few seconds so good luck against him.

Overall this was the beginning of 1 of the greatest franchises and the original will always some what stand out even against the newer games in my opinion. Because it has amazing soundtrack good variety of sounds. And not to mention it was the first game starting the marvel V's cap com series so you cant really say this sucks if you compare this to marvel V's cap com 2 and 3. Overall rating 9.8?
  Graphics 8   Sound 10   Addictive 8   Depth 5   Story 7   Difficulty 7

Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Euro 980123) Reviews

Overall 9.4    Graphics 8.8    Sound 9.1    Addictive 8.9    Story 6.9    Depth 7.3    Difficulty 7.5

 hello everyone welcome to my review on the marvel vs capcom on arcade. this game is ...
  Graphics 10   Sound 10   Addictive 10   Depth 10   Difficulty 10

      Review Rating: 4.3/5     Submitted: 11-30-13     Review Replies: 0

marvel Vs cap com Lets Go Crazy!   SuperCrash64
This is Marvel Vs Cap com a beginning for one of the Great Video game and fighting gam franchise if ...
  Graphics 8   Sound 10   Addictive 8   Story 7   Depth 5   Difficulty 7

      Review Rating: 4.2/5     Submitted: 04-06-13     Updated: 10-08-13     Review Replies: 3

Amazing Classix   DakenThael
The game is amazing, no other way to describe such a classic. The ingenious mix of Capcom favorites ...
  Graphics 9   Sound 9   Addictive 10   Story 10   Depth 9   Difficulty 9

      Review Rating: 4/5     Submitted: 04-01-13     Review Replies: 1

My first Review   ALLENDR10
 first thoughts on Marvel Vs Capcom is that the every time I start this game up it brings me th...
  Graphics 8   Sound 8   Addictive 8   Story 6   Depth 6   Difficulty 9

      Review Rating: 3.5/5     Submitted: 01-26-13     Review Replies: 3

The best one yet from the series.   becerra95
Marvel vs Capcom : Clash of Super Heroes for Arcade Review...
  Graphics 8   Sound 10   Addictive 9   Story 7   Depth 8   Difficulty 8

      Review Rating: 3/5     Submitted: 07-21-23     Review Replies: 0

My first review!   BatmanvsDeadpool
This is my first review! Marvel vs Capcom was one of the first Capcom fighting games I've ever pla...
  Graphics 8   Sound 9   Addictive 8   Story 7   Depth 7   Difficulty 4

      Review Rating: 2.8/5     Submitted: 12-30-12     Review Replies: 7

Clash of Greats   Voldo
Marvel vs Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes...what is there to say about one of the best arcade fighters...
  Graphics 8   Sound 8   Addictive 10   Depth 10   Difficulty 10

      Review Rating: 2.5/5     Submitted: 12-12-12     Review Replies: 0

marvel vs capcom reveiw   mh246
Marvel vs capcom is a very good game . In this game you can pick from a total of 15 characters from ...
  Graphics 9   Sound 8   Addictive 8   Story 6   Depth 6   Difficulty 7

      Review Rating: 1/5     Submitted: 11-02-13     Review Replies: 2

Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Euro 980123) Highscores

1. 1,303,029
TimeTrial: 00:00:00
09-15-19 04:20 PM
Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Euro 980123) - Brutal - User Screenshot
2. 997,709
TimeTrial: 00:29:31
05-22-16 09:47 AM
Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Euro 980123) - Onslaught is hard;-; - User Screenshot
Onslaught is hard;-;

Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Euro 980123) Cheat Codes

Change Battle Order:
At the Vs. screen press all three Punch Buttons to switch the fighter who will begin the match. Press them again to swap back.

Pose Points (Earn extra points):
After defeating an enemy, press start. Then, do some moves or hyper combos. If your character is 'frozen' while doing an action (Eg. hyper combo), he or she will get some points based on how difficult the frozen frame is to obtain. This only works for some moves.

Steal Opponent's Helper:
After you knock out your second opponent during any battle, but before the 'pose points' counter appears, hold down all three Kick Buttons and keep holding them. You'll have your opponent's helper at the start of the next battle.

Chun-Li's Damaging Taunt:
Chun-Li's taunt will actually damage foes if she is standing right next to her opponent. She slaps her foe, all the while having a big smile on her face.

Jin's Damaging Taunt:
After pressing Start to activate Jin's taunt, repeatedly press weak punch, medium punch, high punch (this also works with kicks) to have Jin start rubbing his back faster. He will begin to turn red, then catch on fire. If he is on fire and the enemy touches him, they will get burned.

Secret Characters
Hyper Armor War Machine:
Highlight Zangief and then press: Left, Left, Down, Down, Right, Right, Down, Down, Left, Left, Up, Up, Up, Up, Right, Right, Left, Left, Down, Down, Down, Down, Right, Right, Up, Up, Left, Left, Down, Down, Right, Right, Up, Up, Up, Up, Up

High Speed Venom:
Highlight Chun-Li and then press: Right, Down, Down, Down, Down, Left, Up, Up, Up, Up, Right, Right, Down, Down, Left, Left, Down, Down, Right, Right, Up, Up, Up, Up, Left, Left, Up

Lilith-style Morrigan:
Put your cursor on Zangief, then press: Leftx2 Downx2 Rightx2 Upx2 Downx4 Leftx2 Upx4 Right Left Downx4 Rightx2 Upx4 Leftx2 Downx4 Right Down

Marvel Super Heroes Orange Hulk:
Highlight Chun-Li and press: Right(2), Down(2), Left(2), Right(2), Down(2), Left(2), Up(4), Down(2), Right(2), Up(2), Down(4), Up(4), Left, Up.

Highlight Zangief, then press: Left(2), Down(2), Right(2), Down(2), Left(2), Up, Right, Up(2), Right(2)

Shadow Lady:
Highlight Morrigan and press: Up, Right (x2), Down (x4), Left (x2), Up (x4), Right (x2), Left (x2), Down (x2), Right (x2), Down (x2), Left (x2), Up (x2), Right (x2), Up (x2), Left (x2), Down (x5)

Hidden Fights:

Gold War Machine: Get a first attack in all stages and a double attack finish in at least four rounds and do not lose your partner

Hyper Venom: Get a first attack on all fights and finish with at least four two-on-one finishes and don't lose your partner.

Lilith-Style Morrigan: Get a first attack in all stages and finish your enemy with any kind of super attack at least four times and don't lose your partner and use your helper four times every match

Orange Hulk: Get a first attack in all stages and finish your enemy with any kind o super attack at least four times and don't lose your partner.

Roll: Get a first attack in all stages and finish your opponents with at least three two-on-one, use all your helper stock in at least four rounds and don't lose your partner

Shadow Lady: Get a first attack on all fights and finish with at least four two-on-one finishes and don't lose your partner. and you've got to finish with your stock of helpers in at least four rounds

Partner Select:
Select Your Partner

After selecting your two characters, hold start and the buttons listed below to select your partner of choice:

Anita: Weak Punch, Medium Punch, High Punch

Arthur: Weak Punch, Medium Punch

Colossus: Weak Punch, Medium Punch, Medium Kick

Cyclops: Weak punch, Weak Kick, Medium Punch

Devilot: Medium Punch

Iceman: Medium Punch, Medium Kick

Jubilee: Weak Kick, Medium Punch, High Punch

Juggernaut: Weak Punch, Medium Kick

Lou: Medium Punch

Magneto: Weak Kick, High Punch

Michelle Heart: Weak Punch, Weak Kick

Psylocke: Medium Kick

Pure and Fur: Weak Kick

Rogue: Weak Punch, Weak Kick, Medium Punch, High Punch

Saki: High Punch

Sentinel: Medium Punch, Medium Kick, High Punch

Shadow: Weak Punch, Medium Kick, High Punch

Storm: Weak Punch, Weak Kick, High Punch

Thor: Weak Kick, Medium Punch

Ton-Pooh: Weak Punch, High Punch

Unknown Soldier: Weak Punch

US Agent: High Punch, Medium Kick

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Comments for Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Euro 980123)

McKidds 12-09-17 - 10:01 PM
 Hey, Mega Man is NOT done yet.
KonoDioDa 10-23-17 - 08:51 PM
 This game doesn't work and it makes me sad.
Supermatt6534 09-22-17 - 06:04 PM
 It keeps lagging out.
someguy99 02-13-17 - 02:43 PM
 why is it every time I play any capcom game it tells me failed to download ROM someone plz help me
AwesomeTrinket 05-01-16 - 01:41 PM
 I find Mega Man to be the best character in a game. Just keep spamming the button that fires his arm cannon from a distance and you'll win.
evilcon09 02-06-16 - 09:32 PM
 i love vemom in this game he's just is my fave
fbgnhn 08-02-15 - 02:38 PM
 this game sucks
Will1 02-24-15 - 02:54 PM
 This is a very fun fighting game. Really like these type of games Marvel X-Men Capcom Street Fighter vs games
Totts 01-24-15 - 10:14 AM
Ferdinand 10-11-14 - 10:04 PM
 Seriously what more can you ask for? This game delivers everything it's supposed to and rises above.
mrhello 08-19-14 - 11:43 AM
 I noticed Sean in one of Ryu's intros :o
sonic3321 07-26-14 - 11:09 PM
mike56 06-10-14 - 03:39 AM
supersonicracin.. 02-05-14 - 07:02 AM
 This game is so hard but so fun. Yea it's one of those games -_-
tfm239 01-01-14 - 12:23 PM
 spider man and mega man... HECK YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
moruera 12-16-13 - 03:39 PM
narowsa 11-01-13 - 12:25 AM
 ^_^ super love this game
didi56 10-28-13 - 08:44 PM
 press esc
filmusic42 08-29-13 - 01:02 PM
 Does anybody know how to activate the help??
Sparkly 07-27-13 - 01:29 PM
 LOL i definitely get jaystarz's drift. I was getting too angry at the game. Kept losing on the 5th match and quit out of it so fast out of pure frustration
valencemilio 07-17-13 - 09:07 AM
 love this game played the arcade versoin in georgia
toxikskull258 07-14-13 - 09:10 AM
 Best beat em, up ever!
evilcon09 06-12-13 - 03:26 AM
 the tip on how to defest the last boss is simple some of his attacks require a super jump and make sure u have vemon on ur team cause his move known as vemon fang it goes pass the final boss
jaystarz 06-12-13 - 01:36 AM
 #1 rage quit game
jaystarz 06-12-13 - 01:31 AM
 That hadouken looks more like a kamehame-ha

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