Pokemon Vietnamese Crystal Review by: tgags123 - 10/10
The Funniest Video Game EverHello everyone! Time for another tgags123 review! This is probably the least serious review I will ever write. I am just going to write what is on my mind.
You are probably wondering why I rated this game a 10, even though the categories are rated low. That's because this isn't a serious game. It is the funniest game ever. This game is the same game as Pokemon Crystal - only hilariously mistranslated. It was first translated from English to Chinese by a person, not Nintendo or an official company. Then it was translated from Chinese to Vietnamese, also by a person, not a company. Finally, it was translated from Vietnamese back to English. Well, sort of. The translation is so bad it is almost impossible to find out what the characters are saying unless you have played Crystal. This game is filled with random phrases and words that don't make sense. Some of the more popular random phrases are "Volcano Bakemeat For Mother" and "(
Insert Pokemon name here) have a pillory!". The names of the items, attacks, Pokemon, and pretty much everything else are completely messed up. Potions are called Drugs, Pokeballs are called Hugeballs, etc. I will be posting screenshots of some of the funniest parts, so make sure to check them out.
Graphics and Sound:
The graphics and sound are the same as in Pokemon Crystal. The graphics are pixely, but not bad for a Game Boy Color game. When viewing your party, the Pokemon icons are the same for multiple Pokemon, depending on their body type. The sound is a little annoying, but filled with nostalgia. The music and sound effects are filled with beeps and high pitched sounds, just like any other Game Boy Color game.
The thing that makes this game addicting isn't how fun the game is or how much there is to do. The thing that does make this game addicting is how funny it is. You will want to keep playing not because you want to get to the end, but because you want to read all of the funny and random phrases and mistranslations. I love this game. It is probably the most unprofessional game ever. And that is why I love it.
Same as Crystal. Your rival steals a Pokemon, you defeat the gyms battle the Pokemon League, and save the world from the evil Team Rocket. Wow. I never thought I could describe the whole story of a Pokemon game in one sentence. The reason I'm not expanding on the story is because it really isn't relevant. No one is playing this game for the story. And if you've never played Crystal, you wouldn't be able to understand the story anyway.
Just like in Crystal, there is a lot to do. You need to visit every town and defeat the gym. After you beat the Johto gyms and Pokemon League, you can go to Kanto and challenge the gym there. There is a lot of challenges, and hilarious mistranslations, to explore.
This game is easy. It is the same as Crystal. All Pokemon games are easy, but again, with this game it is irrelevant. The only reason to play this game is because of the humor.
If you are looking for a serious game, do not play this. If you are looking for a funny game that will definitely make you laugh out loud, this is the perfect game to play. I really love this game. The reason it has such a low average user rating is because no one gets the point of it. It was supposed to be a serious game, but the reason most people usually play it is for the horrid mistranslation. It is a lot of fun. Check it out.
I hope my review was helpful. It was very fun to write, and I hope you had fun reading it too. There are some pretty funny let's play videos of this game on YouTube if you are interested.
CROC HAVE A PILLORY! tgags123 out!