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01-23-25 12:15 PM
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Online Game Details
Views: 13,096
Today: 1
Users: 145 unique
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Last Updated
Super Nintendo
JVC Musical Industries
Sculptured Software
UPC: 9119930352

Released: 10-01-93
Players: 1
Country Origin: US

Game Genre:
Game Perspective:
Genre Non-Sport:
Sci-Fi / Futuristic
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Licensed Title

Price Guide (USD):
Loose:  $12.59
Complete:  $26.00
New:  $46.34
Rarity:  4/10

External Websites:
Ebay Listings
Amazon: $13.40
PriceCharting Info

Play Super Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back (SNES) - Online Game | Super Nintendo

Play Super Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back online with Super Nintendo browser emulation for free! Super Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back (SNES) game is loaded with features in our flash, java and rgr plugin emulators. Nothing to configure, we've done it for you!

Super Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back

Super Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back Title ScreenSuper Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back Screenshot 1
Super Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back Box Art FrontSuper Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back Box Art BackSuper Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back Screenthot 2
Rating: 8.5
(57 votes)
Plays: 13,076
Filesize: 1,279kb

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Super Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back (Super Nintendo) Screenshots

X Super Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back
Super Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back
by LieselSolo (5/5)
Cut-Scene : My favorite Star Wars movie!
Super Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back
by Spidey243 (3/5)
Introduction : Programmed by sculpted software.Makes sense!
Super Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back
by LieselSolo (3/5)
Battle : GIANT Wampa . . . wait, IS that a Wampa?

Videos of Super Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back Gameplay

Joinable Netplay Multiplayer Sessions for Super Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back 

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Super Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back Reviews

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Super Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back Highscores

1. 10,650
TimeTrial: 00:00:00
09-23-14 01:09 PM
Super Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back -  - User Screenshot

Super Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back Cheat Codes

press X, Y, A, B, X, X. 7 Continues
press X, Y, B, B, B, X, A, Y, Y, B, A, X, Y. 99 Lives
press A, B, Y, X, A, B, Y, X, A, B, A, B, Y, X, X, Y, A, B, Y, X. During game on controller 2, press L+R. Debug Mode
press X, Y, A, B, X, X. Extra Credits
press X, B, B, Y, X, A, A, X. Force Powers
press A, A, B, B. High Scores
press A, X, B, X, X, A, Y. Infinite Thermal Bombs
Enter the Ultimate Power code. While playing in a side scrolling stage, using Controller 2, hold Select, A, B, X and Y. Invincibility
press A, X, B, A, Y, X, B, A, A, X, B, B, Y, X. Skip To Vader
press A, B, Y, X, A, B, Y, X, A, B, A, B, Y, X, X, Y, A, B, Y, X. Ultimate Power
press A, B, A, B, A, B, A, B. Watch the Credits

HMGPWJ 3D Snowspeeder Section
NGMSJB Carbonite Chamber
RLMSWJ Chewbacca vs. Boba Fett
GLTTDJ Dagobah (Part 1)
GJBHNF Dagobah (Part 2)
WDWDWB First Ice Cave
MCDGRJ Han Solo at Bespin
WLJWDN Han Solo at Hoth Base (Part 1)
WBWHRW Han Solo at Hoth Base (Part 2)
BHRDHL Hoth Rebel Base
SWPMSS Luke vs. Darth Vader
NCCGSP Millennium Falcon
NSRSCL Second Cave
LDGLTJ Side-Scrolling Snowspeeder Section
WFBJTB Snowstorm
PGPNMG Ugnaught Factory
MBRCGB X-Wing at Cloud City

Super Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back Threads

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Super Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back Guides and Walkthroughs

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Comments for Super Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back

Stoplate77 03-21-15 - 01:34 AM
 Had the SNES Trilogy when I was a kid and this was the only one I could beat.
SithLordFan22 06-01-13 - 09:44 PM
 this game is hard...
Robertoman 05-26-13 - 06:53 PM
 The force is strong with this one
terminusv2 11-12-12 - 03:29 PM
 After doing the 99 lives code in the main menu it says "impressive". Then you start the game with 3 lives. What gives?
terminusv2 11-12-12 - 03:16 PM
 how do you get the passwords to work? There is NO "A" in passwords section.
mahdiaugur 05-13-12 - 03:01 PM
KingdomFigther 05-06-12 - 07:47 PM
 i love this game :D
argoes98 04-27-12 - 06:46 PM
 the boss god
stevo3103 04-26-12 - 09:09 AM
godzillaguy2000 04-01-12 - 06:06 PM
 penis lol
johnmokeli 03-11-12 - 01:43 AM
 this game takes me back in my old school days
Meep 03-09-12 - 12:44 PM
 not working
tr20ck 01-17-12 - 10:00 PM
 favorite game since i was a kid
sandyaj 01-06-12 - 03:15 PM
 i never really liked that tauntaun anyway Xp
randomguy909 12-09-11 - 02:58 AM
 it crashed right when i was in the falcon -__-
nesrules8 11-01-11 - 10:43 AM
VgLan 09-02-11 - 01:24 PM
 Go othello!
hjalgo 08-01-11 - 12:57 AM
zadarara 05-21-11 - 09:11 AM
 this game is almost impossible
Bizzgeburt 03-17-11 - 05:45 PM
 this game is the bomb
super-zelda-bro.. 02-12-11 - 11:41 AM
 Do.. or do not... There is no try - Master Yoda - Empire Strikes Back
zappyo29 02-04-11 - 05:58 PM
 cant wait 2 play
Khfan_D98 11-17-10 - 04:56 PM
 Hi, are you new?
sonicfan3388 08-05-10 - 06:29 PM
 always die on 2nd level where u r on a tantan
wampa4me 05-15-10 - 04:02 PM

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