ramziel 01-03-14 - 11:13 PM Yeah NYSTEVE... there are about 9 pages of Turbografx CD games. This site is the greatest thing that has happened for online gaming since the debut of Diablo.
nysteve 12-13-13 - 08:51 PM are there any other turbografx cd or turbo duo super cd games on here anyone know?
Spicy 11-17-13 - 02:27 AM why why is it so HAAAARD
guy666 10-28-13 - 09:26 PM I really loved the whole 16 bit cd thing sega and nec had going on in the early 90's such underrated systems for their time
guy666 10-28-13 - 09:24 PM I have wanted to play this since I was a teenager but never owned a pc engine (Turbo graphics) 16 CD system I can say this game is a weird castelvania title story wise but solid gameplay and old school environments 8/10
uberkoopa 09-26-13 - 03:33 PM This game is way different than the super nintendo version, from the cutscenes, down to the levels.
tRIUNE 09-26-13 - 03:24 PM 1506 Viz to Play
golgo 14 09-26-13 - 01:50 PM Awesome! The greatest Castlevania is available ...but I can't buy it (even with 1200 vizz). How much is this epic title??
SonicPlayer99 09-24-13 - 07:47 PM how much viz do i need?
ecg1978 09-21-13 - 09:01 PM How is it better than the snes port? Better Music, better graphics, tighter controls and yes, cutscenes!!!! Very good game!!!
kanoakamori 09-21-13 - 02:11 PM How does this game differ from the SNES port besides cutscenes?
SuperToads 09-21-13 - 11:18 AM PLAY IT!!! PLAAAAYYYYYY IIIIIIIIT!! Best use of this much Viz there is! DO IT, DO IT NOOWWWW!!! GET TO THE CASTLE!!