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02-17-25 07:41 AM
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Game Details
Views: 2,603
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Super Nintendo
Video System Co.
Video System Co.
UPC: 724817930021

Released: 10-31-94
Players: 1-2
Country Origin: US

Game Genre:
Game Perspective:
Genre Sport:
Arcade, Flight, ShooterArcade, Flight, Shooter
Genre Non-Sport:
Arcade, Flight, ShooterArcade, Flight, Shooter
Game Misc:
Coin-Op ConversionCoin-Op Conversion

Price Guide (USD):
Loose:  $420.78
Complete:  $1.00
New:  $51.00
Rarity:  7/10

External Websites:
Ebay Listings
Amazon Listings
PriceCharting Info

Aero Fighters (SNES) - Super Nintendo

Aero Fighters is an Action game developed by Video System Co., Ltd. and published by Video System Co., Ltd. in 1994 for the Super Nintendo.

Aero Fighters

Aero Fighters Title ScreenAero Fighters Screenshot 1
Aero Fighters Box Art FrontAero Fighters Screenthot 2
Rating: 8.5 (32 votes)

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Aero Fighters (Super Nintendo) Screenshots

X Aero Fighters
Aero Fighters
by Ultimatone (3/5)
Character Select : F-18 American Player Select
Aero Fighters
by Ultimatone (3/5)
Character Select : FSX Japan Player Select
Aero Fighters
by Ultimatone (3/5)
Character Select : AJ-37 Sweden Player Select
Aero Fighters
by Ultimatone (3/5)
Character Select : AV-8 Britain Player Select
Aero Fighters
by Ultimatone (3/5)
Introduction : Introduction showing characters slides
Aero Fighters
by Ultimatone (3/5)
Introduction : Introduciton showing jet taking off
Aero Fighters
by Ultimatone (3/5)
Introduction : Introduction showing jet in flight
Aero Fighters
by Ultimatone (3/5)
Introduction : Intoduction showing jet in combat
Aero Fighters
by jojo3585 (3.5/5)
Aero Fighters
by Ultimatone (5/5)
Level Level 1: Collect Bombs to use as Special Attack
Aero Fighters
by Ultimatone (5/5)
Level Level 1: Collect the Powerups to Upgrade your Weapons
Aero Fighters
by Ultimatone (5/5)
Level Level 1: Stage 2 Boss Level 1
Aero Fighters
by Ultimatone (3/5)
Level Level 1: Showing First Level F-18 Player
Aero Fighters
by Ultimatone (3/5)
Menus Options: Adjustable Level, Continues and Counts

Videos of Aero Fighters Gameplay

There are no submitted videos for this Game

Aero Fighters Featured Review

Aero Fighters Review by: AdMan - 8.8/10

Awesome shmup that pioneered a new style
Aero Fighters doesn't look much different from any of the other shmups at the time at first look. However, it has several features that really separate it from the previous prevailing style of shmups, what I call the Toaplan style. The Toaplan style began with Tiger Heli in 1985, got big with Twin Cobra/Fire Shark/Sky Shark around 1987, and was then epitomized by Seibu Kaihatsu's Raiden, in 1990.

These games all had defining features: a background that was larger than the screen and could scroll sideways; killer soundtracks that you can't get out of your head; difficult but unimpressive bosses, such as large tanks and airplanes; and for most, collectible medals that gave you a special bonus at the end of the level.

Now on to Aero Fighters. Aero Fighters broke from this style in several important ways, which I'll outline now.

There actually IS a story in Aero Fighters. It's silly and occasionally self-aware that it is silly. Each pilot has a separate story (yes there are separate pilots). This adds an element to the game that was never present in the formulaic Toaplan shooters. As stories go it's not much of a story, but hey, it's a scrolling shooter, and it's better than Zero Wing.

Pilot/plane selection:
This is also an innovation as far as I know. None of the earlier shooters allowed any choice in what aircraft you would fly, let alone each one actually having a distinct pilot. Aero Fighters has both, and it adds much-appreciated depth to a genre that had started to shamelessly copy itself by 1990.

Instead of the awesome melodic soundtracks of the past, Aero Fighters features non-linear, non-melodic soundtracks that have an atmospheric feel to them. Aero Fighters feels a little less like a video game and more like a streamlined experience because of this.

The bosses in Aero Fighters are huge, and many are ridiculous. Aside from the standard planes and tanks, there’s a giant crawling mech bug, a monkey in space, and a couple of others. They add to the sense that Aero Fighters is at once a more realistic shooter than any previous, and yet also a sillier and more fun one.

Instead of the cartoonish graphical style of the Toaplan games, Aero Fighters comes as close to realistic as the SNES can. It also ups the destructible environment factor by letting you annihilate skyscrapers in one level and aircraft bunkers in another.

Aero Fighters is fast-scrolling, busy, hectic. It’s a real precursor to the bullet hell style, especially since the fixed left and right viewing area affords no safe spots from bullets. 

Aero Fighters is an awesome shmup and a unique experience if you’re a fan of the Raiden/Twin Cobra style of shmup. By now they all feel more similar than they must have in the 90s, but this was holds up quite well compared to so many others. Give a try, but if you want a real cartridge look out – this game costs about $150 used because it’s one of the rarest in the SNES library.

  Graphics 9   Sound 9   Addictive 8   Depth 4   Story 6   Difficulty 7

Aero Fighters Game Description

A port of the arcade 2d vertical scrolling shooter known as Sonic Wings in Japan. There are four pilots from four countries such as the United States or Japan involved in a war. The four countries each have their own planes - F18, FSX, AJ-37, AV-8. Every plane has different primary and special weapons. The game features random level generation also.

Aero Fighters Reviews

Overall 8.5    Graphics 7.7    Sound 8.3    Addictive 7.3    Story 4.7    Depth 5.7    Difficulty 6

Awesome shmup that pioneered a new style   AdMan
Aero Fighters doesn't look much different from any of the other shmups at the time at first look. Ho...
  Graphics 9   Sound 9   Addictive 8   Story 6   Depth 4   Difficulty 7

      Review Rating: 4.3/5     Submitted: 09-15-12     Review Replies: 1

Aero Fighters Review   jojo3585
Aero Fighters a game that you can really enjoy at home. I like how it just goes right into the actio...
  Graphics 8   Sound 9   Addictive 8   Story 2   Depth 7   Difficulty 8

      Review Rating: 2.3/5     Submitted: 09-01-12     Review Replies: 0

Aero Fighters Highscores

1. 231,600
TimeTrial: 00:00:00
07-11-14 06:59 PM
Aero Fighters -  - User Screenshot
2. 208,700
TimeTrial: 00:00:00
10-29-13 11:40 PM
Aero Fighters -  - User Screenshot

Aero Fighters Cheat Codes

Player Select Screen Codes
At the player select screen, hold the R button then enter the code on Controller 2
Code Effect
A, Left, Y, Right, X, Down, B, Up Endurance Mode
Left, Down, Right, X, Y, A, B, Left, Down, Right, Down, X, Y, A, B Play as Rabio

Aero Fighters Threads


Aero Fighters Guides and Walkthroughs

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Users who own Aero Fighters

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Game Characters in Aero Fighters

Comments for Aero Fighters

Qchiman 08-24-12 - 02:42 PM
 frustrando gente desde 1993... frustrating people since 1993
rlv006 06-06-12 - 11:57 PM
 it works.
jackgotti 05-18-12 - 04:00 PM
FullmetalFan870 04-28-12 - 08:12 PM
 This is funner to play at the arcade
Ruslan69 04-15-12 - 09:13 AM
 nice one
TheMortician 03-09-12 - 10:36 PM
 how do you shoot and drop bombs!
scbwskydiver85 01-29-12 - 07:08 PM
koko9ace 01-13-12 - 04:33 PM
#1gort 12-22-11 - 08:47 AM
euriaa 07-28-11 - 05:09 AM
euriaa 07-28-11 - 05:09 AM
 can u see this?
zanali1 02-05-11 - 03:44 PM
 this is d bimb
ira190 01-02-11 - 07:25 AM
Totts 10-02-10 - 08:09 PM
 but really hard
Totts 10-02-10 - 08:07 PM
 da bomb
Totts 10-02-10 - 08:07 PM
 da momb
Totts 10-02-10 - 08:07 PM
 Da bomb diggy

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