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Controlling Feelings


06-07-12 09:48 PM
hackerman is Offline
| ID: 598331 | 257 Words

Level: 132

POSTS: 5121/5147
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LVL EXP: 26624285
CP: 1219.9
VIZ: 19433

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Lately I've been having trouble with expressing how I feel. It seems whenever I make a new friend and start to get a bond between him/her they leave.

Even when it's small friends that just come and go triggers old friends that I miss. But that's not my main point. I have trouble knowing what I should do with my feelings. I want to let it all out but I don't see what that will accomplish besides reminding me about it.

Sometimes when i'm happy I don't even know if I am. I want to be happy but I think i'm sad. I guess I don't know how to feel half the time. Or I do but I just have that emptiness inside.

I guess it seems i'm doing this for nothing but I honestly just need some advice. I don't know how to handle my emotions anymore at all. I guess I just need to let go of it. But that would probably do nothing to help.

I'm not even sure but I may be going through personal depression. Some of the symptoms would be this. I have experienced them all.

~you can’t sleep
~you can’t concentrate or find that previously easy tasks are now difficult
~you feel hopeless and helpless (at times)
~you are much more irritable, short-tempered, or aggressive than usual (I've been more angry at those around me like parents)

I don't know exactly what i'm going through but all I need right now is some advice. Thanks you for your time.
Lately I've been having trouble with expressing how I feel. It seems whenever I make a new friend and start to get a bond between him/her they leave.

Even when it's small friends that just come and go triggers old friends that I miss. But that's not my main point. I have trouble knowing what I should do with my feelings. I want to let it all out but I don't see what that will accomplish besides reminding me about it.

Sometimes when i'm happy I don't even know if I am. I want to be happy but I think i'm sad. I guess I don't know how to feel half the time. Or I do but I just have that emptiness inside.

I guess it seems i'm doing this for nothing but I honestly just need some advice. I don't know how to handle my emotions anymore at all. I guess I just need to let go of it. But that would probably do nothing to help.

I'm not even sure but I may be going through personal depression. Some of the symptoms would be this. I have experienced them all.

~you can’t sleep
~you can’t concentrate or find that previously easy tasks are now difficult
~you feel hopeless and helpless (at times)
~you are much more irritable, short-tempered, or aggressive than usual (I've been more angry at those around me like parents)

I don't know exactly what i'm going through but all I need right now is some advice. Thanks you for your time.
Vizzed Elite
2nd Place In The June 2011 VCS 7th Place In the July 2011 VCS

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 11-02-10
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06-07-12 10:19 PM
catfight09 is Offline
| ID: 598346 | 21 Words

Level: 94

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CP: 397.0
VIZ: 44956

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Hm... my first tip of advice depends on your answer. Is it the bond between "friends" that upsets you the most?
Hm... my first tip of advice depends on your answer. Is it the bond between "friends" that upsets you the most?
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Final Fantasy XIII player

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 03-14-10
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06-07-12 10:27 PM
hackerman is Offline
| ID: 598349 | 39 Words

Level: 132

POSTS: 5122/5147
POST EXP: 140083
LVL EXP: 26624285
CP: 1219.9
VIZ: 19433

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catfight09 : I guess, I think that that's where my sadness might have started.

But I can't say for sure that it might be the main reason. If I can maybe learn to let that go it might go away.
catfight09 : I guess, I think that that's where my sadness might have started.

But I can't say for sure that it might be the main reason. If I can maybe learn to let that go it might go away.
Vizzed Elite
2nd Place In The June 2011 VCS 7th Place In the July 2011 VCS

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 11-02-10
Last Post: 4547 days
Last Active: 2877 days

06-07-12 10:40 PM
catfight09 is Offline
| ID: 598361 | 25 Words

Level: 94

POSTS: 1873/2328
POST EXP: 74403
LVL EXP: 8277987
CP: 397.0
VIZ: 44956

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Well, can you give examples  about the moving away friends that you made? You could PM me if you don't want to say it openly.
Well, can you give examples  about the moving away friends that you made? You could PM me if you don't want to say it openly.
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Final Fantasy XIII player

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 03-14-10
Last Post: 3519 days
Last Active: 2221 days


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