jl11181's Last 10 Game Comments (view last 100) |
WCW-nWo Revenge
pay no attention to my comment this game is working fine i figured it out i cleaned out my history in my browser and it worked again
Thunder & Lightning
look the reason i did that is because someone else tried that on me but it didn't work rcarter i,m sorry i did that to you.in the end it didn't work for me either.
WCW vs. nWo - World Tour
clean out your browser history
WCW-nWo Revenge
this game is not working for me not after you win the first match it goes white and makes the same sound over and over like a record player i better report this
T&C Thrilla's Surfari
you have a big mouth king just keep talking it will get you in trouble
T&C Thrilla's Surfari
yeah i don,t think anybody will max this score out.i don,t think that its fair to pick a game that you can score grind in because its not fair to other players because once you max out the scores you would be first as long as you have an account on vizzed.
Dirt Trax FX
don,t waste time on this crap the screen goes black right after you pick your rider somebody fix this game
Tetris (tengen)
you are so right king but i never turn away from a challenge
Star Soldier
second but who cares
Snake Rattle n Roll
i,m done with this one congrats to all
jl11181's Game History |
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