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Registration: 07-30-13 07:35 AM (4213 days ago)
Last Activity: 06-19-17 03:58 PM

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Last Post: 10-27-15 04:20 PM
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MechaMento's Last 10 Game Comments (view last 100)
Mario 16 Maybe I did
Link: The Faces of Evil 10/10 worth the beta ticket
Samurai Shodown Not bad, not bad...
Princess Maker - Legend of Another World Actual nevermind, I could only do french or spanish.... No japanese
Princess Maker - Legend of Another World I'm regretting not giving a poop about languages
Pokemon Trading Card Game Though I haven't played much of it. It isn't really replayable and there are 100s of better games on vizzed and steam.
Pokemon Trading Card Game It is a bit silly to play a card game virtually but this game isn't too bad.
Pokemon Yellow I certainly don't though. All of that lavender town stuff is bull.
Pokemon Orchid How is a game funny because it is good?
Pokemon Shiny Gold @rmc45 You may have to hold down the function key to use the function buttons. It should look like fn on your key board and it is usually blue

MechaMento's Last 5 Game Reviews (view last 25)
Borderlands 2
07-02-14 02:54 PM
Over Rated but Worth a Play...
Man it's been a while since I've done a review, I sure hope I'm up to scratch you guys enjoy something decent. Well here it goes...

Borderlands 2:
"Over Rated but Worth a Play"

Borderlands 2, or BL2 for short, was released late 2012 on steam. I first played this game at a friends house on his Xbox 360 and was impressed by the concept. It was the first stat based RPG in the FPS perspective I had seen, (of course there was Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim but that isn't really a shooter and the way BL2 is presented is completely different). To me this sounded great. RPGs are known to have rich and interesting storylines and to mix that with the action of an FPS would be great. Instead of waiting your turn to move you could just shoot the crap out of things and the diversity of guns my friend showed me just made me really crave to get a copy of this. 
It actually wasn't until last winter I got this game for steam, which brings me to writing this review.


The overall presentation of Borderlands 2 is kept to the same/similar formula to the first game. Everything has a bold black outline giving it a cartoony feel to it. It isn't so unreal you cant get immersed into the game but it gives the game a unique charm to it. While I say it's unique CastleVania Lords of Shadow: Mirror of Fate used a similar art formula in some of the cut scenes, but what do you expect that series has nicked so much from other franchises.

The graphics are not the most demanding, no the most breathtaking of the time but even if it's not as complex it still has atmosphere and feeling to the player. I would prefer to have a game do something like this rather than a game looking amazing and realistic, or at the other extreme, too unrealistic that you can really feel the game. The balance between real world and video game world is displayed almost perfectly. The only thing lacking is a variety of textures, but I'll get onto variety more... Read the rest of this Review
Halo 4
02-26-14 02:23 PM
Halo 4 Review
Halo 4 - Xbox 360

343 Industries were given the privilege to continue Bungie's hit series Halo right from where they left off of. The hype and expectations for the next edition to the saga were extremely high so there was little room for error.
And little error there was...

The game opens with an extremely well crafted cut scene. It felt like I was watching a film and at some scenes it was hard to tell whether the characters were programed or living actors. Unlike games like Sonic 06 the rest of the game looks great too. We are not just greeted by something beautiful, the visuals last and last in true cinematic fashion.

Along with the graphics the environment and world design is artistic.There is a sense of atmosphere you get while playing Halo 4. There is just the right balance between futuristic areas and natural which makes you remember that Halo takes place in the future of this universe and not in some completely new and unrecognizable universe, since there is so much relatable to Earth and our knowledge on other planets.

The visuals and world design are complemented by the audio. From the Dramatic theme to the weapon sound effects this game sounds great. Great isn't one of my best words to describe something either. While Halo 4's audio is up there with some of my other top sounding games, it certainly can match with some of the Masterpieces like Half-Life 2, Legend of Zelda: Majora's mask and even Halo Combat Evolved for the original Xbox and PC. This is only a small fraction of the reason why I didn't give it a 10 out of 10.

Most people complain that the gameplay in the Halo series is very repetitive and get generic as the series progresses. Having played through almost all of the Halo series I haven't really felt that there is any major repetivity. The concept has been the same throughout the series and there haven't been any minor evolutions in Gameplay but the game still feel fresh.... Read the rest of this Review
Castlevania II - Simon\'s Quest
02-03-14 03:28 PM
Creative yet Tedious
CastleVania II: Simon's Quest

It only takes about 1 minute of gameplay for the player to realize that Simon's Quest was so much different to the original CastleVania game. Konami were one of the companies that took a risk and tried something new. Their history of games were made up with a large number of side scrolling action video games and by that time it was predictable what they were going to do next. The market was fooled, just like they were when they thought they could breeze through their other games.

Before I get started I would first like to say that in general CastleVania: Simon's Quest isn't a good game. However it isn't a bad game either. The problem is, people are enthesizing the bad points of the game. A well known example is the Angry Video Game Nerd. The list of toilet humor insults and swears targeted at this game was so overwhelming people are taking his word for it. What he and many other people are forgetting is what is actually good about this game...

Graphics - 9 / 10

The original CastleVania for the NES already had a decent amount of detail and effort put into the visuals. It wasn't the peak of the NES but it was reasonably high up their. Konami were clever enough not to just settle their. Other companies producing for the NES and SEGA Master system were really beginning to understand the capabilities of 8-bit a lot better than they were earlier on in both console's life span.

Konami caught up with a lot with the pack by making a lot of enhancements to the original sprites and tiles. The biggest thing you will notice is simons sprite. In the first CastleVania simon was a orange man. Pretty much the only colors simon was were orange and white.
With Simon's Quest we witness the slightly wider use of the color pallet. They cleverly used the white to create lighting effects on Simon's shoulder pads and knee pads. And now the sprite consists with an extra obvious color.

Many othe... Read the rest of this Review
02-02-14 12:42 PM
DOOM Just got Scary!
DOOM - Playstation X

I really can not keep count of how many ports DOOM got but the FPS phenomenon was so over praised every console wanted a part.
My last review was on DOOM for the SEGA 32x and during that I talked about the SNES port and how it was better even with the 16-bit disadvantage. This leaves us with a few ports left. 
We have the Atari Jaguar and Xbox Live Arcade ports which are essentially just enhanced rips from the original PC which leaves us with The PSX and Sega Saturn ports of DOOM. 
Both ports were very a like to each other but there was something just a little darker in the PSX version...


You would expect the two ports to have enhanced the original PC engine. The graphics are far better yet it still keeps all of the textures in that same DOOM style. While it may be a little disappointing that id didn't show off the capabilities that the PSX could handle like Insomniac Games did with Spyro the Dragon, the game's nostalgia feel is far more important when porting a classic. 

As I mentioned there was something darker about this port to the Saturn. What id experimented with was the lighting. In DOOM PSX, the is little sunshine and the shade is overwhelming. This reminds me of the Left 4 Dead series where one time you'll be outside and it is all bright but then when you go into a dark room all of a sudden you are facing shadows of inertia. That made Left 4 Dead scary and along with other elements it made DOOM PSX scary too!


id took a bold move by not using the original soundtrack in the PSX and Sega Saturn ports of this game. If I were a game designer I would not take a huge risk like this when porting or remaking a classic. id bravery brought yet again another fear aspect into DOOM and somehow I am thinking it worked better that way.

I have mentioned many times that the Original DOOM soundtrack was one of the best video game composition... Read the rest of this Review
01-19-14 02:29 PM
Don't be fooled by the Pretty face!
Doom - 32x

We all should remember Doom. That PC game that everyone was getting hyped about over a year before release. When it hit the market that tiny little spark that made most games what they are today set the FPS genre on fire. 
People were wasting their lives sat in front of a monitor shooting the crap out of Zombies and Various other horrific enemies knee deep in the dead. 
While this game did cause a few controversies since it was so colorful it still made money and a ton of it, so much that other companies want to share the fame with some ports. You had the SNES which was 16-bit, the Atari Jaguar which was 64-bit but it only looked little over 32-bit and the Sega 32x which I am reviewing.
So did this game kick just as much ass as the original? Not really here is why...


I like to start on a positive, an well it almost seems like a tradition that I review the graphics first. 
The 32x port did an amazing job at the visuals. I was comparable to the original PC version which ran at almost the same rate and it was not far of the 64-bit, well 52.5-bit, Atari Jaguar. I think they focused too much on this though since parts of the game were missing.
About half of the game was gone, which is embarrassing since the SNES port only managed to lose one episode of the complete game. There were also a few key features missing as well. Some of the secrets were missing and even the pillars on the first level are gone meaning the room where you get the armor for the first time is almost empty.

You could just say that it is overwhelmed by the nice visuals but I would rather you didn't. You see this is just another example that it isn't about the graphics. Since Sega were still fighting in the bit wars I think they forgot what the point of doom was. Doom was meant to have good gameplay, the graphics didn't matter at all. Even the developer said "We focused on the gameplay rather than making it ... Read the rest of this Review

MechaMento's Last Game Guides
09-21-13 10:08 AM
Doom Walkthrough - Episode 1 Level 1
Doom (Snes) Walkthrough - Episode 1 Level 1

Starting the Game (choosing the right options)

After you boot up the game, press start and select your difficulty. I suggest selecting Ultra Violent or Nightmare since you can access all 3 episodes. After that you get a choice of episode, select the first one "Knee-Deep in the Dead" since this walkthrough I will be covering that episode.

Level 1 Episode 1

The first thing you want to do is get some armour as you may notice your character has none ( 0% ). If you go on from spawn and take a left turn into a room you will encounter 3 Zombie guards holding shot guns (unless you are in a difficulty lower than Ultra Violent in which case it will be empty), defeat them (I suggest taking their shot guns) and go up the stairs in the center of the room. As you can see at the top of the stairs lies a green chest plate, which when walked over will take you armor to 100%.


Exit the room and take a left from where you were facing. This will take you through a corridor which will end with a door. Open it defeat all of the zombies and take a right turn towards the next room. When entering I suggest exterminating the monsters that fire out fire balls, the monsters are very annoying and deal a lot of damage. Once the area is clear of enemies follow the bridge across avoiding the acid waste. Before entering the next room, not far from the door leading there holds a secret path way. To find this, face the door take a few steps back and turn right. Then press the button which opens doors and the secret will be revealed.


Follow the secret path to find another door, open it and you should find yourself in a desert looking environment. In the middle of the lake of acid waste lies a blue chest plate. Unlike the green chest plate, the blue one will put your armo... Read the rest of this Guide

MechaMento's Last Game screenshots (89 total)

Character Profile:

Spyro the Dragon

Super Mario World
Character Profile: Bowser Family

Pocket Monsters - Green Version
Location: Viridian City

Super Mario World Enhanced
Level: Yoshi\'s Island 4

Thunderbolt II

Pokemon Bronze
Location: Pallet Town

Pokemon Bronze

Pokemon Yellow

Shoot the rapids
Misc: Question

Shoot the rapids

Mario\'s Tennis
Character Profile: Yoshi

Pokemon Yellow
World Map:

Pokemon Yellow
Menus: Title

Pokemon Yellow

Pokemon Yellow
Location: Lavender Town

Pokemon Yellow

3-D Tetris
Menus: Title Screen

3-D Tetris
Menus: Game Select

3-D Tetris
Level: 1

Virtual League Baseball
Menus: Game Select

Virtual League Baseball

Virtual Fishing

MechaMento's Last 7 Game Videos (9 total) (view last 250)

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Game Boy Advance Games MechaMento owns (34)

Super Nintendo Games MechaMento owns (48)

Nintendo 64 Games MechaMento owns (11)

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Game Boy Color Games MechaMento owns (10)

Arcade Games MechaMento owns (10)

Sega Genesis Games MechaMento owns (27)

Commodore 64 Games MechaMento owns (4)

Atari 2600 Games MechaMento owns (10)

Sega Master System Games MechaMento owns (3)

Sega Game Gear Games MechaMento owns (2)

Sega CD Games MechaMento owns (2)

Sega 32X Games MechaMento owns (1)

Sega Saturn Games MechaMento owns (1)

Famicom Disk System Games MechaMento owns (2)

CD-i Games MechaMento owns (1)

Intellivision Games MechaMento owns (1)

Neo Geo Pocket Color Games MechaMento owns (1)

MSX 2 Games MechaMento owns (1)

ColecoVision Games MechaMento owns (1)

Atari Lynx Games MechaMento owns (2)

Virtual Boy Games MechaMento owns (7)

Pokemon Mini Games MechaMento owns (1)

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