no 8120's Last 10 Game Comments (view last 100) |
Final Fantasy VI Advance
thank you for the screenshot rating
Hang-On II
not according to what I read on wikepedia they just say it was a game console made in 1983 by saga but was only available in japan,newzealand australia and a few other regions before being discontinued in 1984
I own a copy of both the nes and n64 versions of this game to me the n64 version is the best one
Chainz 2: Relinked
@Linda Kmiecik unfortunately steam games cannot be played on viz because there is no emulator that can be used to play them on
Interactive CD Sampler Demo Pack Vol. 07
this demo disk consists of 15 games on which 4 are demos and the rest can be played there is also an advertisement for a game magazine
Digimon Digital Card Battle
@jeropka playstation games can only be played if you own the playstation player which can be purchased from the viz market for 10,000 viz points
Felix the Cat
@Dr.Dray I just tried this game after reading your comment and noticed all the emulators were listed it seems to work well with the fceux one
8 BIT XMAS 2011
this game is like a christmas version of warlords where the dpad they tell you to use is actually the arrow keys
Tomcat Alley
game appears to be stuck past the introduction
J. League Jikkyou Winning Eleven 2000 2nd
good game but hard to understand since it,s not in english
no 8120's Game History |
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